Fig. 1st.-Dress à deux jupes of light purple silk; the first skirt has five narrow flounces slightly indented, the edges finished by a narrow black lace. The second skirt has a pyramide at the bottom of each breadth, formed by five flounces, surmounted by a bow with broad ends, the edges trimmed with narrow black lace. Plain high body lacing up the back, the front ornamented by brandebourgs formed by three narrow flounces to correspond with the skirt; the waist but slightly drooping both back and front, is finished by a ceinture and steel buckle. The sleeve is the half bishop, left loose at the bottom, and caught up a little in the front of arm by a bow: the epaulette is formed by two narrow frills, the same as that finishing the bottom of sleeve. Cap of black lace trimmed with pink ribbon. PROMENADE COSTUME. Fig. 2nd.-Dress à deux jupes, the first skirt is of fine white piquè or quilting; at the bottom a band of nankeen, the bottom edge of which is deeply festooned and bordered with white piqué; in the centre of band a Grecian border in bright blue braid. The second skirt is of nankeen open at the sides, the openings closed by broad bands of white pique, the edges festooned; a Grecian border down each side, and in the centre a row of blue buttons enclosed by blue braid : a row of braid forms tablière between the side trimmings. The corsage is low, slightly pointed both back and front; stomacher or plastron of white piqué, to correspond with the side trimmings of the second skirt. The sleeves, narrow at the top and very wide at the bottom, are called the Mandarines; there is a trimming at the back of the sleeve, in unison with that on the skirt, the bottom of sleeve being finished by a narrow braid only. Fichu of very fine muslin, with lace insertion. Bonnet of paille de riz, with transparent crown, quadrilled with narrow blue velvet; the curtain is bound with blue velvet. DINNER COSTUME. FOR HOME. 2 Fig. 3rd.-Skirt à deux jupes of striped grenadine. Low body and sleeves of white net, the body full, and finished by a row of insertion and narrow lace: full bishop sleeve with bouillon cuff, a pink ribbon drawn through the bouillons: a second sleeve falls over this, open to the top; it is trimmed with lace headed by a bouillon, a pink ribbon drawn through it. Canezou formed by insertions and bouillons; a bouillon of net entirely round it, and finished by a narrow lace; pink ribbon through all the bouillons. Ceinture with bow and ends of pink ribbon. : PLATE THE SECOND. SEA-SIDE COSTUME. Fig. 1st.-High dress of very thin mohair the skirt long and extremely full. Manteau à Manches of grey cashmere of the finest texture the hood of this cloak is attached to it, but the pelerine is loose, so that it can be worn or not, according to the temperature of the weather. The manteau is cut longer at the back than in front: at the bottom of each side is an opening, surrounded by an ornament in scarlet braid or narrow velvet ; at the centre of back a similar opening is imitated by the braid in the fronts, at the height of the wrist when the arm is bent, are openings intended to pass the hands through in case of their being cold, as when the cloak is buttoned, they will be effectually screened from the weather: the hood, sleeves and pelerine are all ornamented with braid. |