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" Their colour is invariably white, muzzle black ; the whole of the inside of the ear, and about one-third of the outside from the tip, downwards, red; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards ; some of the bulls have a thin upright mane,... "
The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany - 第 124 頁
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The Critical Review: Or, Annals of Literature, 第 70 卷﹔第 1790 卷

Tobias Smollett - 1790 - 730 頁
...outlide, from the tipdownwatds, red; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards : fome of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about an inch and an half or iwo inches lonj;. « At ihe firft appearance of any perfon, they fet off in full gallop:...
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A General History of Quadrupeds

Ralph Beilby - 1792 - 508 頁
...the outfide, from the tip downwards, red*; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards: Some of the Bulls have a thin upright mane, about an inch and an half, or two inches long. At the firfl appearance of any perfon, they fet off in full gallop; and,...
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General View of the Agriculture of the County of the West ..., 第 6 卷,第 1 期

Great Britain. Board of Agriculture - 1794 - 464 頁
...the outfidc from the tip, downwards, red ; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards. Some of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about an inch and an half, or two inches long. The weight of the oxen is from 35 to 45 Horn', and thccoxvk from 25 to...
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The Annual Register, Or, A View of the History, Politics, and Literature for ...

1799 - 768 頁
...muzzle black ; tlie whole o'f the iniide of the ear, and about of the out-fide from the tip, downwards, red; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and...thin upright mane, about an inch and a half, or two inche« long. The weight of the oxen is from 3o to 45 none, and the cows from 2.5 to 35 none, the four...
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The Annual Register of World Events: A Review of the Year, 第 36 卷

Edmund Burke - 1799 - 774 頁
...out-fide from the tip, downwards, red ; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards. Some of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about...and a half, or two inches long. The weight of the oxen is from Jj to 4-.> /lone, and the cows from 2i to 3S ftono, t lie four quarters; I ilk to the...
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The History of Berwick Upon Tweed: Including a Short Account of the Villages ...

John Fuller - 1799 - 700 頁
...the outlide from the tip, downwards, red; horns white, with black tips, very tine, and bent upwards. Some of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about an inch and an half, or two inches long. The weight of the oxen is from 35 tp 45 ftone, and the cows from 25 to...
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A General History of Quadrupeds

Ralph Beilby - 1807 - 564 頁
...outside, from the tip downwards, red* ; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards : some of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about an inch and a half, or two inches long. At the first appearance of any person, they set off in full gallop, and, at the distance of two or...
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A review of the reports to the Board of agriculture, 第 1 卷

William Humphrey Marshall - 1808 - 602 頁
...outside from the tip, downwards, red : horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards ; ^some of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about...and a half, or two inches long : the weight of the oxen is from 35 to 45 stone ; and the cows from 24 " * At this time (1804) they are totally abandoned...
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A General Treatise on Cattle, the Ox, the Sheep, and the Swine ...

John Lawrence - 1809 - 666 頁
...muzzle black ; the whole of the inside of the ear, and about one third of the outside, from the tips downward, red ; horns white, with black tips, very...and a half, or two inches long. The weight of the oxen is from 35 to 45 stone, and the cows from 25 to 35 stone, the lour I quarters, 141b. to the stone....
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An Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive View of the County of ..., 第 1 卷

Eneas Mackenzie - 1825 - 538 頁
...the outside from the tip, downwards, red; horns white, with black tips, very fine, and bent upwards ; some of the bulls have a thin upright mane, about...a half, or two inches long : the •weight of the oxen is from 35 to 45 stone ; and the cows from 25 to 35 stone, the four quarters ; 14lb. to the stone....
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