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and all the seasons of the year, a morning of spring, and a morning of autumn, a night brilliant with stars, and a night obscure with clouds; — you will then have a more just notion of the spectacle of the universe. Is it not wondrous, that while you are admiring the sun plunging beneath the vault of the west, another observer is beholding him as he quits the region of the east, - in the same instant reposing, weary, from the dust of the evening, and awaking fresh and youthful, in the dews of morn!"


Straight means right, crooked means wrong: hence right ideas demand the right or straight slides, while wrong or crooked ideas demand the crooked or circumflex slides.'


All sincer and earnest, or, in other words, all upright and downright ideas demand the straight, or upright and downright slides.

All ideas which are not sincere or earnest, but are used in jest, or irony, in ridicule, sarcasm, or mockery, in insinuation or double-meaning, demand the crooked or circumflex slides.'

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The last part of the circumflex is usually the longer, and always the more characteristic part. Hence when the last part of this double slide rises it is called the rising circumflex; when the last part falls, it is called the falling circumflex.'

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The rising circumflex' should be given to the negative, the falling circumflex' to the positive ideas of jest, irony, &c. When these ideas are coupled in contrast, the circumflex slides must be in contrast also to express them.

Example of jest.

MARULLUS. Yòu, sir; what trade are you?

2D CITIZEN. Truly, sir, in respect of a fine workman, I am but, as you would say, a côbbler.

MAR. But what trade art thou? Answer me directly.

2D CIT. A trade, sir, that, I hope, I may use with a safe conscience; which is, indeed, sir, a měnder of bad sôles.

MAR. What trade, thou knàve? thou naughty knave, what trade?


2D CIT. Nay, I beseech you, sir, be not out with me: yet, you bê out, sir, I can mend you.

MAR. What mean'st thou by that? Ménd me, thou saucy fellow ?

2D CIT. Why, sir, côbble you.


Thou art a còbbler, árt thou?

2D CIT. Truly sir, all that I live by is with the awl. FLAV. But wherefore art not in thy shop to-day? Why dost thou lead these men about the streets?

2D CIT. Truly, sir, to wear out their shôes, to get myself into more work. But, indeed, sir, we make holiday, to see Ca'sar, and to rejoice in his triumph."

In the last sentence, the citizen drops his jesting, and speaks in earnest: and therefore with the straight slides.

Examples of sarcasm and irony.

2. "Now, sir, what was the conduct of your own allies to Poland? Is there a single atrocity of the French in Italy, in Switzerland, in Egypt if you please, more unprincipled and inhuman than that of Russia, Austria, and Prussia, in Poland ? “Ŏ, but you ‘regrêtted the partition of Poland!' Yês, regrêtted!—you regrêtted the violence, and that is àll you



3. They boast they come but to improve our state, enlârge our thoughts and frêe us from the yoke of êrror! Yês, they will give enlightened freedom to oûr minds, who are themselves the slaves of passion, avarice, and pride! They offer us protêction! yês, sûch protection as vûltures give to lambs-covering and devouring them! Tell your invaders we seek nò change

and least of all such change as they would bring us!"


"Good Lord! when one man dies who wears a Crown,

How the earth trembles, - how the nations gape,

Amazed and awed! - but when that one man's victims,

Poor worms, unclothed in purple, daily die

In the grim cell, or on the groaning gibbet,
Or on the civil field, ye pitying souls

Drop not one tear from your indifferent eyes!"

5. CASSIUS. Urge me no more! I shall forget myself; Have mind upon your health; tempt me no further.

BRUTUS. Away, slight man!


Is 't possible?

Hear me, for I will speak.

Must I give way and room to your rash choler?
Shall I be frightened when a madman stares?

CAS. O ye gods! ye gods! Must I endure all this?
BRU. All this? Ay, more. Fret till your proud beart

Go show your slaves how choleric you are,

And make your bondmen tremble! Must I budge?
Must I observe you? Must I stand and crouch
Under your testy humor?

You shall digest the venom of your spleen,

Though it do split you; for, from this day forth,
I'll use you for my mirth, yea, for my laughter.
When you are waspish!


Is it come to this!

BRU. You say you are a better soldier:

Let it appear so; make your vaunting true,

And it shall please me well.

For mine own part,

I shall be glad to learn of nobler men.


The length of the slides depends on the 'general spirit' or

'kind' of what is read.



If the general spirit is unemotional,' the slides are 'moderate.'

If the general spirit is


the slides are long.'

bold,' 'joyous,' or 'noble,'

If the general spirit is subdued or pathetic' or ' grave,' the slides are short.'

Examples for the 'moderate' slide, or in the definite language of music, the " Third."

"Can I speak with you a móment ?


"The ancient Spartans were not less remarkable for their bravery in the field of battle, than for brevity and wìt in their ànswers. We have a memorable instance of their national spírit, in the reply of the old wàrrior, who was told that the arrows of the Persian host flew so thick as to darken the sùn. So much the better,' was his answer; we shall enjoy the advantage of fighting in the shade.""

Examples for the long,' slide or the " Fifth."

"What but liberty

Through the famed course of thirteen hundred years,
Alòof hath held invàsion from your hills,
And sanctified their name? And will ye, will ye
Shrink from the hopes of the expecting world,
Bid your high hónors stoop to foreign ínsult,
And in one hour give up to ínfamy

The harvest of a thousand years of glóry?
Die-all first! Yès, die by piècemeal!
Leave not a limb o'er which a Dàne can trìumph!

“True courage but from opposition gròws; And what are fìfty what a thousand slâves, Matched to the virtue of a single arm

That strikes for liberty? that strikes to save

His fields from fìre, his infants from the swòrd,
And his large hònors from eternal ìnfamy?"
“Ye men of Sweden, wherefore are ye come?
See ye not yonder, how the locusts swarm,
To drink the fountains of your
And leave your hills a desert?

honor up,
Wretched men!

Why came ye forth? Is this a time for sport?

Or are ye met with song and jovial feast,

To welcome your new guests, your Danish visitants?
To stretch your supple necks beneath their feet
And fawning lick the dust? Go, go, my countrymen,
Each to your several mansions, trim them out,
Cull all the tedious earnings of your toil,

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To purchase bondage. O, Swedes! Swedes!
Heavens! are ye men and will ye suffer this?-
There was a time, my friends, a glorious time!
When, had a single man of your forefathers
Upon the frontier met a host in arms,

His courage scarce had turned; himself had stood,
Alone had stood, the bulwark of his country."

Example for the 'short' slide, or the "Minor Third"


Dear, gentle, patient, noble Nell was dead. Her little bird, —a poor, slight thing the pressure of a finger would have crúshed, was stirring nimbly in its cáge, and the strong heart of its child-mistress was mute and mòtionless forever!

“Sórrow was dead, indeed, in her; but peace and perfect happiness were bòrn, — imaged — in her tranquil beauty and profound repòse.


Waking, she never wandered in her mind but once, and that was at beautiful mùsic, which, she said, was in the air! God knows.


It may have been.

Opening her eyes at last from a very quiet sléep, she begged that they would kiss her once again. That done, she turned to the old màn, with a lovely smìle upon her fáce, such, they said, as they had never séen, and never could for

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