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dauphin of France, the splendid tournament held in priest's orders, and already had some reputation by the youthful Louis, in turn afforded subjects for as a preacher, when he accompanied M. de Cauthe display of his elegant Latinity. Fléchier had martin to Clermont. It was in 1665, and Louis the true instinct of the courtier, exempt from fawn- XIV. had convoked the exceptional court occasioning sycophancy, and tempered by the dignity of ally held in the distant provinces of France, and his sacred profession. And when he condescended known as the Grands-Jours. "This word," says to flatter, it was with delicacy and adroitness. Am- M. Gonod, in his introduction to Fléchier's volume, bitious of the patronage of the Duke of Montausier," which excited, scarcely two centuries ago, such he knew how to obtain it by a judicious indepen- great expectations, so many hopes and fears, is aldence of tone and deportment, more pleasing to most unknown at the present day; and one meets that nobleman than the most insinuating flattery. with many persons, otherwise well informed, who A constant guest in the Salon Rambouillet, he inquire what the Grands-Jours were?' They were made good his place amongst the wits frquenting extraordinary assizes, held by judges chosen and it, and when its presiding genius expired, it fell to deputed by the king. These judges, selected from him to speak its funeral oration. This was the the parliament, were sent with very extensive commencement of his fame. From the hour of powers, to decide all criminal and civil cases that that brilliant harangue, his progress was rapid to might be brought before them, and their decisions the pinnacle of royal favor and priestly dignity. were without appeal. They inherited the duties Unanimously elected member of the academy, he of those commissioners, called missi dominici, whom became almoner to the dauphiness, and was long our kings of the first and second dynasties sent into the favorite court preacher, petted by the king and the provinces to take information of the conduct of by Madame de Maintenon. His nomination as dukes and counts, and to reform the abuses that bishop was delayed longer than the high favor he crept into the administration of justice and of the enjoyed seemed to justify. At last, in 1685, he finances. The rare occurrence of these assizes, received his appointment to the see of Lavaur. and the pomp of the judges, contributed to render The words with which Louis XIV. accompanied them imposing and solemn, and obtained for them it, were characteristic of the selfish and smooth-from the people the name of Grands-Jours. They spoken sovereign. "Be not surprised at my tardiness in rewarding your great merits; I could not sooner resolve to resign the pleasure of hearing you." His promotion to the bishopric of Nismes followed two years later, and there he founded the academy, and abode in the constant practice of all Christian virtues, until his death, which occurred in 1710, five years sooner than that of his royal patron and admirer. This provincial residence could hardly have been a matter of inclination to one who had so long basked in the warm sunshine of court favor. But the self-imposed duty was well and cheerfully performed. And we find the mild and unambitious churchman deprecating the benefits showered on him by the king. "It is a great proof of your goodness," he wrote to Louis, when appointed to the rich and important see of Nismes," that you leave me nothing to ask but a diminution of your favors." Strict in his own religious tenets, he was tolerant of those of others, and more than once, during the cruel persecutions of the Huguenots, his sacerdotal mantle was extended to shield the unhappy fanatics from the raging sabres of their pitiless foes. He died," says St. Simon, "distinguished for his learning, his works, his morals, and for a truly episcopal life. Although very old, he was much regretted and mourned throughout all Languedoc."

were held but seven times in Auvergne," (the dates follow, commencing 1454 ;)" and of those seven sittings, the most remarkable for duration, for the number and importance of the trials, for the quality of the persons figuring in them, and for their result, are, without the slightest question, those of 1665-6. They lasted more than four months, from the 26th September to the 30th January. More than twelve thousand complaints were brought before them, and a multitude of cases, both civil and criminal, were decided. And amongst the latter, whom do we see upon the bench of the accused? The most considerable persons, by birth, rank, and fortune, of Auvergne and the circumjacent provinces, judges, and even priests!" Here we find the true reason why Fléchier's interesting memoirs of this important session have so long remained unprinted, almost unknown. It were idle to assert that want of merit caused them to be omitted, or at best passed over with a cursory notice, by collectors and commentators of Fléchier's writings. We have already intimated, and shall presently prove, that, both as a literary composition, and as a chronicle of the manners of the times, this longneglected volume is of great merit and interest. And, had these been less, this was still hardly a reason for grudging the honors and advantages of type to a volume of no very great length, at the It is pleasing to trace so virtuous a career, its cost of the integrity of its author's works. If not just reward and peaceful termination; otherwise included in any of the partial editions of the bishwe might have been contented to refer to the period op's writings, or printed with his posthumous when Fléchier was tutor to the son of M. Lefevre works at Paris in 1712, a nook might surely have de Caumartin, one of the king's council, master of been reserved for it in the Abbé Ducreux's comrequests, and bearer of the royal seals at the tribu- plete edition, or in the less estimable one of Fabre nal of the Grands-Jours. The future bishop had de Narbonne. But no such favor was not afbeen at Paris about two years, when he accepted forded. M. Fabre dismisses it with a curt and his tutorship. Four years more elapsed; he was flippant notice, and Ducreux confines himself to a

