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Dwarfs, gnomes, and other spirits of a gross nature and sullen mood, have always, and in all countries, been believed to haunt mines, and, as caprice sways them, sometimes to obstruct, sometimes to help, the miners in their work. Many northern tales of the "wild and wonderful" are founded on this belief, which, in some mountainous regions, is not yet extinct. These spirits of the mine were not regarded with unmixed dread; only care was taken not to offend them, for they were easily moved to anger, and their revenge was terrible. Retzel, a German writer of the last century, who, being a Bergrath, or director of mines, must have been well acquainted with the subject, tells us a good deal about them. He says they rarely let themselves be seen in a defined shape, but rather make themselves heard under ground, in the pits where the miners work, and particularly when either a great piece of good fortune or a great calamity is near. At night, when few, or on holidays, when none of the miners are in the pits, they have their sport, and make a noise as if the work were going on in the briskest manner, especially in such pits as promise something good. Hence, judges the good Bergrath, it appears that they intend, by such noises, to give a hint to the miners to work in these places, and to win the blessing which God has therein laid, and to bring it to light. When these spirits are not provoked, they do no hurt to any one; but he who mocks or speaks scornfully of them is sure not to escape their resentment, but, in ascending and descending, is squeezed or otherwise hurt by them. And it is a belief of the miners that he who is so hurt, if he relate before the ninth day what has befallen him, must on the ninth day die, of which there are many examples.


and as little blame. But mines are sometimes haunted by a different kind of spirits, as Sophron shows in the following story :

One re

"You know that the Whitehaven mines run out far underneath the sea, and are some of the most terrible in England. A man who had worked all his life in them, and had always borne a high character, was laid on his death-bed, and sent for the clergy: man of his parish, to whom he had been previously known. I know not of what kind the disease was; it was one, I am assured, at all events, that did not affect his mind in the least, and that, during the whole of the account which I am going to give you, he was perfectly and most manifestly himself. He He assured related it on the word of a dying man. the priest that it was no uncommon thing in the mines, for the voices of persons, who had long been do not think he said that apparitions were seen, but dead, to be heard as in conversation or debate. I he affirmed that they were heard to pass along the passages with a loud kind of rushing noise; that the miners, as far as possible, got out of the way on these occasions; that the horses employed in the mines would stand still and tremble, and fall into a cold sweat; and that this was universally known to markable instance he gave. The overseer of the be a thing that might occur any time. mine he used to work was, for many years, a Cumberland man, but being found guilty of some unfair proceedings, he was dismissed by the proprietors from his post, though employed in an inferior situation. The new overseer was a Northumberland man, who had the burr that distinguishes that county very strongly. To this person the degraded overseer bore the strongest hatred, and was heard to say that some day he would be his ruin. He lived, however, in apparent friendship with him; but one day they were both destroyed together by the firedamp. It was believed in the mine that, preferring revenge to life, the ex-overseer had taken his successor, less acquainted than he with the localities of the mine, into a place where he knew the fire-damp to exist, and that without a safety lamp, and had thus contrived his destruction. But ever after that time, in the place where the two men perished, their voices might be heard high in dispute-the Northumbrian burr being distinctly audible, and so also the well-known pronunciation of the treacherous mur


We will give but one more story out of this volume: the scene of it is laid on board a Brazil packet :

"A lady was lying on the sofa in the ladies' saloon, when, to her surprise, a gentleman entered it from the grand saloon, and passing through it, went out by the door that led towards the hold. She was much astonished, both that any one should

Of these berg-mannikins there would seem to be two sorts, for some, when they appear, or make themselves heard, bring good fortune, some evil. They seldom take a visible form; but such as do, show themselves in the appearance of a diminutive miner, with a burning lamp; these portend good luck, and indicate rich veins of ore to be in the places where they are seen. Oftener the light only is seen, gliding swiftly, as if carried by one that ran, but the bearer appears not. These lights burn blue, and the brighter they are, the better the omen. On the other hand, when visions of beasts or of monsters appear under ground, it is an evil prognostic, and commonly there follows thereupon great ill-fortune. These spirits, Retzel says, are no devils or in-enter the room at all, at least without knocking, and fernal angels, fallen from a better state, but they, as well as the spirits of fire, air, and water, are creatures sprung from the elements, have no higher nature than that of the elements, and will be destroyed with the elements when the present system of things ceases to be. Vice or virtue cannot be attributed to them, any more than to the winds, the floods, or the lightnings; they have their fits of good and ill-humor, their spells of fair weather and foul; they are friendly to man or unfriendly, just as the elements are, with just as little merit


