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Ior une inspection of steamers and their ad of the present system of pilotage of present mode of employing engineers on following regulations shall be observed, or other chief officer of the customs, tovising inspector for the district, and the court of the United States for the district, ing collection districts, namely, New Oron the Mississippi river; Louisville, Cind Pittsburg, on the Ohio river; Buffalo, ake Erie; Detroit, upon Detroit river; Cumberland river; Chicago, on Lake Lake Ontario; Burlington, in Vermont; Mobile, in Alabama; Savannah, in GeorSouth Carolina; Norfolk, in Virginia; nd; Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania; New New London, in Connecticut; Boston, in and, in Maine; and San Francisco, in ignate two inspectors, of good character tions, to perform the services required of in the respective districts for which they e of whom, from his practical knowledge the uses of steam in navigation, shall be ake a reliable estimate of the strength, her qualities of the hulls of steamers and med essential to safety of life when such n the carriage of passengers, to be called ls; the other of whom, from his know


Second. The efore the sam er, subjecting ich, not exce square incl the owner examination ell made of g the passage tubes expos obstruction ent, and that bed water li machinery ved in the se peril to life 7


and employed in the carriage of pa themselves that every such vessel, so tion, is of a structure suitable for t to be employed, has suitable accomm passengers, and is in a condition to may be used in navigation as a ste and that all the requirements of lay pumps, hose, life-preservers, floats, a fully complied with; and, if they de direct the vessel to be put in motion suitable means to test her sufficien ment.

f steamers and stem of pilotage ploving enginee s shall be obser r of the customs. the district, and b tates for the distr ts, namely, New ver; Louisville, Ohio river; B upon Detroit rie ; Chicago, on L lington, in Verm ; Savannah, in Ge orfolk, in Virg Pennsylvania; nnecticut; Bost 1 San Francisco. rs, of good char services require stricts for which t practical knowl navigation, shall hate of the streng hulls of steamers ety of life when ssengers, to be cal om, from his kn

Second. They shall also inspect th before the same shall be used, and after, subjecting them to a hydrost which, not exceeding one hundred the square inch for high-pressure by the owner or the master, and by examination and experimental t well made of good and suitable ma for the passage of water and steam and tubes exposed to heat, are of p from obstruction, that the spaces be cient, and that the fire-line of the scribed water line of the boilers; a the machinery and the appurtena ployed in the service proposed in the out peril to life; and shall also sa


, in high-pressure boilers, the water four inches above the flue; Provided, ereafter supplied with new high-presfuses on the outer boilers at a pressure the working pressure allowed, and at aid pressure on the inner boilers, it pliance with this act.

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ting to the hydrostatic test aforesaid, lly known under the designation of e inspectors shall assume one hundred square inch as the maximum pressure power for a new boiler forty-two inches spected iron plates at least one-fourth best manner, and of the quality herein e the working power of all high-presgreater or less diameter, old or new, gth compared with this standard; and plied shall exceed the working power one hundred and sixty-five to one hunhigh-pressure boilers hereafter made his standard; and in subjecting to the ss of boilers usually designated and boilers, the said inspectors shall allow, f each new boiler, a pressure of only r of pounds to the square inch to which cted by the hydrostatic test and found using the water in such tests at a tem

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ssume one

maximum pressure er forty-two inche at least one-fourth

pressure than the amount allowed any boiler or pipe be approved wh part of bad material, or is unsafe from defective workmanship, age,

Fourth. That when the inspectio the inspectors approve of the vessel out, they shall make and subscri tor of the district, substantially as State of district of

having been made in writing by scribers, inspectors for said distr

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is master, w

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certify, that she was built in the
spects staunch, seaworthy, and in
tion, having suitable means of esca
the main to the upper deck; that
insert the number of state rooms; t
the number of other permanent b
the number of berths for deck or
the number of passengers of each
able accommodations; and in cas
from any European port, or to or f
tic or the Pacific, a distance of one
the number of each she is permitte
a steamer sailing to any other port
miles or upwards, the number of

the quality herein of all high-pres meter, old or ne This standard; and The working pore y-five to one bu rs hereafter made subjecting to the designated and ectors shall allo pressure of only are inch to which tic test and found ach tests at a ten

nue. Also the umber and

pipes; the number and kind of entheir cylinders; the number and caaps, and how worked; the number and ter and steam gauges, where situate, the manner of using alloyed metals, h they are known by the inspectors to the extinguishment of fires, including xes; the provisions for saving life in g boats, life-preservers, and substitutes I all other provisions made on board lives of passengers.) And we furipment of the vessel throughout, ind other means to keep the water up to boats, life-preservers, and other things, provisions of law; and that we deate conviction, founded upon the inade, that the vessel may be employed ters named in the application, without perfection of form, materials, workof the several parts, or from age or tify, that said vessel is to run within -it, from and back,



shall be verified by the oaths of the Fore a person competent by law to adcase the said inspectors do not grant

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