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you command me; I fhould rather think it will "be more confiftent for you, being a prince and a general, to contend with one who is a prince "and general alfo.-If you should fortunately "kill a perfon of this defcription, you will acquire

great glory, or if you should fall by his hand, "which heaven avert, the calamity is fomewhat "foftened by the rank of the conqueror: it is for "us of inferior rank to oppofe men like ourselves. "As to the horfe, do not concern yourself about "what he has been taught; I will venture to fay, "that he fhall never again be troublesome to any "one."

CXII. In a fhort time afterwards, the holtile forces engaged both by fea and land; the Ionians, after a fevere conteft, obtained a victory over the Phoenicians, in which the bravery of the Samians was remarkably confpicuous. Whilft the armies were engaged by land, the following incident happened to the two generals:-Artybius, mounted on his horfe, rushed against Onefilus, who, as he had concerted with his fervant, aimed a blow at him as he approached: and whilft the horfe reared up his feet against the fhield of Onefilus, the Carian cut them off with an ax.-The horfe, with his master, fell instantly to the ground.

CXIII. In the midft of the battle, Stefenor, prince of Curium, with a confiderable body of forces, went over to the enemy (it is faid that the Curians are an Argive colony); their example was


followed by the men of Salamis, in their chariots of war 142; from which events the Perfians obtained a decifive victory. The Cyprians filed. Amongst the number of the flain was Onefilus, fon of Cherfis, and principal inftigator of the revolt; the Solian prince, Ariftocyprus, alfo fell, fon of that Philocyprus 143, whom Solon of Athens, when at Cyprus, celebrated in verfe amongst other fovereign prin


CXIV. In revenge for his befieging them, the Amathufians took the head of Onefilus, and carrying it back in triumph, fixed it over their gates: fome time afterwards, when the infide of the head was decayed, a fwarm of bees fettling in it, filled it with honey. The people of Amathus confulted the oracle on the occafion, and were directed to bury the head, and every year to facrifice to Onefilus as to an hero. their obedience involved a promife of future prosperity; and even within my

142 Chariots of war.]-Of thefe chariots, frequent mention is made in Homer: they carried two men, one of whom guided the reins, the other fought.-Various fpecimens of ancient chariots may be seen in Montfaucon.-T.

143 Philocyprus,]-Philocyprus was prince of Soli, when Solon arrived at Cyprus; Solis was then called Apeia, and the approaches to it were fteep and difficult, and its neighbourhood unfruitful. Solon advised the prince to rebuild it on the plain which it overlooked, and undertook the labour of furnishing it with inhabitants. In this he fucceeded, and Philocyprus, from gratitude, gave his city the name of the Athenian philosopher. Solon mentions this incident in fome verses addreffed to Philocyprus, preferved in Plutarch.-Larcher,

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remembrance, they have performed what was required of them.

CXV. The Ionians, although fuccessful in the naval engagement off Cyprus, as soon as they heard of the defeat and death of Onefilus, and that all the cities of Cyprus were clofely blockaded, except Salamis, which the citizens had restored to Gorgus, their former fovereign, returned with all poffible expedition to Ionia. Of all the towns in Cyprus, Soli made the longest and most vigorous defence; but of this, by undermining the place, the Perfians obtained poffeffion after a fiye months fiege.

CXVI. Thus the Cyprians, having enjoyed their liberties for the space of a year, were a second time reduced to fervitude. All the Ionians who had been engaged in the expedition against Sardis were afterwards vigorously attacked by Daurises, Hymees, Otanes, and other Perfian generals, each of whom had married a daughter of Darius: they first drove them to their fhips, then took and plundered their towns, which they divided amongst themfelves.

CXVII. Daurifes afterwards turned his arms against the cities of the Hellefpont, and in as many fucceffive days made himself mafter of Abydos, Percotes, Lampfacus 144, and Pæfon, From this



Lampfacus.]-This place was given to Themistocles to furnish

latter place he proceeded to Parion, but learning on his march, that the Carians, taking part with the Ionians, had revolted from Perfia, he turned afide from the Hellefpont, and led his forces against Caria.

CXVIII. Of this motion of Daurifes the Carians had early information, in confequence of which they affembled at a place called the white columns, not far from the river Marfyas, which, paffing through the diftrict of Hidryas, flows into the Mæander. Various fentiments were on this occafion delivered; but the most fagacious in my eftimation was that of Pixodarus, fon of Maufolus; he was a native of Cindys, and had married the daughof Syennefis, prince of Cilicia. He advised, that paffing the Mæander, they should attack the enemy, with the river in their rear; that thus deprived of all poffibility of retreat, they should from compulfion stand their ground, and make the greater exertions of valour. This advice was not accepted; they chose rather that the Perfians fhould have the Mæander behind them, that if they vanquished the enemy in the field, they might afterwards drive them into the river,

CXIX. The Perfians advanced, and paffed the Mæander; the Carians met them on the banks of

furnish him wine, and was memorable in antiquity for produc ing many eminent men.-Epicurus refided here a long time. -T.


the Marfyas, when a fevere and well fought conteft enfued. The Perfians had fo greatly the advantage in point of number, that they were finally victorious; two thousand Perfians, and ten thoufand Carians fell in the battle; they who escaped from the field fled to Labranda, and took refuge in a facred wood of planes, furrounding a temple of Jupiter Stratius 14. The Carians are the only people, as far as I have been able to learn, who facrifice to this Jupiter. Driven to the above extremity, they deliberated amongst themselves, whether it would be better to furrender themselves to the Perfians, or finally relinquifh Afia..

CXX. In the midft of their confultation, the Milefians with their allies arrived to reinforce them; the Carians refumed their courage, and again prepared for hoftilities; they a fecond time advanced to meet the Perfians, and after an engagement more

145 Jupiter Stratius-(or Jupiter the warrior.)-The Carians were the only people, in the time of Herodotus, who worfhipped Jupiter under this title. He was particularly honoured at Labranda, and therefore Strabo calls him the Labrandinian Jupiter. He held a hatchet in his hand, and Plutarch (in his Greek Questions) relates the reafon; he was afterwards worfhipped in other places under the fame appellation. Amongst the marbles at Oxford, there is a ftone which feems to have ferved for an altar, having an ax, and this infcription; A102 AABPAYNAOY KAI AIOE METICETOY-Of the Labraindian Jupiter and of the very Great Jupiter. It was found in a Turkish cemetery, between Aphrodisias and Hieropolis, and confequently in Caria, though at a great distance from Labranda. Larcher.

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