Publications, 第 12 卷1867 |
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Act of Parliament Act of Tynwald aforesaid alienation annual appertaining appointed appurtenances bearing date belonging Bishop of Sodor bishoprick Britain Castle Commissioners Countess Countess of Derby Court Crown demise Duchess of Atholl Duke James Duke of Atholl Earl of Derby Earl of Salisbury Earl William Easter One thousand Edward Elizabeth his wife enacted England Esquire George Governor grant Harbours heirs and assigns heirs and successors heirs male Henry hereditaments homage Honourable House Indenture Ireland Isle of Mann issue James Lord Stanley King's kingdom Knight lands late Majesty letters patent Lord Stanley Lordship of Mann Majesty's manor messuages monastery paid patronage payable payment Peel pele persons possession premises priory profits purchase Queen recited rectories reign rents respect revenue Revesting Rushen Scotland shillings singular Sir John Stanley Statutes tenements therein thereof Thomas thousand seven hundred Tynwald tythes unto whatsoever whereas William Earl yearly
第 132 頁 - An Act for the Security of Her Majesty's Person and Government, and of the Succession to the Crown of Great Britain, in the Protestant Line; it was enacted, that no Office, Place, or Employment, Civil or Military, within the Kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, Dominion of Wales, Town of...
第 206 頁 - The moneys to arise from such sale shall be applied in the first place in payment of the costs, charges, and expenses of the trustee, of and occasioned by the application to the Court, and of and attending such sale...
第 131 頁 - An Act for the Continuation of all and every Person or Persons in any and every Office, Place, or Employment, Civil or Military, within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Dominion of Wales, Town of...
第 194 頁 - Act: and that all the Monies that shall arise by the said Duties (except the necessary Charges of raising, collecting, levying, recovering, answering, paying, and accounting for the same) shall be paid by the Collector of his Majesty's Customs, into the hands of his Majesty's...
第 131 頁 - Be it therefore enacted hy the King's most Excellent Majesty, hy and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords...
第 226 頁 - Such expenses for establishing and maintaining on the coasts of the United Kingdom proper lifeboats with the necessary crews and equipments, and for affording...
第 22 頁 - THE UNITED STATES. To all to whom these presents may come, greeting: Know ye that the Congress of the United States...
第 81 頁 - I cannot but wonder whence you should gather any hopes that I should prove like you, treacherous to my Sovereign ; since you cannot be ignorant of my former actings in his late Majesty's service, from which principles of loyalty I am no whit departed.
第 205 頁 - An Act to consolidate and amend the laws relating to the management and improvement of his majesty's woods, forests, parks, and chases ; of the land revenue of the crown within the survey of the Exchequer in England ; and of the land revenue of the crown in Ireland ; and for extending certain provisions relating to the same to the Isles of Man and Alderney.