5 For these dead birds sigh a prayer.] We have no tradition for whom this very original and graceful elegy was intended: we have full faith in the ascription of it to Shakespeare, but in the work from which it is taken it stands by itself unexplained. Richardson, in his excellent Dictionary, quotes it as if it formed part of "The Passionate Pilgrim;" but Chester's "Love's Martyr" and The Passionate Pilgrim" are entirely different works, the first having been printed two years after the second.
ABJECTS, poor wretches, unresisting enemies, iv. 228. 564; v. 265 Aboding, foreboding, iv. 209 Abominable, or abhominable, ii. 147 Absey book, A. B. C. book, iii. 131 Aby, to abide, to endure, ii. 223. 228 Accessary, contributory, vi. 240 Accite, to summon, iii. 453. 520; v. 8 Accost, to approach, to address, ii. 647 Aches, a dissyllable, i. 29; v. 219 Acknown, acquainted with, vi. 74 Acture, action, vi. 664
Adam Bell, the archer, ii. 16; v. 126 Adam Cupid, or auburn Cupid, v. 126 Addrest, ready, prepared, ii. 245. 300; iii. 500; v. 332 Adornings, ornaments, vi. 162 Affection, or affectation, v. 524 Affectioned, affected, ii. 670 Affeer'd, confirmed, v. 442
Affined, allied, related, akin, iv. 494; vi. 12. 54
Affront, to face, to confront, v. 530 Affy, to trust to, to betroth, iv. 73; v. 8 Aglet-baby, a tag-point, ii. 461 Agnize, to acknowledge, vi. 29
Aim, to cry, iii. 140; v. 87 Aim, to give, to direct, to give leave,
to encourage, i. 207. 212;
Alderlievest, dearest of all, iv. 6 Ales, holy, church-ales, vi. 387 All-hallown summer, iii. 330 All 'long of, caused by, iii. 710 Allons, let us go, ii. 146 Alms-drink, given drink, vi. 175 Althea's dream, iii. 454
Ambler, or Angel, ii. 502 Ames-ace, both aces, ii. 563 Amort, dead, dispirited, out of heart, ii. 505; iii. 696
Anchor, hermit, anchoret, v. 543 Ancient, military colours, or the bearer of them, iii. 395. 461
Angels, money so called, iii. 165 Anheires, on here, or, on heroes, i. 194 Apostle-spoons for infants, iv. 457 Apperil, peril, danger, v. 222 Apple-Johns, withered apples, iii. 459 Approbation, proof, ii. 274; iii. 38. 546; vi. 95. 158. 272 Approof, approbation, ii. 541 Approve, to prove, to try, iii. 390 Approve, to support, to confirm, i. 157;
Araise, to raise, to upraise, ii. 554 Arch, a chief, a leader, v. 649 Argosy, a large heavy merchant-ship, ii. 267; iv. 155
Armiger, or manager, ii. 107 Aroint, begone, avaunt, v. 389. 681 Arrive, to attain, to arrive at, v. 303 Arthur's Show, Sir Dagonet in, iii. 483 Articulate, to enter into articles, iii.
Asia, hollow pampered jades of, iii. 464 Aspersion, sprinkling, i. 64 Assinego, an ass, iv. 507 Astringer, or a stranger, ii. 613 Atone, to reconcile, to be at one, ii. 430; iii. 225. 492; iv. 240. 694; v. 289; vi. 270
Attask'd, taxed, taken to task, v. 645 Aunt, a bawd, a prostitute, iii. 65
Availful, or veil full, i. 337 Away with, I cannot, I cannot like, or endure, iii. 481.
