GREAT AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS. MONTHLY MAGAZINE OF THE COURTS OF LONDON AND PAR IS THE ONLY PUBLICATION WHICH CONTAINS THE AUTHORIZED FASHIONS Of the highest Aristocracy-The Costumes and Millinery adopted by Personages of Rank, Taste and Distin Engraved by most Eminent Artists, and Elegantly Coloured. PUBLISHED THE FIRST OF EVERY MONTH. Price One Shilling Only. The great improvements to which the present Proprietors this month invite attention, betoken the exer that are made to perfect the high character and the permanent attractions of this Magazine; and which always render it the most popular publication of the kind, and the only one which Ladies can consult certainty and satisfaction. The difficulty at one time experienced of gaining a correct knowledge of wha worn in High Life is now removed, and in " TOWNSEND'S COSTUMES" will always be found Every Novelty in Dress as invented in London and Paris, Engraved by the First Artists, and Coloured after the originals, designed expressly and exclusively for t Publication, which is therefore A MIRROR OF ALL THE FASHIONS OF THE ARISTOCRACY. The Milliner Ladies, and their Milliners and Dressmakers, have no occasion to go to Paris for Fashions, since everything that is produced upon the Continent, is published immediately in "TOWNSEND'S COSTUMES." Dressmakers of this kingdom will be able by means of this Publication and its SPLENDID ENGRAVINGS AND PRACTICAL MODELS, to rival Foreign Artists in every department of their profession; and by studying those Designs, Models and Patterns, with the Ample and Clear Descriptions with which they will be always accompanied, our countrywomen will become quite competent to produce the Refined and elegant Costumes for the Aristocracy. Superior talent has been engaged in the production of "TOWNSEND'S COSTUMES" to sustain its character, and to render it worthy of the distinguished patronage which it enjoys. "TOWNSEND'S PARISIAN COSTUMES," FOR FEBRUARY, Will be a Superb Number, comprehending an immense variety of EVENING, BALL, AND MARRIAGE DRESSES, WINTER NOVELTIES, &c., upon which the invention and talents of all the Designers and Artistes will be mediately engaged; together with copious descriptions, and FULL-SIZED PAPER MODELS; and all information that can be collected in the highest circles of London ad Puris. Description of the Plates of Costumes. PLATE THE FIRST. PROMENADE COSTUME. a square Fig. 1st.-High dress of light brown Irish poplin the skirt long and full is trimmed at the sides with quilles of black velvet; at the point and each end of the quilles is a large jet button. Casaque of black velvet, fitting the figure perfectly, without being too tight: it has small collar and cape, turned back: wide Venetian sleeves opening nearly to the shoulder; small loops are placed under one side the sleeve opposite the buttons, so that they can be closed when required. The casaque is trimmed entirely round by a broad silk braid which is carried up each side the seam nearest the front; down the front and at the sides a row of large jet buttons are placed beyond the braid: the sleeves, cape, and collar are trimmed with the same braid, buttons ornamenting each side the opening of the sleeves; the edges are all finished by a very narrow silk fringe. Bonnet of Napoleon blue velours èpinglè, trimmed with black lace and small blue feathers. to the bend of the arm, if required, by small buttons and loops placed underneath. Manteau d'hiver of striped cloth; it is cut in the form of a long Talma, to which, in the front, it bears a resemblance; at the back, it has the appearance of a Burnous, the small round cape of the front forming a large pointed hood; the fronts of the manteau have broad revers of black velvet which narrow towards the top; the bottom corners are finished by large tassels of floss silk; the same tassels ornament the hood. Bonnet of light claret velvet, trimmed with black lace, and small feathers the colour of the velvet tulle cap and small velvet flowers crossing the top of the head. These costumes are from the MAGAZINES DU REGENCE, boulevard de la Madeleine. PLATE THE SECOND. PROMENADE COSTUME. Fig. 1st.-Dress of green velours d'orient, the sides trimmed with narrow black velvet. Casaque of grey striped cloth, edged round with narrow black velvet, and buttoning from the waist to the throat with jet buttons. Capes à bretelles, open on the shoulder; they are edged with velvet to correspond. The sleeves are three-quarter length, and have deep mousquetaire cuffs turned back. Bouillon sleeves of cambric, with insertions through which are drawn pink ribbons; they are finished by a deep lace ruffle. Bonnet of pink velours épinglè, or terry, velvet, it is trimmed with white lace and feathers. PROMENADE COSTUME. Fig. 2nd.-Dress of brown silk, the body high, with cape à la bèrthe; the sleeves have a plain piece at the top, with two puffs and deep frill falling below them. Manteau of black velvet, of the short Talma form; it is nearly covered by a large cape of rich guipure lace. Bonnet of black velvet and light |