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ENQUIRIES, enquirers. ENTELECHIA, the realized, as distinct from the merely possible being of anything.

EPHEMERIDES, NOT OLYMPIADS, particular journals of every day, not abstracts comprehending several years under one notation (J.). EPHEMERIDES, schedules showing the position of the heavenly bodies from day to day, used for purposes of divination.

EPICYCLE, a small revolution made
by one planet in the wider orbit of
another planet (J.).
EQUABLE, just.

EQUAL, impartial; equitable.
EQUIVOCAL, doubtful.

ERGOTISMS, Conclusions deduced according to the forms of logic (J.). ETHNICK, gentile.

EVULSION, extraction by force.
EXALTATION, refining.

EXCEPTING ONE (king). Christian

IV., King of Denmark, who began to reign in 1588, and was still on the throne when the book was written. EXCEPTION, objection or reservation. EXENTERATION, disembowelling. EXEQUIES, funeral rites. EXILITY, Smallness. EXISTIMATION, estimation.

EXOLUTION, in medicine, great physical weakness; in mystical theology, dreamy exaltation of mind. EXPANSED, expanded.

EXPATIATE, to roam about.

EXPILATORS, pillagers.

EXPLICATION, unfolding.


Exsuccous, dry.

EXTANCES, existences.
EXTEMPORARY, intuitive.
EXTENUATION, emaciation.
EXTRAMISSION, by the passage of sight
from the eye to the object (J.).
EXUPERANCES, exaggerations.

FACES ("so many imperial"), an allusion, probably to his collection of coins.

FACULTY, authority, power. FAITH, believer, abstract for concrete. FAMILIST, a member of the "family of love," a religious sect which appeared about 1575. FASCIATIONS, bandages.

FATHER ("that great"), probably St. Chrysostom.

FAVAGINOUS, cellular, like a honeycomb.

FERITY, ferocity, savageness.

FIAT LUX, let there be light.

FICTILE, moulded. FILED, placed in order. FINGER ("one little ").


to the ancient arithmetick of the hand, wherein the little finger of the right hand contracted, signified an hundred." [Note by Sir T. B.] FLAW, sudden gust of wind. FLUX, flow.

FOL, mad, of the characteristic Englishman.

FORAMINOUS, full of holes.

FORM, the essence of anything apart from the actual material of which it is composed.

FOUGADE, a small mine for blowing up walls" (Greenhill).

FRUSTRUM, any part except the vertex cut off from a cone (Greenhill). FULCIMENT, fulcrum.

FUNAMBULATORY, narrow, like the walk of a rope-dancer (J.).

FURDLING, furling.

FUSIL, heraldic



GALLATURE, germ in an egg. GALLIARDISE, merriment.


GARAGANTUA, or Gargantua, Rabelais' giant.

GEOMANCER, one who divines by the earth.

GERMANY ("defection of the Maid
of "). Nothing is known of this
personage except that she is men-
tioned in one of the MSS. as having
"lived without meat on the smell
of a rose." In default of any evi-
dence concerning the Maid, the pre
cise meaning of the word "defec-
tion" is not clear; 66 detection "
has been suggested in place of it.
[Condensed from Greenhill.]
GLOME, a clue of yarn.

GOMPHOSIS, immovable articulations
like teeth in their sockets (Green-
GORDIANUS (" the epitaph of "). "In
Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Arabic,
Egyptian, defaced by Licinius the
Emperor." [Note by Sir T. B.]
GRAFFS, grafts.
GRAIN, dye in grain.

"Not grain'd,"

not deeply tinged (J.). GRAPHICAL, composed of letters. GUSTATION, tasting.

HAGGARD, wild, untamed, a term in falconry.


HANGING PLAYED BEFORE THEM. barbarous pastime at feasts [among the Thracians], when men stood upon a rolling globe, with their necks in a rope, and a knife in their

hands, ready to cut it when the stone was rolled away; wherein if they failed they lost their lives, to the laughter of their spectators." [Note by Sir T. B.]. HELIACAL, spiral.

HELIX, a screw or spiral line to run upon a helix, to be continually moving spirally. HELLUOS, gluttons (J.).

HELMONT OR PARCELSUS, enthusiastic authors of romantic chemistry (J.).

HERMES' ROD, which procured sleep by a touch (J.).

