ePub 版

may be prescribed by law, be an elector. an elector shall be forfeited, by a conry, perjury, duelling, fraudulent bankffence, for which an infamous punish

be eligible to any office in this State, for in this Constitution.

town clerk of the several towns shall ions of electors, at such times, and in - prescribed by law.

e to support the privilege of free sufanner of regulating and conducting and prohibiting, under adequate pene therein, from power, bribery, tumult, luct.

officers of the State, or members of the votes of the electors shall be by ballot. officers of the State, or members of the lectors shall be privileged from arrest e upon, and going to and returning civil process.

e electors for the election of the several nually to be elected, and members of of this State, shall be holden on the each year.

October, 1845.-Every white male citis who shall have attained the age of

us State last four mo

his vote, sha district of w elsewhere, f elective by thirty days

trict from w

his vote. three


years a

ceding any e freehold esta

Over and abo and shall ha shall be enti color shall b ized and po 2. Laws ma all persons w larceny, or of person who s terested in a azy election, 3. For the have gained d absence, while nor while en State, or of th student of any

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last four months a resident of the his vote, shall be entitled to vote at district of which he shall at the elsewhere, for all officers that no elective by the people; but such thirty days next preceding the el trict from which the officer is to b his vote. But no man of color, u three years a citizen of this State ceding any election shall have bee freehold estate of the value of two over and above all debts and incu and shall have been actually rate shall be entitled to vote at such color shall be subject to direct t seized and possessed of such real e

2. Laws may be passed excludin all persons who have been or may larceny, or of any infamous crim person who shall make, or becom terested in any bet or wager dep any election, from the right to vot

3. For the purpose of voting, n have gained or lost a residence, b absence, while employed in the s nor while engaged in the naviga State, or of the United States, or of student of any seminary of learni


v are, or hereafter may be, elective by at no person in the military, naval, or nited States shall be considered a resiing stationed in any garrison, barrack, ace or station within the State; and no rson, or person convicted of a crime from being a witness, unless pardoned the right of suffrage, shall enjoy the

ay pass laws to deprive persons of the all be convicted of bribery at elections.


November, an Thite male ci ring resided And the last Tote, and havi County tax, w efore the ele very free whi and under the aid, shall be Provided, that rice of the Un residence in t arrack, or mil and no idiot, o a crime deer elector; and th the right of su 2. Electors sh of the peace, be ance at election

y the citizens, every white freeman of ears, having resided in this State one on district where he offers to vote ten eding such election, and within two nty tax, which shall have been assessed the election, shall enjoy the rights of n of the United States, who had prevoter of this State, and removed therewho shall have resided in the election as aforesaid, shall be entitled to vote, cate six months: Provided, that white e United States, between the ages of

SEC. 1. Every

of age or upwar

may be, elective b military, naval e considered a res garrison, barra the State; and victed of a crim Ss, unless pardone ge, shall enjoy the

ive persons of the ribery at elections


white freeman of in this State one offers to vote te and within t have been assessed enjoy the rights tes, who had p nd removed there led in the election e entitled to vote ovided, that white



November, and be by ballot: and in white male citizen of the age of twe having resided in the State one year and the last month thereof in the vote, and having within two years ne a county tax, which shall have been as before the election, shall enjoy the every free white male citizen of the and under the age of twenty-two year said, shall be entitled to vote with Provided, that no person in the milit vice of the United States shall be residence in this State, by being s barrack, or military or naval place or and no idiot, or insane person, or pa of a crime deemed by law felony, sh elector; and that the Legislature ma the right of suffrage as a punishmen

2. Electors shall in all cases, except of the peace, be privileged from an a ance at elections, and in going to an

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SEC. 1. Every free white male per of age or upwards, who shall have

have acquired a residence in the part which he has removed.

1 shall give, or offer to give, directly or esent or reward, or any promise, or any nt or delivery of money or any other ter to refrain from casting his vote, or L in any way from voting, or to obtain y candidate or person proposed or voted ent and Vice-President of the United e in Congress, or for any office of profit Constitution or laws of this State, or thority of the Mayor and City Council n giving or offering to give, and the ne, and any person who gives or causes ote, knowing it to be so, at any election his State, shall, on conviction in a court ne penalties now or hereafter to be imdisqualified to hold any office of profit election thereafter.



of the General Assembly of Maryland with fine and imprisonment any person any election district or ward of the city e purpose of acquiring a bona fide resihe purpose of voting therein at an apwho shall vote in any election district es not reside (except in the case prorticle of the Constitution), or shall, at in more than one election district or

Foters or pre
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eceive the pr
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ring refused
appointment s
and any perso
all, on convi
es for wilful
voting at a
ffice of profit

5. That no
victed of larce
pardoned by t
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be entitled to v

Sac. 1. Every
age of twenty-o
for two years, a
to vote for twel

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