| Lady - 1759 - 272 頁
...worthy, according as her behaviour affects the houfe and family of her father, or her hufband i all fhe has to do in this world is contained within the duties of a daughter, a fifter, a wife, or a mother; and I think it very poffible, that all thefe may be well performed, though... | |
| 1799 - 352 頁
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| 1778 - 336 頁
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| 1786 - 670 頁
...praife-worthy according as her carriage affefts the houfe of her father or her hufband. All (he has todo in this world, is contained within the duties of a daughter, a filler, a wife, and a mother: all thefe may be well performed, though a lady fhould not be the very fined woman at an opera or an... | |
| 1796 - 456 頁
...human being, to cultivate her undcrltandmg. I never could read, with patience, the inlulent cbfcrvaticn of the Spectator, that " all that a woman has to do...the duties of a daughter, a filler, a wife, and a rm>thcr." If rhcfc Lords of the creation would give rs fair play, we would foon convince them, that... | |
| 1796 - 470 頁
...observation of the Speitator, that "all that a woman has to do m th's \vorld, is contained \vithin the duties of a daughter, a filler, a wife, and a...of the creation would give us fair play, we would loon convince them, that we are capable of rivalling them in any thing, except bodily ftrength ; and... | |
| John Corry - 1801 - 270 頁
...blameable or praifeworthy according as her carriage affects the houfe of her father or her hufband. All fhe has to do in this world is contained within the duties of a daughter, a Mer, a F 4 wife, and a mother;—all thefe may be performed, though a lady mould not be the very firfl... | |
| Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - 600 頁
...or praiseworthy according as her carriage affects the house of her father, or her husband. All she has to do in this world, is contained within the duties of a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a mother. All these may be well performed, though a lady should not be the very... | |
| 1803 - 364 頁
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| John Corry - 1804 - 230 頁
...praise- worthy, according as her carriage affects the house of her father or her husband. All slie has to do in this world is contained within the duties, of a daughter, a sister, a wife, and a mother : — all these may be performed, though a lady should not be the very... | |
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