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Fig. 1st.-Dress of striped silk, the colour a bright green; the skirt is full and of good length. Manteau à manches of black velvet closing at the throat with four buttons. The sleeves are the very full bishop, not reaching quite to the wrist, and are gathered or plaited into a band sufficiently wide to admit of either a small bouillon sleeve of muslin coming below them, or a deep lace ruffle; the band is covered by puffings of ribbon, with small nœud at the top of the wrist round the top of the sleeve are also puffings to correspond, and which entirely conceal the armhole. Bonnet of black velvet, the curtain bound with narrow purple velvet; across the front a loop and ends of purple velvet, the ends trimmed with black lace: túlle cap and broad purple strings.



Fig. 2nd.-Dress of plain mohair. Caraco, of ruby velvet, falling straight the sleeves are very wide, and open nearly to the shoulder; they are lined with white silk, and trimmed round with fur: the caraco is also edged entirely round with fur. This style of jacket will be very much worn this winter in the house as a coin de feu.


Fig. 3rd.-Dress of taffetas d'Italie, the skirt long and extremely full: on each side are broad montants of taffetas formed into very small bouillons. High body à la Bernois, the lower part being of black velvet, the upper part of taffetas bouillonnè; in the centre of corsage is a nœud of broad ribbon to match the colour of the dress. The sleeves have a large bouillon of taffetas

bouillonè; below this falls a deep frill of plain taffetas, headed by a narrower frill of black velvet: on the top of shoulder is a nœud of ribbon. The full bouillon sleeves, collar, and cape are all èn suite; they are ornamented with blue ribbon.



Fig. 1st.-Dress of white tarlatane à deux jupes: the skirts have each a hem about two inches wide, through which is drawn a blue ribbon. Plain low corsage, the sleeves formed by a frill of deep lace lace bèrthe with narrow bouillon and riches of blue ribbon ; it crosses in the front and the ends, à l'écharpe, fasten behind at the waist with a rosette of lace with blue flowers in the centre.


Fig. 2nd.-Dress of white silk; at the bottom of skirt a very deep plaiting à vieille of pale green taffetas: two broad flounces of honiton lace set on so as to form deep festoons both back and front; on each side, the festoons are supported by a long lace lappet formed into a rosette with large rose in the centre each flounce is headed by a narrow ruche of green taffetas. Low body, the waist à pointe: pointed cape open on the shoulder, trimmed with lace and narrow rûches: in the centre of corsage, a smaller rosette than those on the skirt.


Fig. 3rd.-Dress of lilac satin, the skirt long and very full; at each side are barbes formed by two rows of black lace set foot to foot with ruche in the centre; the ends of these barbes are supported by a large white flower, from under which fall two broad ends of ribbon. Low corsage; bèrthe of black lace, fastened in the centre by a white flower;

very full short sleeves, with square open sleeves of black lace falling over them.



Fig. 1st.-Dress of amber silk, the skirt with deep chantilly flounce headed by a row of scarlet velvet leaves. Low pointed corsage, with chantilly barbe forming bèrthe, fastened in the centre by a velvet flower, from under which fall two other barbes, which, joining the top of flounce, form montants on the skirt; the point of each is finished by a velvet flower. Full short sleeves finished by a black lace turned back, and narrow white ruffle.


Fig. 2nd. Jupe of white taffetas :tarlatane frock, the skirt very short and full, is looped at each side by barbes formed by loops of blue ribbon. Full body with blue ornament down the centre, the neck finished by a broad lace short bouillon sleeves, with epaulettes of taffetas, open on the shoulder and trimmed with narrow blue rúche.


Fig. 3rd.-Dress à trois jupes of very thin tarlatane; the first skirt has ten flounces of tarlatane goffered; the second and third skirts are looped on the left side, by a chateleine of the pink convolvulus, which, crossing the body of the dress, fastens on the left shoulder. Low body à pointe, the front crossed by bias folds of tarlatane: short sleeves formed by a double bouillon of tarlatane.



Fig. 1st.-High dress of Irish poplin, the skirt long and full. Manteau d'hiver of dark grey seal-skin, as this material is now called : the sleeves are made with revers of brown velvet; the collar and lapels are also of velvet. Bonnet of brown velours èpinglè, ornamented with white lace and brown and white feathers.


Fig. 3rd.-Dress of light purple silk, the skirt with four narrow flounces, each edged with a band of black taffetas, the top flounce set on with a narrow heading; above these flounces there is a plaited ruche of black taffetas. Plain high body with two rows of

buttons up the front, the waist with ceinture and steel buckle. Full bishop sleeves, threequarter length, finished by a plaiting à vieille; pointed epaulette on the shoulder to correspond.


Fig, 3rd.-Dress of green Irish poplin; at a short distance below the waist is a plaiting à vieille which gives the appearance of one enormously deep flounce. Plain high body with plastron of velvet, embroidered; ceinture fastened at the left side by a bow, from which depend long broad pointed ends; the edges are finished by a narrow rûche, and the points by large tassels. Sleeves à la Mandarine trimmed with narrow rûches placed at equal distances lengthwise on the sleeve; the bottom edge is also finished by a rúche.



No. 1 is an evening cap, the foundation of white tulle with full bouillon at the back; in the front, borders of French blond; across the front are three rows of narrow light green velvet across the head is a fanchon of very fine spotted black túlle with long lappets; this is trimmed entirely round with lace, and one row of narrow black velvet on the right side under the borders is placed a large provence rose with foliage, and on the left side a bunch of rose-buds. No. 2 is a dress bonnet of white terry velvet, with black velvet curtain; on the left side a black ostrich feather, from which droop white feathers reaching a little below the curtain cap of fulled tulle, with tress of small roses, broad white satin strings. No. 3 is a drawn bonnet of black glacée silk; the deep curtain, sitting close, is lined with white and set on with a narrow heading; the front edge is of white terry velvet, about three inches deep: a broad white lace is turned back from this; a black lace lappet is placed across the foot of this lace, from the left side to the right; very high on the left side is placed a black velvet rose with faded foliage; the lappet is not fastened on the right side, but is formed into a loop a little beyond the rose, the end left flowing; a narrow white lace at the edge of front: túlle cap with black rose placed high on the right side. No. 4 is a bonnet of pink silk, quilted, it is very pointed in the front, and comes well forward: a bias band of black velvet edged with lace crosses the head; black velvet curtain and rosette at the left side tulle cap with tress of black lace

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