had associated with the passengers for some days. at not recognizing the gentleman who did so, as she She mentioned the matter to her husband, who said that he must have been confined to his berth till then, but that it would perhaps appear, when the passengers sat down to dinner, who he was. dinner-time the lady carefully examined her companions, and was positive that no such person was among them. She asked the captain if there were any passenger not then at table. He answered her, that there was not. She never forgot the circumstances, though her husband treated it as a mere fancy, and thought no more of it. Some time

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afterwards she was walking with him in London,
when she pointed out a gentleman in the street, and
said, with some agitation, There! there! that is
the person whom I saw on board the packet. Do
go and speak to him-pray do go and ask him if he
was not there.'
Impossible, my dear,' replied her
husband; he would think that I meant to insult
him.' However, his wife's importunity and agita-
tion prevailed. Stepping up to the gentleman she
had pointed out, and apologizing for the liberty he
was about to take, ‘Pray, sir,' said he, ' may I ask
whether you were on board the Brazil packet
at such a time?' 'No, sir,' replied the person
addressed, 'I certainly was not; but may I inquire
why you thought that I was? The interrogator
related the circumstances. What day was it?'
asked the other. That having been settled, Well,
sir,' said the stranger, 'it is a very remarkable cir-
cumstance that I had a twin brother, so like myself
that no one could tell us apart. He died, poor
fellow, in America, on that very day.'


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stooping, and holding his hand to his back; thus he appeared, but said nothing. The thief called to his two new companions; they grumbled at him, but made no answer.

"In the morning he had retained so lively an impression of what he had seen, that he spoke to them to the same purpose again, and they told him it was nothing but his phantasie. But he was so fully persuaded of the reality of the apparition, that he told two others of it, and it came to the ears of Mr. Reading, justice of peace in Surrey, and cousin to the gentleman that was murdered.

"He immediately sent for the prisoner, and asked him in the first place, whether he was born or had lived about Guildford? To which he answered, No. Secondly, he inquired if he knew any of the inhabitants of that town, or of the neighborhood? He replied that he was a stranger to all thereabout. Then he inquired, if he had ever heard of one Mr. Bower? He said, No. After this he examined him for what cause those two other men were imprisoned? To which he answered, he knew not, but supposed for some robbery.

"After these preliminary interrogatories, he de

"The most remarkable point (observes Pistus) in that story, is its localism, so to speak. A man dies in America, and his spirit is seen, on that very day, on board a ship between America and Eng-sired him to tell him what he had seen in the night? land, as if crossing from one country to the other." Which he immediately did, exactly according to the relation he (Mr. Reading) had heard, and I gave Here we take leave of this very pleasant Christ-before. And withal described the old gentleman mas party, not without renewing our recommenda- so by his picked beard, and that he was, as he called tion to the reader, to cultivate their further acquaint-it, rough on his cheeks, and that the hairs of his ance. We have put before him some of the stories face were black and white, that Mr. Reading saith, they tell, but we have said nothing to him of the he himself could not have given a more exact deHe told the delightful way in which they talk about these scription of Mr. Bower than this was. We have passed over all their practical that would signify little from such a rogue,) to highwayman that he must give him his oath, (though reflections on the subject of their discourse, all which the man readily consented, and took oath their reasonings as to the credibility of the things before the justice of all this. related, or of preternatural relations in general; all, in short, in the little volume, that is calculated to make the reader a better man. The reason is, we don't want to make the reader a better man, but merely a more uneasy one. We appeal to his nerves, not to his conscience. Our aim is not to improve, but to frighten him. Besides, if he thinks reflections upon the stories he has been reading would do him good, what is to hinder him from making as many as he pleases? There they are; let him reflect upon them for himself.

