ePub 版

IT makes its own welcome and lev

Wesak distinctions. No dignity, no


learning, no force of character, can make
any stand against good wit. It is like ice,
in which no beauty of form, no majesty of
carriage can plead any immunity—they must
walk gingerly, according to the laws of ice,
or down they must go, dignity and all.
The Comic.


PERCEPTION of the comic seems to be a balance-wheel in our metaphysical structure. It appears to be an essential element in a fine character. Wherever the intellect is constructive, it will be found. We feel the absence of it as a defect in the noblest and most oracular soul. The perception of the comic is a tie of sympathy with other men, as pledge of sanity, and a protection from those perverse tendencies and gloomy insanities in which fine intellects sometimes lose themselves. A rogue alive to the ludicrous is still convertible. If that sense is lost, his fellowmen can do little for him. The Comic.

Wit No Respecter of Persons

No Nature Complete



The Instinct for Play

is the
Soul of

A TASTE for fun is all but universal

in our species, which is the only joker in nature. The rocks, the plants, the beasts, the birds, neither do anything ridiculous, nor betray a perception of anything absurd done in their presence. And as the lower nature does not jest, neither does the highest. The Reason pronounces its omniscient yea and nay, but meddles never with degrees or fractions; and it is in comparing fractions with essential integers or wholes that laughter begins.

The Comic.

HE perpetual game of humour is to look with considerate good-nature at every Humour object in existence, aloof, as a man might look at a mouse, comparing it with the eternal Whole; enjoying the figure which each self-satisfied particular creature cuts in the unrespecting All, and dismissing it with a benison. Separate any object, as a particular bodily man, a horse, a turnip, a flour-barrel, an umbrella, from the connec

tion of things, and contemplate it alone, standing there in absolute nature, it becomes at once comic; no useful, no respectable qualities can rescue it from the ludicrous. The Comic.

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