approve, is extinct for us. Of all those families. two only, I think, are still in existence; and I believe that the present representatives of those once odious names are personally known in too honorable a manner to have to dread from Fléchier's narrative any lesion to their honor. I must add, moreover, that with respect to one, everything has been long since published by Legrand d'Aussy, Taillandier ;* and that the other has received communication from me of all relating to his family, and sees no objection to its publication. From this paragraph it is manifest, that M. Gonod was not quite at his ease as to the effect of his publication. He thinks one thing, believes another, assumes altogether a doubting and deprecatory tone, defending himself before attack. The worthy bibliophilist and editor was evidently in some slight

careless abstract, inserted in the tenth volume of his edition, as a sort of sop to certain persons who, having obtained access to the manuscript, were sufficiently judicious to hold it in high estimation. The abbé alleged as his reason, that he thought little of the style, which he considered strange and negligent. We will not do him the unkindness to accept this as his real opinion. His true motive, we cannot doubt, was more akin to that loosely hinted at by M. Fabre, who, as recently as the year 1828, intimates that there might be some "imprudence" in raking up these old stories. In 1782 M. Ducreux may have been justified in apprehending detriment to his interests, and perhaps even danger to his personal liberty, as the possible consequence of his giving too great publicity to the chronicles of the Grands-Jours. The Bastille and Lettres-de-Cachet were not then the mere empty trepidation as to the reception of his literary fostersounds they were rendered, seven years later, by child by the descendants of the dissolute and tyranthe acts of a furious mob and a National Conven- |nical nobility arraigned before the tribunal of the tion. There was still " snug lying" in the fortress Grands-Jours. His apprehensions were not unof the Porte St. Antoine, for impertinent scribes as founded. It is certainly difficult to understand for suspected conspirators. We cannot doubt that, what could be risked and who offended by the reby the affected disparagement of Fléchier's book, suscitation-after one hundred and eighty years, the Abbé Ducreux sought to veil his own timid or and when French institutions and society had been reasonable apprehensions, feigning, like the fox in so completely turned upside down by successive the fable, to despise what he was unable (or dared revolutions-of these antiquated details of feudal not) to make use of. "This narrative," says M. oppression, priestly immorality, and magisterial Gonod, speaking of the Mémoires, "in which the corruption. It argues singular tenuity of epidermanners and morals of the nobility and clergy of mis on the part of French gentilâtres of the ninethe period are sometimes painted in such black teenth century, that they cannot bear to hear how colors, could not, as will be seen on perusal, be their great-grandfather, seven or eight times rebrought to light in the time of its autoor. More moved, oppressed his vassals by enforcing odious than a century later, the Abbé Ducreux did not privileges, hung up his lady's page by the heels till deem it advisable to print it in a complete form. death ensued, poisoned his wife, or confined a serft 'What interest,' he says, 'could the reader find in in a damp closet where he could neither sit nor the recital of those old stories, some of revolting stand, and where his face lost its form and his garatrocity, other studiously malicious, and of deprav-ments acquired a coat of mildew. Why the disity calculated only to shock susceptible imaginations closures of these crimes-atrocious though they and generous hearts? The history of crime is al-are, and characteristic of a barbarous state of sociready too vast and too well known; it is that ofety-should disturb the repose or cloud the counvirtue, and of actions honorable to humanity, that tenances of the far-removed posterity of the feudal we should endeavor to preserve and disseminate.' tyrants who committed them, is no easy question Admitting this principle," M. Gonod very justly to answer. Are these susceptible descendants apremarks, "the first thing to do would be to pass a prehensive lest the crimes of the French aristocracy, sponge over history; and the virtuous abbé forgot two hundred years ago, should acquire a peculiarly that nothing is more adapted to inspire horror of crime than the contemplation of its hideous face, * Voyage en Auvergne, and Resumé de l'Histoire d'Auand of the penalties that follow in its train. vergne. the other hand"—and here we have the true rea- serfs in Auvergne, as is shown by the municipal law of +From the end of the fifteenth century there were no son-"the Abbé Decreux feared to retrace these 1510; "Toutes personnes estans et demeurans au dict facts at a time when the descendants of the men pays sont francs et de franche condition." All persons most compromised in those terrible trials held the being and dwelling in the said country are free and of free condition. Nevertheless, there were still "hêritaiges first places in the church, the magistracy, and the lenus à condition de mainmorte."-(Coutume, titre xxvii. army: it would have been wounding them," heart. 1.) But on the confines of Auvergne, in the Pays de Combrailles, there were persons, "de serve condition, de says, "without utility to the public." Nearly mainmorte et de suyte;" ibid., art. 2, which means that sixty years later, M. Fabre de Narbonne allows the servitude of those persons was attached to their flesh and bone; that it followed them everywhere, even himself to be fettered by similar unwillingness to when they abandoned their inheritance and fled the counoffend the posterity of the noble and reverend crim- try. One is glad to hear Fléchier and Talon stigmatizing, inals of 1666; for thus only can be explained his in the names of religion and humanity, those iniquitous rights, which subsisted more than a century after them. intimation of the possible imprudence of reviving Personal servitude was abolished only by an edict of those judicial records. In 1844, the librarian of August, 1779; for which Louis XVI. and his minister Clermont writes thus: "This reason"-he refers Necker are to be thanked. It took ten more years and the revolution of 1789 to do away with real servitude to that alleged by Ducreux-" which I respect and which was general in France.-Mémoires, p. 112.