HERMETICAL PHILOSOPHERS, followers of Hermes Trismegistus, addicted to chemistry and alchemy. HIPPOCRATES PATIENTS. In some of the treatises of the Hippocratic collection rough notes of cases are found giving the names and addresses of the patients. The point of the comparison lies in its showing how the dead live only in their names; nothing more is known of them.

HISTRIONISM (of happiness), theatrical representation, mere show.

HORE COMBUSTE, the time when the
moon is in conjunction and obscured
by the sun.
HOUR-GLASSES, "call for many hour-
glasses." Ancient pleaders talked
by a clepsydra, or measurer of

HUMOUROUS, the result of some
humour or individual trait.
HYDROPICAL, dropsical.
HYPOSTASIS, distinct substance.

IDEATED, pictured in idea, in fancy. IDES, time when money laid out at interest was commonly repaid. (J.).

IMMORTALITY, exemption from death. IMPASSIBLE, impregnable to suffering and decay.

IMPOSTORS (the three). The Emperor Ferdinand II. was accused by Pope Gregory I. of maintaining that the world had been deceived by three impostors Jesus Christ, Moses, and Mahomet. A book with this title was said to have existed, but no trace of it remains (Greenhill). IMPROPERATIONS, insulting language. INCESSION, progression. INCINERABLE, reducible to ashes; INCINERATED, reduced to ashes.

INCRASSATION, thickening. INCREMABLE, incombustible. INCURVATE, to make crooked. INDIFFERENCY, impartiality; (pl.) in

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MAGNETICALLY (“stand magnetically upon that axis "), with a position as immutable as that of the magnetical axis (J.).

MALIZSPINI, born about 1540, the author of the "Ducento Novelle." MANIPLE, handful.

MARASMUS, wasting disease.

MASCLE, heraldic term: a lozenge voided.

MATERIAL (vb.), to materialize. MATILDA. "A piece of Maud, the Empress, said to be found in Buckenham Castle, with this inscription: Elle n'a d'elle.'" [Note by Sir T. B.]

MATURATION, maturing, ripening.
MEANNESS, low estate.

MEDIOCRITY, moderation.

MEMORY (whose), recollection



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NATURA ... FRUSTRA, nature does nothing in vain." NATURALITY, naturalness.

NEBB, nib, generative particle " (Greenhill).

NEBUCHODONOSOR, So spelt in the most trustworthy MSS. NEQUE EMIN... MIHI. "For when the study or the couch calls me, I do not fail." Misquoted from Horace (Sat., i. 4, 133), who has lectulus aut me porticus excepit. NERO, the Emperor Tiberius. NOCENT, criminal (Webster). NON ACCIDES, " thou shall not kill." NUMERICAL, individual. NUNQUAM

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alone than when alone."

OBSERVATOR, observer.

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never less

OILEUS, the line in the "Odyssey," iv. 511, referring to the death of Ajax Oïleus is possibly spurious.

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PANTAGRUEL's library. Rabelais, in his "Pantagruel" (liv. ii., ch. vii.), gives a list of sham titles of books for an imaginary library. PAPPOUS, downy.

PARALLAXIS, the parallax of a star is
the difference between its real
and apparent place (J.).
PARALOGICAL, illogical.
PARAMOURS, lovers.

PARTICULARITIES, peculiarities.
PASSIVES, passive principles.
PATRON, vb., to patronize.
PENDULOUS, hanging.

PERFLATION, blowing through of the air.

PERIOD, term, end.

PERICECI ("to be but their perioeci "), only placed at a distance in the same line (J.).

PERISCIAN, with shadows all round us. The Periscii, living within the Polar circle, see the sun move round them, and consequently project their shadows in all directions (J.). PERISH upon, to die for the sake of. PERSPECTIVE, telescope.

PHILOPOMEN, chief of the Achæau League in Rome's second Macedonian War."

PHILOSOPHER. "Alluding either to Antisthenes or Aristippus, for the story is told of each of these philosophers" (Greenhill).

PHYLACTERY, a writing bound upon the forehead containing something to be kept constantly in mind. This was practised by the Jewish doctors with regard to the Mosaic Law (J.). PHYTOGNOMY, "discerning the nature of plants from their outward forms" (Greenhill).

PHYTOLOGY, Science of plants.
PIAE FRAUDES, pious frauds.
PICKTHANK, flatterer.

