The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 1 卷Current Literature Publishing Company, 1909 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 90 筆
第 22 頁
... telling the congregation at the end of his discourse , - " these artycles ye be bounde to beleve , for they be trew and of auctoryté ; and yf you beleve not me , then for a more suerté and suffycyent auctoryté go your way to Conventré ...
... telling the congregation at the end of his discourse , - " these artycles ye be bounde to beleve , for they be trew and of auctoryté ; and yf you beleve not me , then for a more suerté and suffycyent auctoryté go your way to Conventré ...
第 23 頁
... tell , yet thought that was a harder question than the other ; -I told him that the way to salvation was by Jesus Christ , God - man , who , as He was man , shed His blood for us on the crosse , etc . ; - Oh , sir , said he , I think I ...
... tell , yet thought that was a harder question than the other ; -I told him that the way to salvation was by Jesus Christ , God - man , who , as He was man , shed His blood for us on the crosse , etc . ; - Oh , sir , said he , I think I ...
第 25 頁
... boys on Saint's Days . The best authorities unite in telling us that the poet imbibed a certain amount of Latin at school , but that his acquaintance with that language was , throughout his life , 25 SHAKESPEARE Life.
... boys on Saint's Days . The best authorities unite in telling us that the poet imbibed a certain amount of Latin at school , but that his acquaintance with that language was , throughout his life , 25 SHAKESPEARE Life.
第 28 頁
... telling how many ad- juncts the worthy glover had to his legitimate business , it is very possible that the lad may have served his articles under his own father . With respect to the unpoetical selection of a trade for the great ...
... telling how many ad- juncts the worthy glover had to his legitimate business , it is very possible that the lad may have served his articles under his own father . With respect to the unpoetical selection of a trade for the great ...
第 53 頁
... tell visitors that the poet " was received into the playhouse as a servi- ture , " in other words , an attendant on the performers . A later account is somewhat more explicit . We are in- formed by Malone , writing in 1780 , that there ...
... tell visitors that the poet " was received into the playhouse as a servi- ture , " in other words , an attendant on the performers . A later account is somewhat more explicit . We are in- formed by Malone , writing in 1780 , that there ...
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Alarum battle blood brother Burgundy Cade Capell Char Chronicles Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Collier conj crown Dauphin death doth doubt drama dramatist Duke of Gloucester Duke of York Earl Edward emendation England English Enter Exeunt Exit father fear fight France French friends Glou Gloucester grace hand Hanmer hath head heart heaven Henry's Holinshed honor house of Lancaster house of York Israel Gollancz Jack Cade Joan John Shakespeare King Henry lady latter live London lord Margaret ne'er never night noble Plantagenet play poet poet's Pope prince Pucelle quarto Queen Reignier Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury scene Shakespeare shalt Sir John slain soldiers Somerset soul sovereign speak Stratford-on-Avon Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell theater thee thine thou art tion Titus Andronicus Tower town traitor unto Vaughan Warwick Winchester words