Appleby-*James Lowther, Right Hon. George Tierney. Arundel-*Sir Samuel Romilly, Gen. Fran cis John Wilder. Ashburton-Rt. Hon. John Sullivan, Richard Preston. Aylesbury-Lord Nugent, Tho. Hussey. Banbury-Hon. F. S. N. Douglas. Barnstuple-Sir M. Lopes, bart. Sir Eyre Coote, K. B. Bath-Lord J. Thynne, Lieut.-colonel C. Palmer. Beaumaris-Thomas Frankland Lewis. Bedwin-Rt. Hon. Sir J. Nicholl, knt. Bishop's Castle-W. Clive, J. Robinson. Bodmin-Rt. Hon. C. Bathurst, D. Giddy. Boroughbridge-Gen. W. H. Clinton, Gen. H. Clinton. Bossiney-J. A. S. Wortley, Earl of Desart. Boston-Hon. P. R. D. Burrell, W. A. Madocks. Brackley-R. H. Bradshaw, H. Wrottesley. Bramber*W. Wilberforce, J. Irving. Breconshire-T. Wood. Brecon-Charles Morgan. Bridgenorth-Hon. C. C. C. Jenkinson, T. Bridgewater-G. Pocock, W. Astell. Callington-W. S. Poyntz, Hon. C. R. Calne-J. Jekyll, *Hon. J. Abercrombie. Cambridgeshire-Lord C. S. Manners, Lord F. G. Osborne. Cambridge-Hon. Gen. E. Finch, Gen. R. Manners. Cambridge University-Visc. Palmerston, J. H. Smith. Camelford-William Lender, Samuel Scott. Cardiff-Lord W. Stuart. Carmarthenshire-Lord R. Seymour. Carnarvonshire-Sir R. Williams, bart. Hon. F. G. Howard. Cheshire-D. Davenport, W. Egerton. Chester-J. Eger'on, T. Grosvenor. Chichester-Earl of March, W. Huskisson. Chippenham-*Rt. Hon. R. Peel, Charles Cirencester-*Lord Apsley, M. H. Beach. mayne. Coventry-P. Moore, Joseph Butterworth. Cricklade-Tho. Calley, Joseph Pitt. Cumberland-Visc. Morpeth, J. Lowther. Dartmouth-A. H. Holdsworth, Edmund Pollexfen Bastard. Durham-R. J. Lambton, R. Wharton. Essex-J. A. Houblon, *C. C. Western. M. Singleton. Flintshire Sir T. Mostyn, bart. Flint *Sir E. P. Lloyd, bart. Fowey-R. Wigram, Wm. Rashleigh. Gatton-Sir M.Wood, bart. Sir W. Congreve. Germains, St.--W.H.Pringle,*H.Goulburn. Glamorganshire-T. Wyndham. Gloucestershire-Lord R. E. H. Somerset, Sir B. W. Guise, bart. Gloucester-Henry T. Howard-Molyneux, Grampound-Hon. A. C. Johnstone, J. Teed. Hon. N. Van-ittart. Haslemere-R1. Hon. C. Long, R. Wood. Hereford-T. P. Symonds, R. P. Scuda more. Hertfordshire-Hon. T. Brand, Sir J. S. Se- Hindon-W.Beckford, Sır B. Hobhouse, bt. W. H. Fellowes. Huntingdon-J. Calvert, S. Farmer. Hythe-Sir J. Perring, M. White. Ilchester-*Hon. J. W. Ward, G. Philips. Ipswich-R. A. Crickitt, J. Round. Ives, St-Sir W. Stirling, bart. W. P. T.. L. Wellesley. Kent. Sir E. Knatchbull, bart. Sir W. Geary, bart. King's Lynn-Sir M. B. Folkes, bart. Lord Walpole. Kingston-upon Hull-J. Staniforth, G. W. Denys. Knaresborough-Lord J. Townshend, Lord Os-uiston. Lancashire-J. Blackburne, *Lord Stanley. Lancaster-J.F.Cawthorne, Gabriel Doveton. Launceston-P. B. Pellero, J. Brogden. Leicestershire-Lord R. Manners, G. A. L. Keck. Leicester-S. Smith, T. Babington. Lincoln-J. N. Fazakerley, Sir H. Sullivan, bart. Liverpool *Rt. Hon. G. Canning, Isaac London-Sir W. Curtis, Sir J. Shaw, H.C. Lyme Lord Burghersh, Gen. H. Fane. bart. Maidstone-G. Simson, Sw S. E. Brydges, K.J. Maldon J. H. Strutt, B, Gaskell. Malmsbury-W. H. Beach, Peter Patten. Malton-Visc, Duncannon, J. C. Ramsden. Marlborough-Lord Bruce, Hon. Gen. Edw. Stopford. Marlow-O. Williams, P. Grenfell. Mawes, St.-S. M. Bernard, *F. Horner. Merionethshire-Sir R. W. Vaughan, bart. Michael's, St.-John Bruce, Hon. Ed. Law. Middlesex-G. Byng, W. Mellish. Midhurst-T. Thompson, Visc. Mahon, GENT. MAG. Suppl. LXXXIII. PART G Milbourne Port-Hon. Sir E. Paget, K, B. Robert Matthew Casberd. Minehead-J. F. Luttrell, J. F. Luttrell, jun. Monmouthshire-Lord A. J. H. Somerset, Sir C. Morgan, bart,` Monmouth-Lord C. H. Somerset. Montgomeryshire-C. W. W. Wynne. Montgomery-W. Keene. Morpet-Hon. W. Howard, Wm. Ord. Newark-Lieut.