We now turn to another treasury of horrors, to wit, Mr. Joseph Glanvil's "Collection of Relations, in proof of the real existence of Apparitions, Spirits, and Witches," published in the year 1688, the never-to-be-forgotten epoch of Britain's deliverance from brass money and wooden shoes, and of Ireland's from money and shoes of any material


The following narrative is contained in a letter of Dr. Ezekias Burton to Dr. Henry More :

"About ten years ago, one Mr. Bower, an antient man, living at Guildford in Surrey, was, upon the highway, not far from that place, found newly murdered, very barbarously, having one great cut cross his throat, and another down his breast. Two men were seized upon suspicion, and put into gaol at Guildford, to another, who had before been committed for robbing, as I suppose. That night this third man was awakened about one of the clock, and greatly terrified with an old man, who had a great gash cross his throat, almost from ear to ear, and a wound down his breast. He also came in

"Mr. Reading being a very discreet man, concealed the story from the jury at the assizes, as knowing that this would be no evidence according to law. However, the friends of the murdered gentleman had been very inquisitive, and discovered several suspicious circumstances. One of which was, that those two men had washed their clothes, and that some stains of blood remained. Another, that one of them had denied he ever heard that Mr. Bower was dead, where as he had in another place like evidences, these two were condemned and execonfest it two hours before. Upon these and suchcuted, but denied it to the last. But one of them said, the other could clear him if he would, which the by-standers understood not.

"After some time a tinker was hanged, (where, the gentleman has forgot,) who at his death said, that the murder of Mr. Bower of Guildford was his greatest trouble. For he had a hand in it; he confesseth he struck him a blow on the back which fetcht him from his horse, and when he was down, those other men that were arraigned and executed for it, cut his throat and rifled him. This is the first story which I had from Mr. Reading himself, who is a very honest, prudent person, and not credulous."

In the same repertory is contained an account of the apparition of Edward Avon, of Marlborough, which was seen by his son-in-law, Thomas Goddard, of the same place, about nine o'clock in the morning, leaning over a stile on the highway between Marlborough and Ogborn. Goddard had a good deal of conversation with the ghost on family


It appeared to him several times, and in different places; looked in upon him at seven

goblin," personating the ghost of old Avon, merely to mystify, or "take a rise out of" the son-in-law. For Porphyrius has noted, that demons do sometimes personate the souls of the deceased; and the learned Von Meyer of Frankfurt confirms this by many instances within his own experience. It ought to be observed that there were no bones found in the place pointed out by the spectre, but this, after forty years or nigh, is not surprising.

o'clock of a November evening, through his shop- | in Marlborough, who knew Thomas Coddard; that window, and met him as he rode down the hill on first, about a year before he saw, or affirmed he the way from Chilton, "between the manor-house had seen, his father-in-law's apparition, he left off and Axford farm-field," in the shape of "some- going to church, (of which he had been a diligent what like a hare," at which his horse started, and frequenter,) and "fell off wholly to the nonconthrew him in the dirt; on getting on his feet again, formists;" and the other, that he was sometimes after this fall, he saw the ghost in its proper shape, troubled with epileptic fits. But to these reasons standing about eight feet directly before him in the Mr. Glanvil does not allow much weight; observway, and it said to him, " Thomas, bid Willian ing, that a man's falling off to the nonconformists, Avon (that was the ghost's son) take the sword though it may argue a vacillancy of his judgment, that he hath of me, which is now in his house, yet affords not any presumption of a defect in his and carry it to the wood as ye go to Alton, to external senses, as if a dissenter were less able to the upper end of the wood by the wayside; for discern when he saw or heard anything than a with that sword I did wrong above thirty years sound churchman. In this we agree with Mr. ago, and he never prospered since he had that Glanvil: it is not sight that a dissenter wants, but sword." Then, after various other directions faith. As to the epileptic fits, our own opinion is, about family affairs, the spirit vanished. that Goddard's liability to these was the very thing Goddard went to the mayor of Malborough, and that made him also capable of seeing ghosts. Howmade a formal deposition of the above circum-ever, our author will not say positively but what stances. The mayor ordered him to do as the the apparition may have been "some ludicrous apparition had directed; and the next morning, at nine o'clock, he and his brother-in-law, William Avon, went with the sword, and laid it down in the copse, near the place the ghost had appointed Goddard to carry it. As they left the spot, Goddard again saw the apparition of Edward Avon, standing by the place where the sword was laid, and called out to his brother-in-law," There is the apparition of our father!" William Avon said he saw nothing; upon which, Goddard fell on his knees, and prayed, "Lord! open his eyes that he may see it;" to which the other, instead of Amen," responded, "Lord! grant I may not see it, if it be thy blessed will." The apparition then beckoned to Goddard, and said, "Thomas, take up the sword, and follow me." Goddard took up the sword, and followed the apparition about ten perches further into the copse, where he laid down the sword again. At this time he saw something stand by the apparition, like a mastiff dog, of a brown color. On Goddard's laying down the sword, the apparition took it up, and going a few paces further, pointed with it to the ground, and said, "In this place lies buried the body of him whom I murdered in the year 1635, (thirty-nine years before,) which is now rotten, and turned to dust." Goddard asked him why he had committed this murder, and the ghost said, "I took money from the man, and he contended with me, and so I murdered him." Then Goddard said, "What would you have me do in this thing?" and the ghost said, "This is that the world may know that I murdered a man, and buried him in this place in the year 1635."


