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Alleluia for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.-Rev. xix. 6.


'Tis come! 'tis come! The long expected day;
When sin no longer o'er the earth bears sway;
But Truth, triumphant, sheds its mellow light,
And all below is clear, and pure, and bright.
See Christianity! the gift of Grace!
Receives in form the homage of our race;

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Europa fair, her princely tribute brings,
A grateful offering, to the King of kings;
Asia rejects the Shasters and the Sword,
Throws by the Koran, and receives the Word;
Lo! Afric breaks her chains of crime and blood,
And lowly bending, lifts her hands to God.
No more she wages wars for white man's gold—
No more she mourns her children bought and sold.
See, too, America, with pipe of peace!

Comes now to sue for love and heavenly grace;
The tomahawk, and bow, and cruel knife,
T'exchange for records of eternal life:

'Tis come! 't is come! the long expected day!
Lo! God has triumphed, Truth divine bears sway;
Loud alleluias heavenly angels sing,

For earth, renewed with joy, receives her king.

THE above engraving represents Christianity receiving the homage of the world. In her right hand she holds the crown of immortality; in her left, the Word of God; her looks and bearing bespeak grace, dignity, majesty, empire, triumph, and matchless love. Behold Europe brings her crown-emblem of power -and lays it meekly at the feet of Christianity. Asia, represented by a follower of Mahomet, laying aside the cimeter and the Koran, receives with humble adoration, instead thereof, the revelations of God's word. Africa is represented by a figure in a kneeling posture; she has broken off her chains, and is lifting her hands to heaven. America is represented by an Indian; he holds in his hand the calumet or pipe of peace; he has laid aside the murderous tomahawk, the bow that sprang the arrow of death, and the scalping knife. He buries the hatchet for ever, and offers the emblem of peace.

The above is a representation of the final triumph of Christianity over the world-a day long expected by the faithful, even from the time of the first promise, "he shall bruise thy head." That this earth

this blood-stained earth-should become the scene of triumph, has ever been the hope of the righteous ; that here, where was the first defeat, renewed conflict, and continued struggle-here would be, and ought to be, the arena of victory. Exulting in this hope, the prophet touched the sacred harp of prophecy, and sang of "the sufferings of Christ, and of the glory that should follow," when he would see of the travail of his soul and be satisfied. In this hope Israel's king prayed, "that thy way may be known upon the earth, and thy saving health among all nations." Inspired by this hope, martyrs have kissed the stake, embraced the flames, and gone triumphantly home to God; yea, the general assembly of the Church of the first-born-the whole body of the faithful upon earth-in this hope rejoicing, have sent up their prayers continually, which, like intercessory angels surrounding the throne of the Eternal, have prayed, O "let thy kingdom come."

And now it has come. Europe is the Lord'sshe consecrates to God her dominion-her kings and queens are subject to Messiah, and labor to promote the best interests of their people; her people are all righteous-her philosophers having proved all things, hold fast now that which is good; her rich men deposit their wealth in the bank of heaven-her statesmen, studying the politics of both worlds, regard also the interests of both-the poor are raised to competency, to knowledge, and to virtue, and consequent happiness. Her arts and sciences are consecrated to God; her ships of war now sail in the service of the prince of peace-ships of commerce are floating Bethels. The songs of Jesus have succeeded to the songs of Satan, and blasphemies are turned to praise.

"The abundance of the sea is converted to God," railroads, steamboats, and telegraphs, are all em

ployed in promoting God's glory, and in benefiting mankind. The Anglo-American race, and others, partake of this triumph; they have labored for itthey rejoice in it, and say, lo! this is our God! we have waited for him, we will rejoice in his salvation.

Asia too, is the Lord's; here, where the conflict fret began with sin and death-here the victory is gained. The lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed the inhabitants, so long enslaved by despotic creeds, now exercise faith in the Lord Jesus Christso long oppressed by systems of superstition and blood, now rejoice under the mild yoke of the Savior,

-the Koran and Shasters are exchanged for the Bible-Juggernaut for Calvary-Kalee for JesusMahomet for God. Here now is seen "China without its wall of selfishness-India without its castesand earth without its curse." The people are ele. vated, the nations are united, Jehovah is their King.

Africa throws off her load, and breaks her chains, and comes to Jesus-so long crushed and degraded, she has at length arisen-she takes her place again with the nations of the earth, with the redeemed. Ignorance, superstition and slavery, are now no more. Her warfare is past-her mourning is o'er-her long captivity is at an end. Jehovah has triumphed-his children are free.

"No more Coomassie offers human blood,
But takes for sacrifice the Lamb of God,
And on Liberia's long contested ground,
A living army of the cross is found.
The gospel tree so ample and so pure,
Bears precious fruit; its leaves the nations cure;
Its healing influence to Loango spreads;
Angola feels it, and health's blossoms sheds,
And where Cimbebas no fresh water brings,
Life's fountains bubble in a thousand springs.
Korana's shepherds now Christ's flock become,
And Bosheman's Kraals are changed to home, sweet home.

Good Hope has added Faith and humble Love;
The Cross has triumphed! praise to God above."

America, the whole of the western world, rejoices in the light of the glorious Sun of Righteousnessthe islands of the sea wait for Jehovah's law-the Indian tribes obey his word, and hail him their Almighty Lord. The tomahawk, and scalping knife, and other weapons of war and blood, are exchanged for the olive branch-for the war-whoop is now heard the sound of the "church-going bell," greeting the Sabbath morning-the disciple of the Pope has become the disciple of Jesus, and laying aside all superstition, he worships the Lord his God, and him only does he serve. The dispersed of the seed of Abraham, the "scattered and peeled" among the nations, have looked upon him "they pierced." The winds of heaven have blown upon the valley of dry bones they have revived-they have come forth out of their graves, and seizing every one the banner of his tribe, have hastened to join the army of Messiah.

Hail! happy day! Jesus the Conqueror reignsthe song of triumph resounds-island answers to island-continent to continent-world to world ;earth, with all its voices-heaven, with all its harps, resound," the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his anointed, and he shall reign for ever and ever; alleluia ! alleluia! the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth"-" he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new!"

Even now, the Spirit is moving on the face of the human chaos-fiat after fiat goes forth, and what light breaks in on the darkness of ages-what mighty masses of humanity are uplifting themselves in solemn majesty, like primitive mountains rising from the deep-what more than verdant beauty


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