Aweful, standing in awe of, i. 138 Ay, or I, the affirmative, iii. 275 Ayword, or Nayword, a byeword, a password, ii. 669
Backare, or back there, a check, ii. 472 Bale, sorrow, iv. 606
Balk'd, laid up in a ridge, iii. 323 Ballow, a pole, a staff, v. 712 Ban, to curse, to interdict, iii. 724;
Banbury cheese, thin cheese, i. 173 Banks and his horse, ii. 103 Banquet, a dessert, vi. 175 Base, to bid the, to challenge, in speed, i. 97; vi. 494
Base, or prison-base, a game, vi. 351 Batten, to feed, v. 555
Baucis and Philemon, ii. 23. 399 Barbazon, a fiend, iii. 559 Barber's forfeits, i. 348 Bargulus, an Illyrian pirate, iv. 74 Baring the beard, shaving it, ii. 594 Barm, yeast, ii. 200
Bases of armour, vi. 411 Basilisco-like, iii. 133 Basta, enough, ii. 459
Bastard, a sweet wine, i. 310; iii. 355 Bate, to flap the wings, as hawks, ii. 499; iii. 595; v. 155 Bauble, a fool's, ii. 611; v. 74 Bavin, a faggot of brushwood, iii. 379 Bawcock, beau coq, iii. 19 Bay, or bait, v. 355
Bay of building, i. 286
Bay-windows, bow-windows, ii. 707 Bear hard, to be severe upon, v. 308. 320
Bear in hand, to keep in suspense, to
lead to suppose, iii. 435; vi. 361 Beated, beaten, or bated, vi. 618 Bechilled, or distilled, v. 486 Beck, or back, v. 533
Bed-fellow, intimate friend, iii. 562 Bedlam-beggars, mad beggars, v. 658 Beetle, a three man, iii. 441
Beg a fool, to ask in wardship, ii. 167
Beggar and the King, a ballad, ii. 195. 125; iii. 301
Behests, commands, ii. 153
Beholding, or beholden, i. 334 ;' ii. 279.
Beray, to befoul, ii. 493; iii. 705 Bergomask, a rude dance, ii. 253 Bermoothes, the Bermudas, i. 24 Berrord, a bear-ward, ii. 22 Besmirch'd, soiled, dirtied, iii. 612 Beshrew, to curse, ii. 152
Bessy, come o'er the bourn, a ballad, v. 685
Bestraught, or distraught, ii. 449 Beteem, to bestow, to suffer, to allow, ii. 191; v. 484
Bevis of Hampton, iv. 364
Bewray, to betray, to disclose, iii. 704; iv. 122; v. 651
Bezonian, a needy ragged soldier, iii. 524; iv. 75
Bid, to invite, v. 223
Bide upon't, to rely upon it, iii. 24 Biding, or building, vi. 411 Bilbo, a sword, i. 174 Bilboes, fetters, v. 595
Bills, to set up, to post bills, ii. 10 Bills, battle-axes, ii. 360; v. 707 Bird, heard to sing, a phrase, iii. 530 Bisson, blind, iv. 631. 657; v. 526 Bitum'd, pitched, vi. 431 Black and Yellow, a tune, ii. 693 Blacks worn at funerals, iii. 20 Blank, the white in archery, v. 622 Bleaded, fruited, v. 434
Bleeding afresh at the sight of a murderer, iv. 232
Blench, to start from, i. 336; iii. 27; iv. 482. 512; v. 528; vi. 638 Blent, blended, ii. 312. 658 Block, mould, ii. 11
Block, or plot, v. 710
Blood, inclination, disposition, v. 260 Blood-bolter'd, clotted, or matted with blood, v. 436
Blood, drawing from witches, iii. 668 Blooded, having tasted blood, iv. 314 Blown, puffed, bollen, or bolne, vi. 251 Blue-coats, the ancient dress of ser-
Bob, a blow, i. 403; ii. 382; vi. 308 Bodg'd, botch'd or budg'd, iv. 129
Bodkin, a small dagger, v. 532 Bodkin, God's, an asseveration, v. 526 Bolds, emboldens, v. 719
Bollen, or bolne, swollen, blown, puffed,