The place to which the ghost pointed was a dry and bare spot, on which nothing grew, and which, as Goddard described it, was "like a grave sunk-in." As the two brothers-in-law went away together, Avon confessed to Goddard that he had heard the voice of the ghost, but had neither been able to distinguish the words, nor to see the speaker.

Against the credit of this story, Mr. Glanvil mentions two things that were alleged by people

Here follows a story "Of a Dutchman that could see ghosts, and of the ghost he saw in the town of Woodbridge, in Suffolk :"

Suffolk, meeting one day, in a barber's shop, in "Mr. Broom, the minister of Woodbridge in that town, a Dutch lieutenant, (who was blown up with Opdam, and taken alive out of the water, and carried to that town, where he was prisoner at large,) upon the occasion of some discourse, was told by him that he could see ghosts, and that he had seen divers. Mr. Broom rebuking him for Some days after, lighting upon him again, he askt talking so idly, he persisted in it very stiffly. him whether he had seen any ghost since his coming to that town? To which he replyed, No.'

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"But not long after this, as they were walking together up the town, he said to Mr. Broom, Yonder comes a ghost.' He seeing nothing, askt him whereabout it was? The other said, 'It is over against such a house, and it walks looking upwards towards such a side, swinging one arm, with a glove in its hand.' He said, moreover, that when it came near them, they must give way to it; that he ever did so, and some that have not done so have suffered for it. Anon he said, "T is just upon us; let's out of the way.' Mr. Broom, believing all to be a fiction, as soon as he said these words, took hold of his arm, and kept him by force in the way. But as he held him, there came such a force against them, that he was flung into the middle of the street, and one of the palms of his hands, and one knee, bruised and broken by the fall, which put him for a while to excessive pain.

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he got up as soon as he could, and applied himself "But spying the lieutenant lye like a dead man, to his relief. With the help of others he got him into the next shop, where they poured strong water down his throat, but for some time could discern no


life in him. At length, what with the strong | flew about the room in which the prophesyings water, and what with well chafing him, he began were held, for some time, without touching the to stir, and when he was come to himself, his first floor. A similar phenomenon is the riding of words were, I will show you no more ghosts.' Then he desired a pipe of tobacco, but Mr. Broom witches through the air to their sabbath. told him he should take it at his house; for he which subject, Doctor Antony Horneck, a weighty feared, should he take it so soon there, it would divine of the seventeenth century, speaks as folmake him sick. lows::

"Thereupon they went together to Mr. Broom's "That a spirit can lift up men and women, and house, where they were no sooner entering in, but grosser substances, and convey them through the the bell rang out. Mr. Broom presently sent his air, I question no more than I doubt that the wind maid to learn who was dead. She brought word can overthrow houses, or drive stones and other that it was such a one, a taylor, who dyed sud-heavy bodies upward from their centre. And were denly, though he had been in a consumption a long I to make a person of a dull understanding appretime. And inquiring after the time of his death, hend the nature of a spirit, I would represent it to they found it was as punctually as it could be him under the notion of an intelligent wind, or a guessed at the very time when the ghost appeared. strong wind, informed by a highly rational soulThe ghost had exactly this taylor's known gate, as a man may be called an intelligent piece of earth. who ordinarily went with one arm swinging, and a And this notion David seemed to favor, when glove in that hand, and looking on one side speaking of these creatures, Psalm civ. 4, he tells us upwards." that God makes his angels wind, for in the original it is; and most certainly if they be so, they must be reasonable windy substances; nor doth the expression which immediately follows in that verse cross this exposition-viz., that he makes his ministers a flaming fire; for it's no new opinion that some of those invisible substances are of a fiery, and others of an aiery nature and as we, God gives rational creatures here on earth, bodies composed of grosser matter, why should it seem incongruous for subtiler and thinner matter, or such matter as those him to give rational creatures above us bodies of a higher regions do afford? And if wind, breaking forth from the caverns of hills and mountains, have such force as makes us very often stand amazed at the effects, what energy might we suppose to be in wind, were it informed by reason, or a reasonable being ?"


