The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 1 卷Current Literature Publishing Company, 1909 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 100 筆
第 35 頁
... thee my faith , and before these witnesses , that I am thy wief ; and then he likewise answered in theis wordes , vidz . , and I geve thee my faith and troth , and become thy hus- band . " These instances , to which several others could ...
... thee my faith , and before these witnesses , that I am thy wief ; and then he likewise answered in theis wordes , vidz . , and I geve thee my faith and troth , and become thy hus- band . " These instances , to which several others could ...
第 19 頁
... thee well , though never seen before . Be not amazed , there's nothing hid from me : In private will I talk with thee apart . Stand back , you lords , and give us leave awhile . 70 Reig . She takes upon her bravely at first dash . Puc ...
... thee well , though never seen before . Be not amazed , there's nothing hid from me : In private will I talk with thee apart . Stand back , you lords , and give us leave awhile . 70 Reig . She takes upon her bravely at first dash . Puc ...
第 21 頁
... thee , ' tis thou that must help me : 110 Impatiently I burn with thy desire ; My heart and hands thou hast at once subdued . Excellent Pucelle , if thy name be so , Let me thy servant and not sovereign be : ' Tis the French Dauphin ...
... thee , ' tis thou that must help me : 110 Impatiently I burn with thy desire ; My heart and hands thou hast at once subdued . Excellent Pucelle , if thy name be so , Let me thy servant and not sovereign be : ' Tis the French Dauphin ...
第 22 頁
... thee . 131. " Expect Saint Martin's summer " ; " expect prosperity after misfortune , like fair weather at Martlemas , after winter has begun " ( Johnson ) . St. Martin's Day is November 11.-I. G. 138. “ That proud insulting ship ...
... thee . 131. " Expect Saint Martin's summer " ; " expect prosperity after misfortune , like fair weather at Martlemas , after winter has begun " ( Johnson ) . St. Martin's Day is November 11.-I. G. 138. “ That proud insulting ship ...
第 23 頁
... thee . Bright star of Venus , fall'n down on the earth , How may I reverently worship thee enough ? Alen . Leave off delays , and let us raise the siege . Reig . Woman , do what thou canst to save our hon- ors ; Drive them from Orleans ...
... thee . Bright star of Venus , fall'n down on the earth , How may I reverently worship thee enough ? Alen . Leave off delays , and let us raise the siege . Reig . Woman , do what thou canst to save our hon- ors ; Drive them from Orleans ...
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Alarum battle blood brother Burgundy Cade Capell Char Chronicles Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Collier conj crown Dauphin death doth doubt drama dramatist Duke of Gloucester Duke of York Earl Edward emendation England English Enter Exeunt Exit father fear fight France French friends Glou Gloucester grace hand Hanmer hath head heart heaven Henry's Holinshed honor house of Lancaster house of York Israel Gollancz Jack Cade Joan John Shakespeare King Henry lady latter live London lord Margaret ne'er never night noble Plantagenet play poet poet's Pope prince Pucelle quarto Queen Reignier Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury scene Shakespeare shalt Sir John slain soldiers Somerset soul sovereign speak Stratford-on-Avon Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell theater thee thine thou art tion Titus Andronicus Tower town traitor unto Vaughan Warwick Winchester words