-gen. Sir S. Cotton, K. B. H Willoughby. Newcastle-under-Lime-*Earl Gower, Sir J. F. Boughey. Newscastle-upon-Tyne-Sir M. W. Ridley, Cuthbert Ellison. Newport, Cornwall-J. Raine, W. Northey. Newport, Hants-Sir L. T. W. Holmes, R, F. W. Holmes. Newton, Lancashire - J. I. Blackburne, Gen. P. Heron. Newtown, Hants-Hon. G. A. Pelham, B. Norfolk-Sir J. H. Astley, T. W. Coke. Rt. Hon. C. Abbot [Speaker.] Plympton-W. Douglas, R. G. Macdonald. Preston-S. Horrocks, E. Hornby. Reading-C. S. Lefevre, J. Simeon. Romney, Nero-Sir J. T. Duckworth, K. B. W. Mitford. RutRuslandshire-Sir G. Heathcote, bart, C. N. Noel. Rye-Thomas Phillips Lamb, R. Arkwright, jun. Reigate-J. Cocks, Hon. J. S. Cocks. Sandwich-Sir J. S. Yorke, knt. J. Marryatt. Salisbury-G.P. Jervoise, Visc. Folkestone. Shrewsbury-Hon. H. G. Bennett, Sir R. Shropshire-J. Cotes, J. K. Powell, Somersetshire - W. Dickinson, *W. G. Langton. Southampton-G.H. Rose, A. Atherley, jun. Southwark-H. Thornton, C. Calvert. Staffordshire-Lord G. L. Gower, E. J. Littleton. Stafford Ralph Benson, Thomas Wilson. Stamford-*Lord Henniker, E. Foulkes. Steyning-*Sir J. Aubrey, bart. J. M. Lloyd. Stockbridge-J. F. Barbam, G. Porter. Sudbury Sir J. C. Hippisley, Charles Wyatt. Wuatt Suffolk-T. S. Gooch, Sir W. Rowley, bart. Surrey-Sir T. Sutton, G. H. Sumner. Sussex-Sir G. Webster, bart. W. Burrell. Tamworth-Sir R. Peel, bart. Lord C. V. F. Townshend. Tavistock-Lord W. Russell, Lord J. Rus sell. Taunton-H. P. Collins, A. Baring. Tewkesbury-J. E. Dowdeswell, J. Martin. Thetford-T. Creevey, Lord J. Fitzroy. Thirsk-W. Frankland, R. Greenhill. Tiverton Rt. Hon. R. Ryder, W.Fitzhugh. Totness-T. P. Courtenay, A. Wise. Tregony*W. Holmes, A. C. Grant. Truro *Sir G. Warrender, bart. Col. J. Lemon. Wallingford E. F. Maitland, W. L. Wareham-R. Gordon, T. H. Broadhead. rester. Weobley-J. L. W. Naper, Hon. W. L. Westbury-*B. Hall, B. Sharw. Westmoreland-Hon. H. C. Lowther, Lord Weymouth and Melcombe Regis-Sir J. Mur ray, bart. Visc. Cranbourne, M. Ure, C. Idle. Whitchurch - Hon. W. A. Townshend, liam John Frederick Powlett. Winchester Sir H. C. St.-J. Mildmay, R. Meyler. Windsor-E. Disbrowe, J. Ramsbottom. Wycombe-Sir T. Baring, bart. Sir J. D. Yarmouth, Norfolk-W. Loftus, Edmund Knowles Lacon, Yarmouth, Hants-Sir H. C. Montgomery, bart. *R. Wellesley. Yorkshire-Visc. Milton, *Hon. H. Lascelles. York-Sir M. M. Sykes, bart. Hon. L. Dundas. SCOTLAND. Aberdeenshire-J. Ferguson. Airshire - Sir H. Dalrymple Hamilton, bart. Annan, Lochmabar, Dumfries, &c.-W. R. K. Douglas. Argyllshire-Lord J. D. E. H. Campbell, Bamfshire Robert Abercromby. Berwickshire-G. Baillie. Bute and Caithness-shire-J. Marjoribanks, Cromarty and Nairn Shires-Sir Jas. Mackintosh. Craill, Anstruther, Kilrenny, &c.-Sir J. Anstruther, bart. Cupar, Perth, St. Andrew's, &c.-Sir D. Wedderburn, bart. Culross, Dunfermline, &c.-A. Campbell, Inverness-shire-C. Grant, sen. Irvine, Air, Rothsay, &c.-D. Campbell. Lowth Co. Rt. Hon. J. Foster, Viscount Mayo Co. Rt. Hon. D. Browne, Hon. H. Meath Co.-Earl of Bective, Sir M. Somerville, bart. Antrim Co. Hon. J. R. B. O'Neil, Earl of Dundalk Bo.-Lyndon Evelyn. Yarmouth. Belfast Bo. Sir E. May, bart. Armagh Co.-W. Brownlow, W. Richard son. Armagh Bo. Rt. Hon. P. Duigenan. Ennis Right hon. Wm. Fitzgerald. Youghall Town-Sir J. Keane, bart. Donegall Co. Sir J. Stewart, G. Vaughan Hart. Down Co.-Visc. Castlereagh, Hon. Col. John Meade. Newry Borough-Hon. F. Needham. INTERESTING INTELLIGENCE *** The following should properly have been inserted in page 72. Admiralty-office, Dec. 29. Letter from Captain John Surman Carden, late Commander of his Majesty's ship the Macedonian, to J. W. Croker, Esq. dated on board the American ship United States, at Sea, the 28th Oct. A. Dillon. Monaghan Co.-Charles Powell Leslie, T. Queen's Co.