In a story of a butler in Ireland, who was like to have been carried away by spirits, because he went out to buy cards for his master on a Sunday afternoon, the most remarkable point is, that he was perceived to rise from the ground, whereupon Mr. Greatrix (Valentine Greatrix, or Greatrakes, of Cappoquin, the famous magnetizer of the seventeenth century) and another lusty man clapt their arms over his shoulders, one of them before him and the other behind, and weighed him down with all their strength. But he was forcibly taken up from them, and they were too weak to keep their hold; and for a considerable time he was carried in the air to and fro over their heads, several of the company still running under him to prevent his being hurt if he should fall, and was caught before he came to the ground, and had by that means no hurt." This took place at the house and in the presence of the Earl of Orrery.

Another curious point in this case is, that a spectre came to this butler at night, bringing with it a grey liquor in a wooden dish, which it bid him drink off, (as a cure for fits that he had,) but he would not. At this the spectre was angry, and upbraided him with his suspicious temper; but told him if he would drink plantain-juice, it would cure him of one sort of his fits, (for he had two,) but he should carry the other to his grave. He asked whether he should take the juice of the roots or the leaves, and received answer, the roots.

Sophron, in that book about the "Unseen World," refers to this story, and condemns it as tending to "corporealize our notions of spirits." But this seems to be said without due reflection; for, first, we ought to ask, whence are our "notions of spirits" derived, that we should make agreement with them the test of facts? And then, it is not a very reasonable doctrine that a spirit, which can move a body, cannot move anything that the body can move.

The floating of persons, who are under spiritual influence, in the air, is no uncommon phenomenon. We have been informed by an eyewitness, that one of the ladies at Port-Glasgow, who "spoke with tongues" in the year 1830,

A curious thing happened in the year 1659, at Crossen in Silesia, of an apothecary's servant. The chief magistrate of that town at that time was the Princess Elizabeth Charlotte, a person famous in her generation. In the spring of the year, one Christopher Monigk, a native of Serbest, a town belonging to the princes of Anhalt, servant to an apothecary, died and was buried with the usual ceremonies of the Lutheran church. A few days after his decease, a shape exactly like his in face, clothes, stature, mien, &c., appeared in the apothecary's shop, where he would set himself down, and walk sometimes, and take the boxes, pots, glasses off of the shelves, and set them again in their places, and sometimes try and examine the goodness of the medicines, weigh them in a pair of scales, pound the drugs with a mighty noise in a mortar, nay serve the people that came with their bills to the shop, take their money, and lay it up safe in the counter; in a word, do all things that a journeyman in such cases used to do. He looked very ghastly upon those that had been his fellow-servants, who were afraid to say anything to him, and his master being sick at that time of the gout, he was often very troublesome to him, would take the bills that were brought him out of his hand, snatch away the candle sometimes, and put it behind the stove. At last, he took a cloak that hung in the shop, put it on and walked abroad; but minding nobody in the streets, went

along, entered into some of the citizen's houses, and thrust himself into company, especially of such as he had formerly known, yet saluted nobody, nor spoke to any one but to a maid-servant, whom he met hard by the church-yard, and desired to go home to his master's house, and dig in a ground-chamber, where she would find an inestimable treasure; but the maid, amazed at the sight of him, swooned; whereupon he lift her up, but left such a mark on her flesh with lifting her,

that it was to be seen for some time after. The maid having recovered herself, went home, but fell desperately sick upon it, and in her illness discovered what Monigk had said to her, and accordingly digged in the place she had named, but found nothing but an old decayed pot, with a hematites or bloodstone in it. The princess hereupon caused the young man's body to be digged up, which they found putrified, with purulent matter flowing from it, and the master being advised to remove the young man's goods, linen, clothes, and things, he left behind him when he died, out of the house, the spirit thereupon left the house, and was heard of no more.

