Hub. Heat me these irons hot; and, look thou stand Within the arras : 1 when I strike my foot deed. to 't. Hub. Uncleanly scruples! Fear not you look [Exeunt Attendants. Young lad, come forth; I have to say with you. Enter ARTHUR. Ar. Good morrow, Hubert. Hub. Good morrow, little prince. Ar. As little prince (having so great a title To be more prince) as may be. You are sad. Ar. Mercy on me! Methinks, nobody should be sad but I: 1 Tapestry. Yet, I remember, when I was in France, Is it my fault that I was Geffrey's son ? No, indeed, is 't not; and I would to Heaven, [aside. Ar. Are you sick, Hubert? you look pale to day. In sooth, I would you were a little sick, That I might sit all night, and watch with you. Hub. His words do take possession of my bosom. Read here, young Arthur. [showing a paper.] How now, foolish rheum ! Turning dispiteous torture out of door! [aside. Ar. Too fairly, Hubert, for so foul effect. Must you with hot irons burn out both mine eyes? Hub. Young boy, I must. Ar. And will you? Hub. And I will. Ar. Have you the heart? When your head did but ache, I knit my handkerchief about your brows, And with my hand at midnight held your head; And, like the watchful minutes to the hour, Saying, What lack you?' and, 'Where lies your grief?' Or, What good love may I perform for you?' If Heaven be pleased that you will use me ill, Why then you must. Will you put out mine eyes?— These eyes, that never did, nor never shall, So much as frown on you? Hub. I have sworn to do it; And with hot irons must I burn them out. Ar. Ah, none, but in this iron age, would do it! The iron of itself, though heat red-hot, Approaching near these eyes, would drink my tears, And quench his fiery indignation, Even in the matter of mine innocence; Nay, after that, consume away in rust, Are you more stubborn-hard than hammer'd iron ? An if an angel should have come to me, And told me, Hubert should put out mine eyes, I would not have believed him; no tongue, but Hubert's. Hub. Come forth. [stamps. Re-enter ATTENDANTS, with cord, irons, &c. Do as I bid you do Ar. O, save me, Hubert, save me! my eyes are out, Even with the fierce looks of these bloody men. I will not stir, nor wince, nor speak a word, Thrust but these men away, and I'll forgive you, Hub. Go, stand within; let me alone with him. Ar. Alas! I then have chid away my friend; Give life to yours. Hub. Come, boy, prepare yourself. Ar. Is there no remedy? 1 Hub. None, but to lose your eyes. Ar. O heaven!-that there were but a mote in yours, A grain, a dust, a gnat, a wandering hair, Any annoyance in that precious sense! Then, feeling what small things are boisterous there, Your vile intent must needs seem horrible. Hub. Is this your promise? go to, hold your tongue. Ar. Hubert, the utterance of a brace of tongues Lo, by my troth, the instrument is cold, Hub. I can heat it, boy. Ar. No, in good sooth; the fire is dead with grief, Being create for comfort, to be used In undeserved extremes.1 See else yourself: Hub. But with my breath I can revive it, boy. In acts of cruelty which I have not deserved. |