The Oxford Library of English Poetry, 第 1 卷John Wain Oxford University Press, 1986 - 443 頁 |
第 1 到 3 筆結果,共 86 筆
第 134 頁
... things . Go get some water , And wash this filthy witness from your hand . Why did you bring these daggers from the place ? They must lie there : go carry them , and smear The sleepy grooms with blood . Macb . I'll go no more : I am ...
... things . Go get some water , And wash this filthy witness from your hand . Why did you bring these daggers from the place ? They must lie there : go carry them , and smear The sleepy grooms with blood . Macb . I'll go no more : I am ...
第 191 頁
... thing , In whom love wrought new alchemy . For his art did express A quintessence even from nothingness , From ... things , draw all that's good , Life , soul , form , spirit , whence they being have ; I , by love's limbeck , am ...
... thing , In whom love wrought new alchemy . For his art did express A quintessence even from nothingness , From ... things , draw all that's good , Life , soul , form , spirit , whence they being have ; I , by love's limbeck , am ...
第 339 頁
... Things unto things , might us combine ? Our ages so in date agree That twins do differ more than we . There are two births ; the one when light First strikes the new awaken'd sense ; The other when two souls unite , And we must count ...
... Things unto things , might us combine ? Our ages so in date agree That twins do differ more than we . There are two births ; the one when light First strikes the new awaken'd sense ; The other when two souls unite , And we must count ...
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Alan a Dale angel arms beauty Beelzebub behold blood breath bright burning lake Cæsar Comus crown dark dead dear death deep delight doth dreadful earth eternal eyes fair fear fire flames flowers fools gentle glory gods gold grace Greensleeves hand happy hast hath head hear heart heav'n hell honour king kiss Lady light limbeck lips live look lord loue love's Lycidas mind Momus mortal nature never night o'er pain peace poison'd praise rage reign rest Robin Hood rose Satan scape shade sigh sight sing Sir Patrick Spens sleep soft song sorrow soul speak spirits stand stay stood stout beer sweet Sycorax tears tell Thammuz thee thence thine things thou art thou dost thou hast thought thyself unto weep wind wings youth