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Convicted of burglary and larceny, and sentenced three years, March term, 1862, by Warren county Common Pleas.

Pardoned October 9, 1862.

On certificate of Doctors Weber and Loving, stating that he has become partially imbecile from onanism; believe he will continue the practice, and become hopelessly insane, if he remains; recommend his release. Others recommend pardon-warden says his mind has been failing for months.


Convicted of horse stealing, and sentenced three years, June term, 1861, by Trumbull county Common Pleas.

Pardoned November 2, 1862.

On recommendation of prosecuting witness, prosecuting attorney, judge, jurors and citizens of character; good conduct in prison; punished enough.


Convicted of having in possession counterfeit bank notes, for the purpose of bartering and selling, and sentenced ten years, December, 1853, by Hamilton county Common Pleas.

Pardoned November 2, 1862.

Mainly on ground of very good conduct in prison for a long period; a long term is nearly out. It is deemed proper to encourage continued good conduct by a pardon.


Convicted of robbery, and sentenced three years, Nov. term, 1861, by Muskingum county Common Pleas.

Pardoned November 3, 1862.

Examined in May and continued, to give them proper punishment. Now deemed sufficient for their offense, at their young age; their conduct in prison being reasonably good,


Convicted of passing counterfeit bank notes, and sentenced three years, May term, 1860, by Perry county Common Pleas.

Pardoned November 3, 1862.

On recommendation of judge, prosecuting attorney and citizens, good conduct in prison, and length of time punished.

Respectfully submitted,

B. F. HOFFMAN, Private Sec'y.


TO DAVID TOD, Governor :

COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 20, 1862.

As requested, I present herewith, the accounts of expenditures from your extraordinary, and ordinary contingent funds

The total unreturned expenditures, from the extraordinary military contingent fund, from January 14th, to December 19th, 1862, inclusive, amount to $122,

071 47.

The total expenditures from the ordinary contingent fund, same period, amount to $656 26.

By an examination and analysis of the items and vouchers of the extraordinary expenditures, it will be seen that the expenses for different prominent purposes, are, viz:

Eleven steamboats chartered to transport sick and
wounded soldiers from Pittsburgh Landing and
other places on the Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi
rivers, home to Cincinnati, amount...
Paid in part by special appropriation....

Balance paid from military contingent.. Superintendents, Medical Directors, Surgeons, Nurses, supplies, stores, etc., for these boats, amount of expenses.

Amount of requisitions issued to the Quartermaster
General to pay transportation and other expenses..
The items of the accounts, of the Quartermaster Gen-
eral, returned to this ffice, up to August 1st, 1862,
show that an unreturned balance of transportation,
paid out of this fund, was then..........
Since then, his requisitions, to meet expenses of trans-
portation, most of which was thus applied, amount to

$30,737 60

5,000 00

$25,737 60

10,271 96

42,038 75

$17,524 98

13,000 00

Making in transportation requisitions

$30,524 98

His requisitions for expenses in laboratory, arsenal, pay roll of clerks and employees, etc........

11,513 77

Making the total, as above stated....

$42,038 75

For telegraph accounts paid

$11,814 29

Paid the several Medical Boards, for examining surgeons for the


2,158 83

Paid State assistant surgeons..

7,822 25

Paid Pay Agents

2,954 31

Paid volunteer surgeons, nurses, sanitary agents and stores....
Paid advertising and printing bills...

7,683 85

1,894 80

Paid salaries and clerk hire and other expenses in offices of Adju

Paid "Soldiers' Home," Cincinnati..

tant-General, Quartermaster-General, Surgeon-General and Ex

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Expenditures from the Extraordinary Contingent Fund of the Governor.

Jan. 21

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Military telegraph bills, from Aug. 1, 1861, to Jan. 1, 1862 (left by

Gov. D)...

21 2M. D. Potter & Co, advertising

24 3D. Parry & Son, livery, for mustering officers


$4,085 97 33 50 175 00



28 4Lt. Col. W. E Gilmore expenses

30 5 Gen. G W. Morgan, expenses to Washington, military order
3 P. Buckingham, Adjt Gen., clerks' wages, 7 receipts.

770. Delano expenses to Washington as Com'y General

10 Military telegraph acct.,; Adj Gen., $182 85; Surg. Gen., $9 95
10 90. F Forbes, Surg. 67th Regt, traveling expenses from New Creek, Va.,
to Columbus, and return to New Creek, on order of Governor..

130 Military telegraph acct., Executive office..


John W Russell, MD, Medical Examiner of Surgeons for the Army.
services and expenses

13 2 Dr. T. Woodbridge, Medical Examiner of Surgeons for the Army, ser

vices and expenses

133 Dr. John A. Murphy, Medical Examiner of Surgeons for the Army, ser
vices and expenses..

17 4 Surg Gen. Weber, for services and expenses going to Ft. Donelson, care
of Ohio troops

195 T. Donelson, for 7 months' services in Adjt General's office, at $40 per
month, $280, less $100 returned (being paid before)...

