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have occurred, or any such false re made, for which the owner or own of every such ship or vessel shall al erally, and which may be sued for provided. (As amended by chap.

uties of his f of birth, last l rson or passenge vessel on her l the United State ve months, arrive at any place wi e paid the com the provisions f the act of Febr ty-four, concern of New York, ions of this or a a like statement as shall have be such ship or res 10 shall have bee of any other s ling to and land within the limits pecify whether a unatic, idiot, d

SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the discharging the duties of his offic ment to be made on the said repo consignee of the ship or vessel fro landed, to give a several bond to t penalty of three hundred dollars fo passenger included in such report; hereinafter provided, and conditio harmless the commissioners of emi city, town or county in this State commissioners or such city, town of relief or support of the person nam years from the date of such bond, refund to the said commissioners of charge they may necessarily incur care of the persons named therein, hospital, or any other institution' and every bond shall be secured securities, being residents of the S whom shall prove, by oath or oth a freehold in the State, of the valu over and above all or any claim him, including therein any conting


ith a child
imself or he
any atte
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aid mayor pa
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bonds as above provided. The said hereby required to pay over daily the count thereof, to the chamberlain of the t no owner or assignee shall be authore bond so required for any passenger f New York, between the first day of enth day of April, who may be sent to m shipboard by the health officer, or by ard of health of the city of New York om ship fever. The commissioners of uthority to commute especially for any such rates and in such manner as shall le and proper. It shall be the duty of ort without delay, to the commissioners nes of all passengers sent by his order ioned period from shipboard to the maat of illness from ship fever. For the he health commissioner, and named in paid by the commissioners of emigrateen hundred and fifty dollars per anaid the remainder of his salary by the commonalty of the city of New York. expiration of the term of the present shall be lawful for the commissioners for the performance of the duties named ow performed by the commissioner of r of the city of New York, or the chamthe health commissioners, and the com


en, the said is office, shall d. or in any , and in add assignee of Streties, shall the State in Passenger, Commissioners County within id commissio ar for the ma med in such the date of such quired to just aking such e all satisfy su the State of N penalty of such ll property exe

rovided. The s
pay over daily th

with a child or children, or any pe himself or herself without becomin from any attending circumstances, lic charge, or who, from sickness. time of departure from the foreign to become a public charge, they sh said mayor particularly, and there required in the second section of given, the said mayor, or the perso his office, shall require in the endor said, or in any subsequent endorsen on, and in addition to the commuta or assignee of such ship or vessel, sureties, shall execute a joint and of the State in a penalty of five hur passenger, conditioned to indemn commissioners of emigration, and e county within the State, from any f said commissioners, or any such cit cur for the maintenance or suppor named in such bond, or any of the the date of such bond. The suretie required to justify before and to the making such endorsement, and by shall satisfy such officer that they a the State of New York, and worth penalty of such bond, over and abo all property exempt from execution

nee shall be authe for any passen en the first dar who may be sent health officer, or city of New Yor e commissioners e especially for a ch manner as shi hall be the duty o the commissione s sent by his or ipboard to the ip fever. For t ner, and namel ssioners of emig ifty dollars per of his salary by city of New Fa erm of the pres the commissione of the duties name e commissioner York, or the cha oners, and the


e charge fate, it shall the

payn , or coun Person, out of al the mon Fi enable th Se such ru the purpos e claim of an risions of t issioners sha Caintenance of

of the senate, and the persons so apy hold their offices for the term of six e city of New York, the mayor of the esident of the German society, and the igrant society of New York, shall also, eir respective offices, be commissioners commissioners shall be known as the gration," and by that title shall be casued; the money so as aforesaid to be of the city of New York, shall be paid e said commissioners, or a majority of uty of the said commissioners to proe and support of such of the persons money shall have been paid as aforebonds shall have been taken as aforebecome a charge upon any city, town e; and the said commissioners shall aforesaid for that purpose, in such 7, as far as may be, the several cities, he State, for any expense or charge for the maintenance and support of the ppropriation shall be in proportion to 7 said cities, towns and counties, sevunce and support. And the more fully nplated by this act, the said commisapply in their discretion any part of n removing any of said persons from to another part of this, or any other

all have bee en given as argeable upo er shall deer en made by all not be en port and ma SEC. 6. The s agents, cle the purposes on for their se Sac. 7. The c The first Monday imes as he sha


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come chargeable upon any city, to State, it shall be the duty of the sai for the payment of any expense town, or county, for the maintenan person, out of the commutation mo and the moneys collected on such will enable them to do so. The sai scribe such rules and regulations a for the purpose of ascertaining the the claim of any city, town, or coun provisions of this and the precedin missioners shall have power to pr maintenance of any persons for w shall have been paid, or on whose been given as hereinbefore provid chargeable upon any city, town, or they shall deem proper; and after been made by such commissioners, shall not be entitled to claim any support and maintenance of such p

the persons so for the term of six , the mayor of the an society, and the w York, shall als be commissionen be known as the at title shall be c o as aforesaid to York, shall be pa s, or a majority of missioners to pr uch of the pers been paid as afore een taken as afore pon any city, tom mmissioners shall purpose, in su the several cities expense or charg and support of the be in proportion t and counties, And the more full , the said commi retion any part said persons fr this, or any other


SEC. 6. The said commissioners such agents, clerks, and servants as for the purposes aforesaid, and to p tion for their services out of the mo

SEC. 7. The chamberlain of the the first Monday of January, in ev times as he shall be thereunto re

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