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defcant, in lofty fugues, or the whole fymphony with artful and unimaginable touches adorn and grace the well-ftudied chords of fome choice compofer; fome. times the lute, or foft organ-ftop waiting on elegant voices either to religious, material, or civil ditties; which, if wife men and prophets be not extremely out, have a great power over difpofitions and manners, to fmooth and make them gentle from ruftic harshness and diftempered paffions. The like also would not be unexpedient after meat to affift and cherish nature in her firft concoction, and fend their minds back to study in good tune and fatisfaction. Where having followed it clofe under vigilant eyes till about two hours before fupper, they are by fudden alarm or watch-word, to be called out to their military motions, under fky of covert, according to the feafon, as was the Roman wont; first on foot, then as their age permits on horseback, to all the art of cavalry; that having in sport but with much exactnefs, and daily mufter, ferved out the rudiments of their foldiership in all the fkill of embattelling, marching, encamping, fortifying, befieging and battering, with all the helps of antient and modern ftratagems, Tacticks, and warlike maxims, they may as it were out of a long war come forth renowned and perfect commanders in the fervice of their country. They would not then, if they were trusted with fair and hopeful armies, fuffer them for want of just and wife difcipline to shed away from about them like fick feathers, though they be never fo oft fupplied: they would

would not fuffer their empty and unrecruitible colonels of twenty men in a company, to quaff out, or convey into fecret hoards, the wages of a delufive lift and a miferable remnant: yet in the mean while to be overmastered with a score or two of drunkards, the only foldiery left about them, or elfe to comply with all rapines and violences. No certainly, if they knew ought of that knowledge that belongs to good men or good governors, they would not fufler these things. But to return to our own inftitute, befides these conftant exercifes at home, there is another opportunity of gaining experience to be won from pleasure itself abroad. In thofe vernal feafons of the year, when the air is calm and pleafant, it were an injury and fullenness against nature not to go out, and fee her riches, and partake in her rejoicing with heaven and earth. I fhould not therefore be a perfuader to them of studying much then, after two or three years that they have well laid their grounds, but to ride out in companies with prudent and ftaid guides, to all the quarters of the land; learning and obferving all places of ftrength, all commodities of building and of foil, for towns and tillage, harbours and ports for trade: fometimes taking fea as far as to our navy, to learn there also what they can in the practical knowledge of failing and of fea-fight. Thefe ways would try all their peculiar gifts of na-. ture; and if there were any fecret excellence among them, would fetch it out, and give it fair opportunities to advance itself by, which could not but mightily redound to the good of this nation, and bring into fa


shion again those old admired virtues and excellencies, with far more advantage now in this purity of Chriftian knowledge. Nor shall we then need the Monfieurs of Paris to take our hopeful youth into their flight and prodigal cuftodies, and fend them over back again transformed into mimics, apes, and kickfhaws. But if they defire to fee other countries at three or four-and-twenty years of age, not to learn principles, but to enlarge experience and make wife obfervation, they will by that time be such as shall deserve the regard and honour of all men where they país, and the fociety and friendship of thofe in all places who are best and most eminent: and perhaps then other nations will be glad to visit us for their breeding, or elfe to imitate us in their own country.

Now laftly for their diet there cannot be much to fay, fave only that it would be beft in the fame house; for much time elfe would be loft abroad, and many ill habits got; and that it should be plain, healthful, and moderate, I fuppofe is out of controversy. Thus, Mr. Hartlib, you have a general view in writing, as your defire was, of that which at feveral times I had difcourfed with you concerning the best and noblest way of education; not beginning as some have done from the cradle, which yet might be worth many confiderations, if brevity had not been my fcope: many other circumftances alfo I could have mentioned, but this, to fuch as have the worth in them to make trial, for light and direction may be


enough. Only I believe, that this is not a bow for every man to shoot in that counts himself a teacher; but will require finews almost equal to thofe which Homer gave Ulyffes; yet I am withal perfuaded that it may prove much more easy in the effay, than it now seems at a distance, and much more illuftrious; howbeit not more difficult than I imagine, and that imagination presents me with nothing but very happy and very poffible according to beft wifhes; if God have fo decreed, and this age have spirit and capacity enough to apprehend.








AMSON Agonistes

Poems on feveral Occafions

On the death of a fair Infant dying of a cough
At a Vacation Exercise in the College

Qn the Morning of Chrift's Nativity

The Paffion

On Time

Page 1






[blocks in formation]

The Fifth Ode of Horace, Lib. 1. English'd



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- 166

On the new forcers of confcience under the Long Par-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

To the Nightingale

On his being arrived to the age of 23

- ibid.


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