- Rt. Hon. W. W. Pole, Sir hon.. FROM THE LONDON GAZETTES. SIR-It is with the deepest regret I have to acquaint you, for the information of my Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, that his Majesty's late ship Macedonian was captured on the 25th inst. by the United States ship United States, Commodore Decatur, Commander. The detail is as follows:-A short time after daylight, steering cool and steady conduct of Mr. Walker, the master, was very great during the battle, as also that of Lieutenants Wilson and Magill, of the Marines.-On being taken on board the enemy's ship, I ceased to wonder at the result of the battle. The United States is built with the scantling of a 74 gun ship, mounting 30 long 24-pounders (English ship guns) on her main deck, and 22 42-pounders carronades, with two long 24-pounders on her quarter deck and forecastle, howitzer guns in her tops, and a travelling carronade on her upper deck, with a complement of 478 picked men. The Enemy has suffered much in masts, rigging, and hull, above and below water; her loss in killed and wounded I am not aware of, but I know a Lieutenant and six men have been thrown overboard. Enclosed you will be pleased to receive the names of the killed and wounded on board the Macedonian. teering N. W. by W. with the wind from The Southward, in lat. 29 deg. N. and longiude 29 deg. 30 min. W. in the execution of their Lordships' orders, a sail was seen on the lee beam, which I immediately stood for, and made her out to be a large frigate under American colours: at nine o'clock I closed with her, and she commenced the action, which we returned; but from the Enemy keeping two points off the wind, I was not enabled to get as close to her as I could have wished. After an hour's action, the Enemy backed and came to the wind, and I was then enabled to bring her to close battle in this situation I soon found the Enemy's force too superior to expect success, unless some very fortunate chance occurred in our favour; and with this hope I continued the battle to two hours and ten minutes, when, having the mizen-mast shot away by the board, topmasts shot away by the caps, main-yard shot in pieces, lower masts badly wounded, lower rigging all cut to pieces, a small proportion only of the foresail left to the fore- Letter from Captain Burdett of the Maid yard, all the guns on the quarter-deck and I have &c. JNO. S. CARDEN. stone, to Vice-admiral Sawyer. Maidstone, at Sea, Oct. 17. SIR-I have the honour to inform you, that this afternoon, in latitude 41 deg. 30 min. N. and longitude 66 deg. 48 min. W. on St. George's Bank, his Majesty's ship under my command, with the Spartan in company, captured the American privateer brig Rapid, of 14 guns (carronades of different calibres, with two long sixes), and a complement of 84 men, after a chace of nine hours, blowing fresh, during which he threw eight of his guns overboard, and cut his boat from the stern.-1 find she had been three days from Portland, but had made no captures; she is coppered and copper fastened, stored and victualled for a three months' cruize, which, learn by the Captain's instruction from his owners, was to have been first off the Azores, Madeira, and Cape de Verde Islands, and from thence off Cayenne, and so to have returned to the windward of Barbadoes. GEO. BURDETT. Downing-street, April 26. Extract of a letter from Lieutenant-Colonel Bourke, dated Corunna, April 14: An official account, which I have received from the Governor of Castro. Urdialés, reports the investiture of that place on the 18th ultimo, by about three thousand men under General Palombini, who, after different attempts, in all of which he was beat off by the garrison, retired on the 25th towards Bilboa and Durango. The immediate cause of his retreat was the approach of General Mendizabel, with the division of Longa and other corps, to the relief of the place. The Enemy lost in the different attacks, and in a skirmish with the force under General Mendi |