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self wholly to God and his work? Do you know the rules of society? Do you keep them? Do you constantly attend the sacrament? Have you read the form of Discipline? Are you willing to conform to it? Have you considered the rules of a Preacher, (see 2,) especially the first, tenth, and twelfth ?

Will you keep them for conscience' sake? Are you determined to employ all your time in the work of God? Will you endeavor not to speak too long or too loud? Will you diligently instruct the children in every place? Will you visit from house to house? Will you recommend fasting, or abstinence, both by precept and example? Are you in debt?

Then if he give us satisfaction, after he has been employed two successive years in the regular itinerant work on circuits, in stations, or in our institutions of learning, which is to commence from his being received on trial at the Annual Conference, and being approved by the Annual Conference, and examined by the President of the Conference, he may be received into full connection.

N. B. A Missionary employed on a Foreign Mission may be admitted into full connection, if recommended by the Superin

tendent of the Mission where he labors, without being present at the Annual Conference for examination.


The Reception of Preachers from the Wesleyan Connection, and from other Denominations.

Quest. 1. In what manner shall we receive those ministers who may come to us from the Wesleyan connection in Europe or Canada?

Answ. If they come to us properly accredited from either the British, Irish, or Canada Conference, they may be received according to such credentials, provided they give satisfaction to an Annual Conference of their willingness to conform to our Church government and usages.

Quest. 2. How shall we receive those ministers who may offer to unite with us from other Christian Churches?

Answ. Those ministers of other evangelical Churches, who may desire to unite with our Church, whether as local or itinerant, may be received according to our usages, on condition of their taking upon them our ordination vows, without the re

imposition of hands, giving satisfaction to an Annual Conference of their being in orders, and of their agreement with us in doctrine, discipline, government, and usages; provided the Conference is also satisfied with their gifts, grace, and usefulness. Whenever any such minister is received, he shall be furnished with a certificate, signed by one of our Bishops, in the following words, namely:

This is to certify, that been admitted into

has Conference as

a Traveling Preacher, [or has been admitted as a Local Preacher on


he having been ordained to the office of Deacon, [or an Elder, as the case may be,] according to the usages of the

Church, of which he has been a member and minister; and he is hereby authorized to exercise the functions pertaining to his office in the Methodist Episcopal Church, so long as his life and conversation are such as become the Gospel of Christ.

Given under my hand and seal, at

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in the year of our

Quest. 3. How shall we receive Preach

ers of other denominations who are not in orders?

Answ. They may be received as licentiates, provided they give satisfaction to a Quarterly or an Annual Conference that they are suitable persons to exercise the office, and of their agreement with the doctrines, discipline, government, and usages of our Church.


The Duties of those who have the Charge of Circuits or Stations.

Quest. 1. What are the duties of the Elder, Deacon, or Preacher who has the special charge of a circuit?

Answ. 1. To see that the other Preachers in his circuit behave well, and want nothing.

2. To renew the tickets for the admission of members into love-feast quarterly.

3. To meet the Stewards and Leaders as often as possible. To hear reports from leaders of any that are sick, or any that walk disorderly and will not be reproved, or of any that willfully neglect the means of grace.

The Leaders' Meeting may recommend proper persons for admission into full connection; to recommend proper persons for

license to exhort, or for license to preach; also to hear reports from the Stewards.

4. To appoint all the Leaders, to change them when he sees it necessary, and to examine each of them, with all possible exactness, at least once a quarter, concerning his method of meeting a class.

5. To receive, try, and expel members, according to the form of Discipline.

6. To hold watch-nights and love-feasts. 7. To hold quarterly meetings in the absence of the Presiding Elder.

8. To take care that every society be duly supplied with books.

9. To take an exact account of all the matters specified in part ii, chap. i, § 3, and report them to the Annual Conference, that their number may be printed in the Minutes. 10. To give an account of his circuit every quarter to his Presiding Elder.

11. To report at each quarterly meeting the names of those who have been received into the Church or excluded therefrom during the quarter; also the names of those who have been received or dismissed by certificate, and of those who have died or have withdrawn from our Church.

12. To examine the accounts of all the Stewards.

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