PINAX, tablet, register; hence list or scheme inscribed on a tablet (Webster).

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QUADRATE, Square, vb. and sub. QUANTAM. ... AB ILLO, "how greatly changed from him."

QUESTUARY, studious of profit (J.). QUINCUNX, arrangement of things by fives, one at each corner, and one in the centre.

QUINQUERNIO, set of five (Greenhill).

QUINTAPLE, fivefold.

QUODLIBETICALLY, determinable on either side (J.).

RADICAL LETTERS, "according to old tradition Moses, by command of God, took the first letters of the names of the tribes, and found them equal to the number of the Israelites, deducting those who were slain in the affair of Korah, etc." (extract from Greenhill's note). RADICATION, process of taking root. RAMPIERS, ramparts.

REACTION, retaliation.

REASONS, reasonable persons.
REFLEX, reflection.
REFLUX, ebb.

REGIO-MONTANUS. John Müller of
Königsberg (1436-75), "who con-
structed an iron fly and a wooden
eagle, both of which were able to
fly." [Condensed from Greenhill.]
RELENTMENT, dissolution.
RELISH OF, to taste of.

REMINISCENTIAL, relating to reminis

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RUBICON, the river by crossing which Cæsar declared war against the Senate (J.).

SALAMANDER'S WOOL, a kind of asbestos.

SALIENT, leaping "salient animals." SALTYR, heraldic term for cross blazoning of shield.

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SALVE, explained by Gardiner as cure," "remedy," but it means rather to make a reservation which saves. To Salve Priscian's pate means to avoid breaking Priscian's head. In Sir T. B. the word has the general sense of solve, explain. SALVIFICALLY, "so as to procure salvation" (J.).

SANCTUARY("St. Paul's "). Several passages in St. Paul's writings have been quoted by various editors to explain this passage, but Greenhill points out that the Dutch translator was probably right in quoting Rom. xi. 33: "O the depth of the riches," etc., as the passage referred to, especially as Sir T. B. himself alluded to it, and that the sanctuary is "the incomprehensibility of God." SATION, Sowing.

SATURN (revolution

of). "The planet Saturn maketh his revolution once in thirty years." [Note in one of the MSS.j

SCALES, ladders.
SCANDAL, ill odour.

SCHOOLS, the medieval schools of disputation and theology.

SEASES, a word not to be found in any dictionary (Greenhill). SECONDINE, after-birth.

SENSIBLE, perceptible by the senses. SEVEN YEARS PAST. The Address to the Reader was first published in 1643; according to this the "Religio Medici" was written about 1636. SHADOWED, shadowed forth. SHARP, a pointed weapon. TO PLAY AT SHARP, to fight in earnest. SIC... VELIM. "Thus would I wish to be gathered together when turned into bones," Tibullus, iii., 2, 26.

SI FORET... DEMOCRITUS. "If Democritus were still on earth he would laugh" (Horace, Ep. ii. 1, 194).

SIGIL, Seal.

SIMPLE, vb., to botanize.
SINISTROUS, left-handed.
SOCIETY, co-operation.

SOCRATES AND CARDAX, Socrates and Cardax talked of an attendant spirit that hinted from time to time how they should act (J.).

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TABLES (a game at), backgammon.
TABID, wasted by disease.

TARGUM, a paraphrase or amplification (J.).

TARTARETUS, a real person, a doctor of the Sorbonne and a writer of some celebrity in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries (Greenhill). TEGUMENT, COvering.

TELARELY, in a weblike manner.
Telesmes, talisman.


TESTACEOUS, made of earthenware. TESTIFY THEIR POSSESSIONS, show the Romans once inhabited them. TETRICK, Sour, morose (J.). TEXTUARY, text-learned. THETAS 0, a theta inscribed upon the judges' tessera or ballot was a mark for death or capital condemnation (J.).

THIRTY YEARS (nor hath my pulse beat). As Browne was born in October, 1605, the "Religio Medici" would thus seem to have been written about 1635.

THWART, THWARTING, transverse.
TINCTURE, touch, colour.
TORTILE, twisted.

TRADUCTION, propagation.

TRAJECTION, emission.


another species.

transform into

TRANSVERTIBLE, invertible.
TREASURE, treasury.

TREDDLES, albuminous cords in an egg.

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