swart hue, in the eyes of existing generations, by destined to attain, may have indulged in pleasing contrast with the immaculate purity of correspond- visions of posthumous fame, founded on this graceing classes in the nineteenth century? The mis- ful volume of memoirs. What we cannot suppose deeds of a Senegas and a Montvallat, extenuated him to have contemplated, was its immediate pubby the circumstances of the times, by a ruder state lication; and to this we must attribute the capriof society and greater laxity of morals, might well cious disorder, the frequent transitions, the sprightly be forgotten in the infamy of a Praslin and a Teste. naïveté and piquant negligence of a book written Whatever the reason, however, the fact is that the (as so few are written) for the author's private publication of the Grands-Jours was viewed with gratification, or at most for that of a limited circle displeasure by various Auvergnat families. The of friends. With regard to the intrinsic merit of edition consisted, we believe, of seven or eight hun- the work, we can hardly do better than quote M. dred copies, of which the public bought a portion, Gonod. "Independently," says that gentleman, and the remainder were purchased and destroyed" of the curious facts it reveals, of the manners by those whom the contents of the volume offended. (still too little known) which it retraces, it will be The book is now unobtainable; and there appears little probability of a reprint in France. Under these circumstances, it is surprising that the Brussels publishers-whom no trashy French novel can escape have not laid their piratical claws upon a book of such attractive interest.


