Whiting and Branston, Printers, Beaufort-house, Strand.
"AGE, THE," 471.
American Dramatists, 466. America, War in, reviewed, 504.
Black Book, Appendix to the, reviewed,
Brighton, a Visit to, 460-Italian opera, 461-Bond-street, ib.-travels in Italy, 462-departure from London, ib.-arri- val at Brighton, 463-the Park, ib.- Kemp Town, 464-Tupper's rooms, ib. -the Pavilion, 465-Marine Parade, 466-Sumpton, ib.
Butleriana, No. IV. 225-a buffoon, ib.-
a cruel man, ib.-a cutpurse, 226-a fencer, 227-a forger, ib.-an Hector, 228-an highwayman, ib.-an host, 229 -a lampooner, 230-a detractor, ib.— a conjurer, 231-a tennis-player, ib.- No. V. 396--a self-conceited man, ib. -a bawd, ib.-an ambitious man, 397 -a vapourer, 398-a morose man, 399 -a railer, 400—a drunkard, ib.—a mas- ter of arts, 401.
Casanova, Extract of the Memoirs of, 254 -his imprisonment in the lead cham- bers of the Inquisition of Venice, ib. -conversation with the jailer, 258- the secretary of the State Inquisitors sends him some books, 259-he falls ill, and is visited by a physician, 250— earthquake, 262-description of the prison, ib.-they give him a companion, who is in love, 263-he is left alone, 264-a new year's gift from the patri- cian Bragadino, 465-preparations for his escape, 266-Count Abbé Fanarola, 268-is removed from his cell, 270-
frightful subterraneous dungeons, ib.- secret correspondence with the prison- ers Marino Balbi, and Count Asquina, 273-new preparations for escape, 274
- ridiculous superstition of Serodaci, 276-effects his escape, 284. Confessions of a Theorist, 25. Connoisseur, the Speculations of a, 243. Continent, Journal of a Traveller on the, No. VII. 1-Domo d'Ossola, ib.-Lago Maggiore, ib.-Borromean islands, ib.- Isola Bella, ib.-Isola Madre, 2-Aus- trian collector at Laveno, ib.-the city of Varese, ib.- Como, 3-Latin in- scriptions in the cathedral, ib.-Villa d'Este, ib.- Pliny's villa, ib. -Villa Tanzi, 4-arrives at Milan, 5-the ca- thedral, ib.-the chapel of St. Charles Borromeo, 6-the public walk, ib.- the theatre Cannobliano, ib.-the gal- lery of paintings at the Brera, ib.-the Ambrosian Library, 7-Anecdote of St. Charles Borromeo, 8-reliques of the dresses of the Blessed Virgin, ib.- St. Ambrose, ib.-the museum of ana- tomy, 9-the Certosa, near Pavia, ib. -image of the Saviour, made by Ag- barus, 10-the works of Boethius, 11- Voghera, 12-Novi, ib.-reaches Genoa, 13-the arsenal, 15-the poor-house, ib.-Pisa, 20-the Leaning Tower, ib. --the Campo Santo, 21--Tuscan ploughs, 22-Leghorn, ib.-the climate of Pisa, 23-Lucca, ib.-Pistoia, 24- No. VIII. 147 - Florence, ib.- the bridge of the Holy Trinity, ib.-a fowler, 148-the celebrated gallery, 149 the Florentine churches, ib.- the Pitti Palace, 150-anatomical mo- dels in wax at the Spegola, ib.—Perugia,
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