THE WREATH; A COLLECTION OF POEMS, FROM CELEBRATED ENGLISH AUTHORS. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY W. B. GILLEY AND H. I. MEGAREY. J. Seymour, printer. CONTENTS. "Ah! who can tell how hard it is to climb." THE MINSTREL.-Beattie, THE GRAVE.-Blair, Page 13 55 "Whilst some affect the sun, and some the shade." ELEGY, On the Death of Lady Coventry. -Mason, 80 "The mid-night clock has toll'd-and, bark, the bell." THE PASSIONS.-Collins, DESPONDENCY.-Burns, "Friend to the wretch whom every friend forsakes." "When Music, heavenly maid, was young." "Oppress'd with grief, oppress'd with care." 104 109 ON SLAVERY.-Cowper, 112 "But, ah! what wish can prosper, or what prayer." "Darkness, thou first great parent of us all." Page ELEGY, written in a CountryChurch-yard. Gray, 127 "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day." ODE TO LEVEN WATER.-Smollet, 133 "On Leven's Banks, while free to rove." BEAM OF TRANQUILLITY.-Moore, 134 • "A beam of tranquillity smil'd in the West." "Our bugles sang truce for the night cloud had low'r'd." THE DYING NEGRO.-Day, 153 "Arm'd with thy sad last gift-the power to die." HYMN ON THE SEASONS.-Thomson, 169 "These, as they change, Almighty Father!" THE HERMIT.-Parnell, 173 • "Far in a wild, unknown to public view." THE TRA VELLER, or a Prospect of Society. Goldsmith, 181 "Remote, unfriended, melancholy, slow." THE HERMIT.-Beattie, 196 "At the close of the day when the hamlet is still." BOAT SONG.-Scott, 199 "Hail to the chief who in triumph advances." THE CASTLE OF INDOLENCE.-Thomson, "O mortal man, who livest here by toil." 201 |