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Lo! the great Anarch's ancient reign reftor'd;
Light dies before her uncreating word.

As one by one, at dread Medea's strain,
The fick'ning stars fade off th' æthereal plain;
As Argus' eyes, by Hermes wand oppreft,
Clos'd one by one to everlasting reft;


fince what he fays fhall be, is already to be seen, in the writings of fome even of our most admired authors, in divinity, philofophy, phyfics, metaphyfics, &c. (who are too good indeed to be named in fuch company.) Do not gentle reader, reft too fecure in thy contempt of the Inftruments for such a revolution in learning, or defpife fuch weak agents as have been defcribed in our poem; but remember what the Dutch ftories fomewhere relate, that a great part of their Provinces was once overflow'd, by a small opening made in one of their dykes by a fingle water-rat.

However, that fuch is not feriously the judgment of our Poet, but that he conceiveth better hopes from the diligence of our Schools, from the regularity of our Univerfitles, the difcernment of our Great men, the encouragement of our Patrons, and the genius of our Writers in all kinds, (notwithstanding fome few exceptions in each) may plainly be seen from his conIMITATIONS.

V. 343. As Argus eyes, by Hermes wand oppreft.] Ovid. Met. 2.

Et quamvis fopor eft oculorum parte receptus,
Parte tamen vigilat-Vidit Cyllenius omnes
Succubuiffe oculos, &c. ibid.

Thus at her felt approach, and fecret might,
Art after art goes out, and all is night.
See fculking Truth in her old cavern lye,
Secur'd by mountains of heap'd cafuistry:
Philofophy, that touch'd the heav'ns before,
Shrinks to her hidden caufe, and is no more:
See Phyfic beg the Stagyrite's defence!
See Metaphyfic call for aid on fenfe!

See mystery to Mathematics fly;



In vain! they gaze, turn giddy, rave, and die.
Thy hand, great Dulness! lets the curtain fall, 355
And univerfal darkness buries all.

Enough! enough! the raptur'd monarch cries; And thro' the Ivory gate the vifion flies.


clufion; where by caufing all this vifion to pafs thro' the Ivory gate, he exprefly in the language of poefy declares all fuch imaginations to be wild, ungrounded and fictitious. SCRIBLER US.

V. 347. Truth in her old Cavern lye.] Alludes to the faying of Democritus, that truth lay at the bot tom of a deep well.


V. 358. And thro' the Ivory gate the vision flies.] Virg. Æn. 6.

Sunt gemine fomni portes quarum altera fertur
Cornea, qua veris facilis datur exitus umbris;
Altera, candenti perfecta nitens elephanto,
Sed falfa ad cælum mittunt infomnia manes.


By the Author;




HEREAS certain Haberdafhers of Points and Particles, being inftigated by the Spirit of Pride and affuming to themfelves the Name of Criticks a. Reftorers, have taken upon them to adulterate the common and current Senle of our Glorious Ancettors, Poets of this Realme; by clipping, coyning, defacing the Images, 02 miring their own Lale Allay, 02 othe wile fallifying the lame, which they publich, utter, and vend as genuine : The faid Haberdashers having no Kgyr_thereto, as neither Heirs, Eecutors. Adminiftrators, Asligns, of in any lozt Kelated to such Poets, to all, of any of Them: Now We, having carefully reviled this our Dunciad, beginning with the word Books, and ending with the wozd Alics, containing the entire Sum of one thou

fand and twelve Lines, do declare every Wozd, Figure, Point, and Comma of this Impzelton to be Authentic ; And do therefoze Üricly enjoin and fozbid any Perlon oz Perlons whatsoever, to erale, reverse, put between hooks, o2 by any other means directly or indirectly change of mangle any of them. And we do hereby earnestly erhost all our zethren to follow this our Example, which we heartily with our Great Pzedcceffors had heretofoze fet, as a Remedy and Prevention of all fuch Abules. Provided always, that nothing in this Declaration shall be construed to limit the lawful and undoubted Right of every Subject of this Realme, to judge, cenTure, oz condemn, in the whole or in part, any Poem or Poet whatsoever.

Given under our hand at London, this third day of January, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred thirty and two.

Declarat' cor' me.


[blocks in formation]




[ocr errors]

AXTON,Will. i. 129
Curl, Edm. 1. 38

ii. 3, 54, 161, &c.
Cook, Tho. i. 130. and


Concanen, Matthew. ibid.

Richard.i.102.ii.249 Cibber, Colley. i. 240

Befaleel,Morris, ii. 118. iii

Centlivre, Susannah. ii.
381. ii. 145

iii. 32.

Chi-hoamti Emperor of

China. iii. 67

Bond ii. 118. iii. 151.

Brown iii. 20


Banks i. 250

Blome i. 126

Budgel, Esq; ii. 367.

Bentley, Thomas ii. 197.

Boyer, Abel, ii. 383.

Breval (J. Durant) ii. 118, DANIEL, Defoe. i. 101

and 232
Bavius. iii. 16
Burnet, Thomas, Efq; iii

[blocks in formation]

ii. 139.
Dennis, John. i. 104
ii. 233, iii. 167
Ducket, George, Efqi
iii. 175.
Dunton, John. ii. 136
Durfey iii. 138.
Dutchmen. ii. 43.

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