for the intelligent reader one of the most precious literary monuments of the age of Louis XIV. It was composed ten years after Pascal's 'Provinciales,' when Corneille had already produced his masterpieces, at the moment that Molière brought out his 'Misanthrope,' when Racine prepared his Written during the four months that Fléchier Plaideurs,' and his Britannicus,' and Boileau passed at Clermont as one of the household of M. published his first satires. These memoirs add a de Caumartin, the Mémoires are intended less as new gem to Flechier's literary crown, by displayan historical record of the assizes than as a general ing qualities not to be traced in his previouslydiary of all the amiable abbé saw, heard, and col-published works. Here one does not find that scienlected during his stay in Auvergne. Their nature tific formality of style which procured him the name scarcely admitting publication during the author's of a skilful artisan of words; but the author, still lifetime, we must consider their composition to young, and writing, as we may say, in play, or to have been a pastime, a manner of dispelling the exercise his easy pen, lets the latter run on at rantedium of long mornings in a provincial town. dom, whence often arises a certain laisser-aller, an Assuredly," a clever French critic has said, apparent negligence, of which Legrand d'Aussy, "no author ever wrote for himself alone; in liter- who criticises it, felt neither the charm nor the value. ature, as on the stage, monologues are purely con- Had he found declamation against reigning abuses, ventional; in reality, one speaks to the public against the nobility, or against what he called superwithout seeming so to do." If ever there was an stition, he would have admired it. But the scholexception to this rule, it was in the case of arly harmony of the style, the vein of subtle and Fléchier. During the Grands-Jours, Clermont, delicate wit pervading the work, have completely crowded with functionaries, and their families, escaped him. Let others having more right to be with plaintiffs, defendants, and witnesses, from severe than the author of the Voyage en Auevery part of the extensive district* over which the vergne," point out occasional prolixity, romantie court had jurisdiction, was a grand focus of gossip adventures, digressions, a superabundance of antithand scandal; and by this, Fléchier, as one of the eses; let them even blame the coolness with which household of so important a person as M. de Cau- Fléchier-in times when such circumspection was martin, was in the best possible position to benefit. necessary-relates horrible facts. I leave them to It is by no means improbable, that a desire to play this easy part, and prefer receding with the auretain the many pungent anecdotes that reached thor to a period whose private and intimate customs his ear, and also the more important and striking are little known to me, observing with him the følof the proceedings before the court, stimulated him lies, and listening to the gossip of the day, laughing to indite the four hundred and fourteen folio pages with him, enjoying his gayety, and, at the same of manuscript now printed, with introduction, time, acquiring knowledge." Then come a few notes, and appendix, in an octavo volume of four words of compliment and gratitude to the enlighthundred and sixty. He may have anticipated ened minister (M. Villemain) who encouraged the lively gratification in refreshing his memory, at publication of the Mémoires. In the main we some later and more tranquil period of his life, by agree with M. Gonod, and are much more disposed a reference to the annals of those gay and bustling to give ourselves up to the charm-scarcely admitdays. He may have had in view the delectation ting exact definition-which we find in Fléchier's of the witty Parisian coteries by whom he was work, and to cull the flowers of instruction and already held in high and well-merited esteem. amusement so liberally scattered through his And the modest preceptor, foreseeing not, at that pages, than to sit down with the dogged brow of early period of his career, the eminence he was a hypercritic to pick out errors and carp at deficiencies. The kind-hearted abbé, by his decorous gayety, inoffensive satire, and occasional tinge of tender melancholy, surely deserves this much forbearance. Nor can we, considering the unassum

*This included Upper and Lower Auvergne, the Bourbonnais, the Nivernais, the Forez, the Beaujolais, the Lyonnais, the Pays de Combrailles, Berry, and the Upper and Lower Marche.-Vide Mémoires, Introduction, xvi.

ing nature of his work and the circumstances under tains," says Fléchier, "and grottos, and alleys which it was written, allow ourselves to be angry separated by palisades of a very agreeable verdure, with him for the abrupt flights and transitions by which divert the eyes, and thick enough to keep which he so frequently passes from the annals of the secrets exchanged by lovers, when they walk crime to the recital of follies, from the lady's and talk confidentially. Although it was one of bower to the ensanguined scaffold, from the dark the finest of autumnal days, the arrival of Messieurs details of feudal oppression to the trivial tattle of des Grands-Jours kept everybody in the town, and the town; careless in some instances to terminate we found more tranquillity and solitude than we history or anecdote, to dispel the doubts and grat- had hoped for." Amidst the discreet shades of ify the curiosity of the reader. Whilst recognizing this suburban Eden, Fléchier learned the gallant the historical importance and interest of a grave adventures of Mademoiselle de Combes, which he and minute account of the sessions of the Grands-professes to set down verbatim, although it is easy Jours, we do not quarrel with our abbé for not to judge how greatly the narrative is indebted to having transmitted it to us, but accept his hete-his consummate art as a narrator, far superior to rogenous tragi-comic volume as a graphic and what could reasonably be attributed to the Auamusing sketch of the vices, follies, and tone of vergnat squire or noble from whom he derived the French society in the twenty-third year of the facts; to say nothing of the impossibility of retainreign of Louis, surnamed the Great. ing word for word, and upon once hearing it, a narrative extending over thirty pages. But, throughout the volume, the same thing occurs. Give Fléchier a story to tell, and he imparts to it a character entirely his own, arranging it with infinite grace, attributing motives to the person ages, and placing imaginary conversations in their mouths. This story of Mademoiselle de Combes, for instance, in itself a very simple case of jilting, acquires, in his hands, an interest peculiarly its own, and we follow it to the end with unabated amusement.

