FRAGMENTS FROM THE YAHWIST BIBLE NOTE The Unknown Prophet who wrote this most beautiful part of the most ancient Scriptures used the Hebrew word Yahweh for the personal name of Deity, as Christians use the name Jesus. This quaint and picturesque old primitive document, the great Yahwist Bible, was written centuries before the Pentateuch. Afterwards came priestly interpolations, the Elohistic Scriptures, the Book of the Priests and Deuteronomy, the whole forming the first Jewish Bible, known as the Torah or Pentateuch. the The Unknown prophet who wrote this "Book of Yahweh," found most of his stories in two works of an earlier day, "Book of the Wars of Yahweh" and the "Book of Jasher." Constant delight has attended upon the task of detaching, from their academic later overlay, his series of narratives, revealing in all their primitive beauty his personal charm and distinction of style. BOSTON, August 15, 1920. С. М. |