ePub 版

Amount collected for the Sunday

School Union?

Number of Sunday-schools?

Number of officers and teachers?

Number of scholars?

Number of volumes in library? 13. What amounts are necessary for the Superannuated Preachers, and the widows and orphans of Preachers, and to make up the deficiencies of those who have not obtained their regular allowance on the circuits?

14. What has been collected on the foregoing accounts, and how has it been applied? 15. Where are the Preachers stationed this year?

16. Where and when shall our next Conference be held?

Quest. 6. Is there any other business to be done in the Annual Conferences?

Answ. 1. The electing and ordaining of Deacons and Elders.

2. It shall be the duty of each Annual Conference to examine strictly into the state of the domestic missions within its bounds, and to allow none to remain on the list of its missions which, in the judgment of the Conference, is able to support itself.

Quest. 7. Are there any other directions

to be given concerning the Annual Conferences?

Answ. 1. There shall be fifty-one Conferences in the year?

2. A record of the proceedings of each Annual Conference shall be kept by a Secretary, chosen for the purpose, and shall be signed by the President and Secretary; and let a copy of said record be sent to the General Conference.*

3. Every Annual Conference has full liberty to adopt and recommend such plans and rules as to them may appear necessary the more effectually to raise supplies for the respective allowances. Each Annual Conference is authorized to raise a fund, if they judge it proper, subject to its own control, and under such regulations as their wisdom may direct, for the relief of the distressed traveling and superannuated preachers, their wives, widows, and children; and it shall be the duty of each Annual Conference to take measures from year to year to raise money in every circuit and station within its bounds for those purposes.

4. Each Annnal Conference shall report through its Secretary to the Sunday-School • For duties of Secretary see Appendix A.

Union the number of schools within its bounds, together with other facts named in the form published by the Union, and contained in the annual reports of preachers, as directed in part ii, chapter ii, section 12. [N. B. For duty of an Annual Conference to Estimate for Bishop, etc., see p. 96.]


The Quarterly Conferences.

Quest. 1. Of whom shall the Quarterly Conferences be composed?

Answ. Of all the Traveling and Local Preachers, exhorters, stewards, and classleaders of the circuit or station, and the first male superintendents of our SundaySchools, being members of our Church, and approved by the Quarterly Conference, and none else. The Missionary Committee shall have a right to a seat during the action of the Conference on the subject of Missions, but at no other time.

Quest. 2. Who shall preside in the Quarterly Conferences?

Answ. The Presiding Elder, and in his absence the Preacher in charge.

Quest. 3. How shall the minutes of the Quarterly Conference be kept?

Answ. The Quarterly Conference shall appoint a Secretary to take down the proceedings thereof, in a book kept by one of the stewards of the circuit for that purpose.

Quest. 4. What shall be the regular business of the Quarterly Conference?

Answ. 1. To hear complaints, and to receive and try appeals.

2. To take cognizance of all the Local Preachers in the circuit or station, and to inquire into the gifts, labors, and usefulness of each Preacher by name; to license proper persons to preach, and renew their license annually, when, in the judgment of said Conference, their gifts, grace, and usefulness will warrant such renewal; to recommend to the Annual Conference suitable candidates in the local connection for Deacons' or Elders' orders, and for admission on trial in the traveling connection; and to try, suspend, expel, or acquit any Local Preacher in the circuit or station against whom charges may be brought. Provided, that no person shall be licensed to preach without the recommendation of the society of which he is a member, or of a Leaders' Meeting; nor shall any one be licensed to preach, or recommended to

the Annual Conference to travel, or for ordination, without first being examined in the Quarterly Conference on the subject of doctrines and discipline.

3. To appoint Stewards, the Preacher in charge having a right to nominate; and to examine the characters of exhorters annually, and recommend them, if approved, for renewal of license.

4. To appoint District Stewards as provided for in part ii, ch. ix, § 1, and a ParConage Committee, if necessary.*

5. To appoint a Missionary Committee, as provided for in part iv, § 2, item 4.

6. To receive the annual reports of Trustees, as provided for in part v, ch. 1, § 4, item 6.

7. Each Quarterly Conference shall have supervision of all the Sunday-schools and Sunday-school Societies within its bounds, which schools and societies shall be auxiliary to the Sunday-School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

8. It shall be the duty of the Quarterly Conference of each Circuit and Station, at the session immediately preceding the Annual Conference, to appoint an Estimating Committee, consisting of three or more *See part v, ch. i, § 2.

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