At the last stage before Clermont, the town of Riom, Fléchier abruptly commences his narrative. It was the place of rendezvous for the members of the tribunal, who halted there to shake their feathers and prepare their pompous entry into Clermont. "At Riom," says the abbé, "we began to take repose and congratulate ourselves on our journey. We were so well received by the lieutenant-general, and were lodged in his house with so great cleanliness and even magnificence, that we forgot we were out of Paris." The hospitable A young gentleman of Clermont, of seneschal, moreover, took pleasure in showing his the name of Fayet, rich and amiable, of agreeable honorable guests all that was remarkable in the person and noble and generous disposition, and town and its environs, especially a young lady of well allied, returned to his native town, after comgreat attractions, whose numerous charms of per- pleting his studies at Paris, to marry Mademoiselle son and mind made her to be considered in that Ribeyre, daughter of the first president of the Court country as one of the wonders of the world. She of Aids at Clermont. The marriage had been was about twenty-two years of age, daughter of a arranged between the respective parents, but some certain President Gabriel de Combes, and without difference supervening, the lady's father broke off being a perfect beauty, she was deemed irresisti- the match, and to prevent any possible renewal of ble when desirous to please. The great praises negotiations, gave his daughter to M. Charles de Fléchier heard of her, raised his expectations to a Combes, so that Fayet arrived to find his mistress high pitch, and when he saw her, he was disap-snatched from him, and to witness a rival's wed pointed. He admitted many merits, but also dis- ding instead of celebrating his own. Many percovered defects. A person of quality belonging to sons would have been sensibly affected by such a that country, and whose name is not given, com- misadventure, but he consoled himself with a good bated this depreciatory opinion, which the gentle grace for the loss of a bride whom he had known abbé willingly waived, merely expressing surprise little and loved less, paid the usual civilities to the that a lady of such merit should have passed her new-married couple, and soon found himself on a twentieth year without making some great mar-friendly footing in their house. There he met the riage. The worthy country gentleman, his inter-sister-in-law of his former intended, Mademoiselle locutor, was astonished at his astonishment, being de Combes, then a young girl of fifteen, endowed unable to conceive that the adventures of this pearl with every grace of mind and person that can be of Auvergne had not been trumpeted in the remot- expected at that age, and her favor he seriously est corners of the kingdom. When at last con- applied himself to gain. "He found a virgin vinced of Fléchier's ignorance, he volunteered to heart," says Fléchier, "upon which he made a dispel it; and the abbé, evidently delighted to be tolerably favorable impression; he made more initiated into the chronique scandaleuse of Riom, expense than ever, gave magnificent entertain gave him all encouragement. But because they ments, acquired the good will of most of the perwere not at their ease for such discourse, but im- sons who habitually saw his mistress, and did all portuned by many compliments, in the drawing- in his power to place himself favorably in her room where this occurred, they got into the honest opinion, knowing well that esteem leads to tendergentleman's carriage, and were driven to a certain ness by a very rapid road. On occasion he would garden, which passed for the Luxembourg of the address a few words to her in a low voice; and in district, and was much frequented in the fine sea-his conversation would opportunely introduce genson by the Riom fashionables. "There are foun- erous and tender sentiments. These, the young

