The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 1 卷Current Literature Publishing Company, 1909 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 94 筆
第 23 頁
... blood for us on the crosse , etc . ; - Oh , sir , said he , I think I heard of that man you speak of once in a play at Kendall called Corpus Christi Play , where there was a man on a tree and blood ran downe , etc. , and after he pro ...
... blood for us on the crosse , etc . ; - Oh , sir , said he , I think I heard of that man you speak of once in a play at Kendall called Corpus Christi Play , where there was a man on a tree and blood ran downe , etc. , and after he pro ...
第 83 頁
... blood from his . Anon , with reverent fear , when she grew pale , His cheeks put on their scarlet ornaments , But no more like her oriental red Than brick to coral , or live things to dead . but , as it is possible that Edward III was ...
... blood from his . Anon , with reverent fear , when she grew pale , His cheeks put on their scarlet ornaments , But no more like her oriental red Than brick to coral , or live things to dead . but , as it is possible that Edward III was ...
第 6 頁
... blood ? Henry is dead and never shall revive : Upon a wooden coffin we attend , And death's dishonorable victory 20 We with our stately presence glorify , Like captives bound. The epithet Crystal was often bestowed on Comets by the old ...
... blood ? Henry is dead and never shall revive : Upon a wooden coffin we attend , And death's dishonorable victory 20 We with our stately presence glorify , Like captives bound. The epithet Crystal was often bestowed on Comets by the old ...
第 26 頁
... Polychronicon : " Damascus is as much as to say shedding of blood ; for there Chaym slew Abel , and hid him in the sand . " - H . N. Η . 47. It appears from this , that Gloster's servants wore 26 Act I. Sc . iii . THE FIRST PART OF.
... Polychronicon : " Damascus is as much as to say shedding of blood ; for there Chaym slew Abel , and hid him in the sand . " - H . N. Η . 47. It appears from this , that Gloster's servants wore 26 Act I. Sc . iii . THE FIRST PART OF.
第 29 頁
... blood I will have for this day's work . May . I'll call for clubs , if you will not away . This cardinal's more haughty than the devil . Glou . Mayor , farewell : thou dost but what thou mayst . Win . Abominable Gloucester , guard thy ...
... blood I will have for this day's work . May . I'll call for clubs , if you will not away . This cardinal's more haughty than the devil . Glou . Mayor , farewell : thou dost but what thou mayst . Win . Abominable Gloucester , guard thy ...
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Alarum battle blood brother Burgundy Cade Capell Char Chronicles Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Collier conj crown Dauphin death doth doubt drama dramatist Duke of Gloucester Duke of York Earl Edward emendation England English Enter Exeunt Exit father fear fight France French friends Glou Gloucester grace hand Hanmer hath head heart heaven Henry's Holinshed honor house of Lancaster house of York Israel Gollancz Jack Cade Joan John Shakespeare King Henry lady latter live London lord Margaret ne'er never night noble Plantagenet play poet poet's Pope prince Pucelle quarto Queen Reignier Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury scene Shakespeare shalt Sir John slain soldiers Somerset soul sovereign speak Stratford-on-Avon Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell theater thee thine thou art tion Titus Andronicus Tower town traitor unto Vaughan Warwick Winchester words