The Complete Works of William Shakespeare, 第 1 卷Current Literature Publishing Company, 1909 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 22 筆
第 68 頁
... Titus Andronicus , the only new play introduced during the season . This tragedy , having been successfully pro- duced before a large audience on January 23 , 1594 , was shortly afterward entered on the books of the Stationers ' Company ...
... Titus Andronicus , the only new play introduced during the season . This tragedy , having been successfully pro- duced before a large audience on January 23 , 1594 , was shortly afterward entered on the books of the Stationers ' Company ...
第 69 頁
... Titus Andronicus . In the same year , 1594 , there was published the Tragicall Raigne of Selimus , Emperour of the Turkes , a composition offering similar attractions , but the writer was so afraid of his massacres being considered too ...
... Titus Andronicus . In the same year , 1594 , there was published the Tragicall Raigne of Selimus , Emperour of the Turkes , a composition offering similar attractions , but the writer was so afraid of his massacres being considered too ...
第 70 頁
... Titus Andronicus might have been purified , and we also mercifully spared from a contemplation of the appalling eye - scene in the tragedy of Lear . No discussion on either of the last - named plays , or on many of the others , can be ...
... Titus Andronicus might have been purified , and we also mercifully spared from a contemplation of the appalling eye - scene in the tragedy of Lear . No discussion on either of the last - named plays , or on many of the others , can be ...
第 73 頁
... Titus Andronicus than in many other of his plays , are yet to be observed in that inferior work . Even amid its display of barbarous and abandoned personages , neither sternness nor profligacy is permitted to altogether extinguish the ...
... Titus Andronicus than in many other of his plays , are yet to be observed in that inferior work . Even amid its display of barbarous and abandoned personages , neither sternness nor profligacy is permitted to altogether extinguish the ...
第 78 頁
... Titus Andronicus was performed at Newington Butts by the Lord Chamber- lain's , then acting in conjunction with the Lord Admiral's , Servants , the poet most likely taking a part in the repre- sentation . The earliest definite notice ...
... Titus Andronicus was performed at Newington Butts by the Lord Chamber- lain's , then acting in conjunction with the Lord Admiral's , Servants , the poet most likely taking a part in the repre- sentation . The earliest definite notice ...
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Alarum battle blood brother Burgundy Cade Capell Char Chronicles Clar Clarence Clif Clifford Collier conj crown Dauphin death doth doubt drama dramatist Duke of Gloucester Duke of York Earl Edward emendation England English Enter Exeunt Exit father fear fight France French friends Glou Gloucester grace hand Hanmer hath head heart heaven Henry's Holinshed honor house of Lancaster house of York Israel Gollancz Jack Cade Joan John Shakespeare King Henry lady latter live London lord Margaret ne'er never night noble Plantagenet play poet poet's Pope prince Pucelle quarto Queen Reignier Richard Richard Plantagenet Salisbury scene Shakespeare shalt Sir John slain soldiers Somerset soul sovereign speak Stratford-on-Avon Suffolk sweet sword Talbot tell theater thee thine thou art tion Titus Andronicus Tower town traitor unto Vaughan Warwick Winchester words