ii. 324; vi. 569
Bolted, sifted, iii. 82
Bolters, sieves, iii. 385
Bolting-hutch, a sifting-bin, iii. 366 Bombards, vessels for liquor, i. 46; iii. 366; iv. 461
Bombast, stuffing, ii. 176; iii. 362 Bone-ache, the Neapolitan, iv. 517 Bones, by these ten, an oath, iv. 21 Bonny sweet Robin, a ballad, v. 576 Boot, something thrown in, iv. 318 Boots, to give the, a phrase, i. 90 Bo-peep, a game, vi. 281 Bosky, or busky, woody, i. 66; iii. 402 Both two, both of them, v. 274 Bottled spider, or bottle-spider, a spider like a bottle, iv. 247. 319 Bought and sold, overreached, i. 386 Bounty, or lenity, iv. 656 Bow-strings, hold or cut, a proverbial phrase, ii. 198
Boy and the Mantle, a ballad, iii. 461 Brach, a bitch or dog, ii. 444; iv. 509;
v. 637. 686; vi. 46
Braid, hasty, sudden, ii. 599 Brakes, or breaks, i. 281
Brave, to dare, v. 695 Bravery, finery, i. 274
Brawl, a French, a dance, ii. 116 Break up, to carve, ii. 125 Breast, voice, ii. 664
Breed, interest of money, use, ii. 280; v. 220
Brentford, Gillian of, i. 232
Bribed-buck, a stolen, and perhaps a
divided buck, i. 250
Brief, a short statement, in short, ii. 243; iii. 137
Bring to, a colloquial phrase, iv. 492 Brize, the gad-fly, iv. 495; vi. 198 Brock, a badger, ii. 679 Brogues, shoes, vi. 337 Broken-mouthed, toothless, ii. 562 Brooched, or broached, ornamented, ii. 537; vi. 232
Brown groves, or broom groves, i. 65 Brownist, a puritan, ii. 689
Bruit, noise, report, iv. 192; v. 284
Bruited, noised, rumoured, reported,
Buckle, to bend, to bow, to strive, to
contend, iii. 431. 658. 724; iv. 130 Bucklers, to give the, a phrase, ii. 78 Buff, the dress of sergeants, iii. 226 Bug, a bug-bear, ii. 467; iii. 52; iv. 199; vi. 351
Bum-bailie, a bound-bailiff, ii. 697 Bung, a cut-purse, iii. 463 Burgonet, a helmet, vi. 150 Burst, to break, ii. 443; iii. 484 Burying face upwards, ii. 45 Bush, for the sale of wine, ii. 433 Busky, or bosky, woody, i. 66; iii. 402 But, except, unless, iii. 156; vi. 223 But and not confounded by printers, i.
389; ii. 174; iii. 161; iv. 549 Buttery bar, the place for procuring drink, ii. 647
Buttons, it is in his, a familiar colloquial phrase, i. 213
Caddis, worsted galloon, iii. 76. 354 Cæsar, Kiesar, and Pheazar, i. 180 Caged, or a chafed, lion, iii. 161 Cain and Damascus, iii. 661 Cake is dough, a phrase, ii. 519 Caliver, a hand-gun, iii. 482
Callat, a drab, a low wench, iii. 45; iv.
Callino castore me, a tune, iii. 614 Canary, a lively dance, ii. 116. 554 Canst thou not hit it, a tune, ii. 127 Canstick, candlestick, iii. 373 Cantle, piece, corner, iii. 372; vi. 197 Cantons. songs or cantos, ii. 659 Canvass, to sift, iii. 661 Capable, or palpable, ii. 404 Capitulate, to enter into articles, iii. 380 Capocchio, a dolt, loggerhead, iv. 551 Caps, statute, ii. 160
Captious, capable of taking, ii. 549 Carack, a ship of bulk, vi. 19 Carbonado, broiled meat, iii. 412 Carcanet, a necklace, i. 383 Card of ten, a ten-card, ii. 482 Carded, mixed, iii. 379
Carduus benedictus, the herb called blessed thistle, ii. 53
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