Another curious thing happened in 1673, at Reichenbach in Silesia, in which also an apothecary was concerned, who after his death appeared to divers of his acquaintance, and cried out that in his lifetime he had poisoned several men with his drugs. Thereupon the magistrates of the town, after consultation, took up his body and burnt it; which being done, the spirit disappeared, and was seen no more. This was stated to Doctor Anthony Horneck by a very credible wit


Webster, a writer against the existence of witches and apparitions, has recorded a story which makes strongly against his own views, and which he nevertheless seems to believe. It is quoted out of his " Display of Supposed Witchcraft," in Doctor H. More's letter to Mr. Glanvil, prefixed to Saducismus Triumphatus, and is as follows:

and what she wanted? To which she said, 'I am
the spirit of such a woman, who lived with Walker;
send me to a private place, where I should be well
and being got with child by him, he promised to
looked to till I was brought to bed and well again,
and then I should come again and keep his house.
"And accordingly,' said the apparition, I was
one night late sent away with one Mark Sharp,
who upon a moor (naming a place that the miller
knew) slew me with a pick, (such as men dig coals
withal,) and gave me those five wounds, and after
threw my body into a coal-pit hard by, and hid the
ing bloudy, he endeavored to wash, but seeing the
pick under a bank, and his shoes and stockings be-
bloud would not wash forth, he hid them there.'
And the apparition further told the miller that he
must be the man to reveal it, or else that she must
still appear and haunt him. The miller returned
home very
sad and heavy, but spoke not one word
could to stay in the mill within night without com-
of what he had seen, but eschewed as much as he
pany, thinking thereby to escape the seeing again
of that frightful apparition.

"But notwithstanding, one night when it began to be dark, the apparition met him again, and seemed very fierce and cruel, and threatened him, that if he did not reveal the murder, she would cerstill concealed it until St. Thomas' Eve before tainly pursue and haunt him. Yet for all this, he Christmas, when being, soon after sunset, walking in his garden, she appeared again, and then so threatened and affrighted him, that he faithfully promised to reveal it next morning.

"In the morning he wrote to a magistrate, and made the whole matter known, with all the circumwas found in a coal-pit, with five wounds in the stances; and diligent search being made, the body head, and the pick, and shoes, and stockings yet bloudy, in every circumstance as the apparition had related unto the miller. Whereupon Walker and Mark Sharp were both apprehended, but would it was Durham) they were arraigned, found guilty, confess nothing. At the assizes following (I think condemned, and executed, but I could never hear that they confessed the fact. There were some that reported that the apparition did appear to the judge, or the foreman of the jury, (who was alive in Chester-in-the-Street about ten years ago, as I have been credibly informed,) but of that 1 know no certainty.

"About the year of our Lord 1632, near unto "There are many persons yet alive that can reChester-in-the-Street, there lived one Walker, a member this strange murder, and the discovery of yeoman-man of good estate and a widower, who had it; for it was, and sometimes is, as much discoursed a young woman to his kinswoman that kept his of in the north country as anything that almost house, who was by the neighbors suspected to be hath ever been heard of, and the relation printed, with child, and was towards the dark of the even-though now not to be gotten. I relate this with the ing one night sent away with one Mark Sharp, who greater confidence, (though I may fail in some of was a collier, or one that digged coals under ground, and one that had been born in Blackburn Hundred, in Lancashire, and so she was not heard of a long time, and no noise or little was made about it. In the winter time after, one James Graham, or Grime, (for so in that country they call them,) being a miller, and living about two miles from the place where Walker lived, was one night alone very late in the mill, grinding corn; and as about twelve or one o'clock at night, he came down the stairs from having been putting corn in the hopper, the mill doors being shut, there stood a woman upon the midst of the floor, with her hair about her head hanging down and all bloody, with five large wounds in her head. He being much affrighted and amazed, began to bless him, and at last asked her who she was,

the circumstances,) because I saw and read the letter that was sent to Serjeant Hutton, who then lived at Goldsbrugh, in Yorkshire, from the judge before whom Walker and Mark Sharp were tried, and by whom they were condemned, and had a copy of it until about the year 1658, when I had it and many other books and papers taken from me. And this I confess to be one of the most convincing stories (being of undoubted verity) that ever I read, heard, or knew of, and carrieth with it the most evident force to make the most incredulous spirit to be satisfied that there are really sometimes such things as apparitions."

Doctor Henry More thought this story so "considerable," that he mentioned it to a friend of his

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