The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 1 卷Current Literature Publishing Company, 1909 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 32 筆
第 63 頁
... which concedes the author- ship of the three plays to Shakespeare , their production to the year 1592 , and the quarto editions of the second and third parts as vamped , imperfect , and blundering versions 68 SHAKESPEARE Life.
... which concedes the author- ship of the three plays to Shakespeare , their production to the year 1592 , and the quarto editions of the second and third parts as vamped , imperfect , and blundering versions 68 SHAKESPEARE Life.
第 153 頁
... quarto of forty leaves , was sold at what would now be considered the trifling price of five - pence . The exact manner in which these sonnets were acquired for publication remains a mystery , but it is most probable that they were ...
... quarto of forty leaves , was sold at what would now be considered the trifling price of five - pence . The exact manner in which these sonnets were acquired for publication remains a mystery , but it is most probable that they were ...
第 頁
... Quarto version , differing in many important respects from ( a ) ; about 3,240 lines in the Quarto edition appear either in the same or an altered form in the Folio edition , while about 2,740 lines in the latter are entirely new.1 The ...
... Quarto version , differing in many important respects from ( a ) ; about 3,240 lines in the Quarto edition appear either in the same or an altered form in the Folio edition , while about 2,740 lines in the latter are entirely new.1 The ...
第 頁
... Quartos have been reproduced by photolithography in the series of Quarto Facsimiles issued under the superintendence of Dr. Furnivall ; Nos . 23 , 24 , 37 , 38. ) In the comparison of Quartos 1 and 3 one finds that the corrections are ...
... Quartos have been reproduced by photolithography in the series of Quarto Facsimiles issued under the superintendence of Dr. Furnivall ; Nos . 23 , 24 , 37 , 38. ) In the comparison of Quartos 1 and 3 one finds that the corrections are ...
第 頁
... Quartos are definitely attributed to Marlowe , the Green- ish to Greene , and others to Peele , while the Marlowan lines which occur for the first time in 2 , 3 Henry VI are accounted for by assuming that Marlowe and Shakespeare jointly ...
... Quartos are definitely attributed to Marlowe , the Green- ish to Greene , and others to Peele , while the Marlowan lines which occur for the first time in 2 , 3 Henry VI are accounted for by assuming that Marlowe and Shakespeare jointly ...
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Alarum battle blood brother Burgundy Cade Capell Char Chronicles Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Collier conj crown Dauphin death doth doubt drama dramatist Duke of Gloucester Duke of York Earl Edward emendation England English Enter Exeunt Exit father fear fight France French friends Glou Gloucester grace hand Hanmer hath head heart heaven Henry's Holinshed honor house of Lancaster house of York Israel Gollancz Jack Cade Joan John Shakespeare King Henry lady latter live London lord Margaret ne'er never night noble Plantagenet play poet poet's Pope prince Pucelle quarto Queen Reignier Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury scene Shakespeare shalt Sir John slain soldiers Somerset soul sovereign speak Stratford-on-Avon Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell theater thee thine thou art tion Titus Andronicus Tower town traitor unto Vaughan Warwick Winchester words