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lady, who had infinite wit and sense, well knew thizes with the sufferings of these constant lovers; how to apply; but although she was already a lit- " but the miracle was less owing to the waters tle touched, she had the art to dissimulate so nat- than to secret interviews with her lover. He folurally that it was impossible to penetrate her lowed her in disguise, and remained hidden in a thoughts, and even those she most trusted knew house adjacent to the baths, whither, under some nothing of her new-born inclinations." Such power pretext, a good lady conducted her, and thence, of dissimulation, at so early an age, might have after a space of conversation, led her back to her alarmed the lover, and given the aspirant to her mother. Never were the waters of Vichy more hand matter for reflection. Instead of that, it eagerly desired, or taken with more pleasure." served to stimulate his passion, and he pressed the After this, Mademoiselle de Combes, hoping to siege of her heart with renewed vigor. In a long alarm her parents into acquiescence, took refuge conversation, detailed by Fléchier in the graceful in a convent, where she was received on condition but insipid language of the period, where the voice that she should break off all intercourse with the of passion seems cramped and chilled by the world. But the superior, a lady of quality and necessity of polished periods and elegant diction, friend of both parties, favored the reception of letFayet paved the way to a declaration, which he ters, and even visits from Fayet to his mistress. had already commenced, when interrupted by the The lover was smuggled by female friends as far entrance of the sister-in-law. But his discourse, as the convent grating. At last, Madame de and the constancy of his attentions, had touched Combes persuaded her daughter to return home, the heart, or at least wrought upon the imagina- and treated her more kindly than before, but contion of the obdurate fair one; and the gallant, tinued stanch in her opposition to the marriage. perceiving his advantage, impatiently awaited an To be brief, this state of affairs lasted eight or opportunity to renew the attack. It soon occurred, nine years. "The thing went so far," says the whilst walking with some ladies and cavaliers in abbé, "that they swore fidelity before the altar, the same garden where Fléchier heard the tale. making profane vows in holy places, and even Accident divided the party, and the lovers found writing promises signed with their blood, and comthemselves alone. With trembling and hesitation, mitting other follies peculiar to persons whom a for his sincere and ardent passion made him dread violent passion blinds. By this time the lady was the possibility of a refusal which his reason forbade in her twenty-fourth year, and seeing herself near him to think probable, Fayet avowed his love. the age when the law exempts children from the The lady affected dismay, and uttered a cry, says control of their parents, she exhorted Fayet to the abbé, that nearly pierced the paling; but she perseverance, writing him to that effect." ended by permitting him to love her, and after Just at this time, M. Bernard de Fortia, a friend two or three more interviews, confessed a recipro-and college-comrade of Fayet, was appointed to cal flame. Their amorous joy, however, was con- the high office of Intendant of Auvergne. He was verted into bitterness and despair by the positive a widower, and, on arriving at Clermont, il se refusal of the President de Combes to sanction their pourvut d'abord d'une galanterie. The object of union. The magistrate's motives for this refusal his attentions was a young girl of eighteen, whose were in the highest degree absurd. One was, that embonpoint added several years to her apparent M. Ribeyre having declined the alliance of Fayet, age, and who was generally known as la Beauit was to be inferred the latter had less fortune verger. "For we are accustomed thus to abridge than he received credit for; the second, still more the manner of naming, and find the word Mademridiculous, was an idea that it would be disgrace-oiselle useless, the name of the family sufficiently ful to his daughter to marry a man whom his daughter-in-law had refused. Fayet, we are told, was near dying of grief on receiving this rude and unforeseen blow. Retiring to his apartment, he wrote a despairing billet to his mistress, who, although also very desponding, returned an en- extravagance, as when she wrote to him: "The couraging and consolatory reply, and there ensued an animated correspondence and long series of secret interviews, known of course to everybody but to the parents who forbade them. At last, the vigilance of the latter became excessive; Mademoiselle Combes, never suffered out of sight of her mother, who even slept in her room, was compelled to scribble her love-letters in haste, by To the admirer of this brisk and buxom damsel, favor of a half-drawn curtain and a ray of lamp-Fayet addressed himself as to an old friend, and light, whilst the good lady was absorbed in her in all confidence, to intercede for him with the evening devotions; until at last, by reason of this parents of Mademoiselle de Combes. Fortia prompainful constraint, or from some other cause, she ised his best services, went several times to the fell into a state of languor, and was taken to the house, and assured his friend that he took all care baths of Vichy. "She there recovered her of his interests, but that it would be unwise to health," says Fléchier, who manifestly sympa-precipitate matters. These assurances he renewed

indicating the quality." With the unaffected ease and lively conversation of this lady, the intendant was much pleased and amused, and saw a good deal of her, being also greatly diverted by her letters. "Sometimes she began them by some

devil take you, sir!' at others by tender pleasantries and by naïvetés of her invention. Writing easily, she wrote much; and as she was one day told that if she continued she would produce more volumes than Saint Augustin, 'Ay, truly,' she replied, though, like him, I were to write only my confessions.'


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