26 16G. I Young, Col., Aid to Governor, visiting Ohio regiments with Pay
master, to get pay for families and distribute, expenses
17 Geo B. Wright, Q M. General, to pay clerks and laboratory pay-roll
10. P. Buckingham, adjt General, monthly pay of clerks, for Feb., 1862
419R W Duff expenses in guarding prisoner of war from Dayton here
62 Mi itary telegraph account, Executive office...


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Adjt General's Department..

1222 Dr S. M Smith and Francis Collins, expenses in visiting sick and
wounded soldiers of Ohio, in Kentucky and Tennessee, and carrying
contributions at Governor's instance


142 Geo B. Wright, Q. M. General, requisition to pay Laboratory pay-roll

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1525G. C. E Weber, Surg. Gen., for 2 months' services, January 13 to March
13, 1862

For traveling expenses and transportation to Fort Donelson and
St. Louis, Governor's order

Cr.-Requisition No. 14 (above), to meet expenses

1826 H M. Chapin, for 25 days' services as Pay-agent of Governor, under
allotment law, expenses

2027 N B Walker, expenses and services in visiting Paducah, Fort Henry,
Savannah, Tenn, and other points, to receive money of soldiers, anc
transmit the same to State Treasury, for distribution and benefit of

fami ies...

222 Young, Aid to Governor, expenses of trip to same places for same

28. W Cole, for 3 days' work in making out allotment rolls..
231 W. Brown, Vol. urg, for expenses traveling with Cumberland and
Tennessee expedition, and treating individuals and detached compa
nies, furnishing medicines, &c.

April 120 P. Buckingham. Adjt General, office clerks' pay-roll, for Mar, 1862
io B. Wright, Q M. General, expenses of his Department, clerks
Laboratory, Arsenal, &e

34 Mitary postage stamps


5. I Young, Agent, deficit in allotment acct. and returns for soldiers. 836 Military telegraph acct, Executive office.

136 00

122 15

56 90 10 50

90 50.

425 00

1,426 91

15.00 149 29

40 38

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Adjutant General

Expenses of Adjt. Gen. Buckingham to Washington (ordered). (Requi
ition $100, returned unexpended, $34 05)

Surg Gen Weber, expenses of surgeons, dc, on 1st boat, "Magnolia,'
to Pittsburg Landing (See voucher 68.)


May 176

Surg. Gen. Weber, expenses in addition

April 9


(See voucher 40, above.).

Lt Gov. Stanton, Superintendent of Magnolia, for expenses. $1,000 06
Returned, unexpended, into Treasury....

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66 27

65 95

1,000 00 80 99

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(Of the part expended, $100 was handed to Col. Bliss.)
114 Postage account of Adjutant General's Department
154 David Johns, expenses of transporting sick soldiers from Paducah home
26 15 Abraham ells, vol nurse, exp. to Pittsburg Land., and return, 16 days
266 H Latimer,
217 Richard Gandern, " on steamer Glendale, expenses
2-1 m. A. Holden, vol. surgeon, expenses to Pitts'g Landing, "Glendale"
24eo. B. Senter, Superintendent of Glendale to Pittsburg Landing, and
return, for sick and wounded, by order of Governor-requisition of
$500; returned to Treasury, $412 42; expended only.

305 Adjt Gen. Hill, pay roll of clerks for April, 1862..
30518. F Hoffman, to repay divers sums paid on order of the Governor. (See
receipts, with his account)...

15 Geo. B. Wright. Q. M. General, requisition to pay expenses of his De
partment (Se bill, and his account.)...

254GUE Weber, Surgeon General, to meet expenses of Dr. S. M. Smith-
boat expeditions-$1,000. Smith handed the same to Col. S. Bliss
Bigs returned $56 92; expended

655 Military telegraph account, Executive office...

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15 Hurt, Allen & Co, military advertising-orders..
1261 W. L. McMillen, requisition to meet expenses of removing sick, $500
returned, as unexpended, and certified, back to Treasury, $480; bal.
1362 Franklin Bowker, to pay expenses as volunteer nurse for 5 weeks..
1563 Justin Morrison, for services in making abstracts of soldiers' allotments
1664r S M Smith, requisition to meet expenses of 4th trip as Medical Di-
rector for sick, &c. (For account of expenditures, see No. 192)


1655 B. W Cole, for services on prison record and letters
165 Geary & Son, advertising medical examination of surgeons
1767 T. Dean, owner of steamer "Tycoon," for balance out of Contingent
Fund (over and above special appropriation by Legislature, of $5,000,
to transport sick and wounded. This steamer's bill, $3,122 25.
another steamer's bill of $2,122 50, also paid out of the $5,000)
balance paid out of Contingent Fund..

1769 Henry Pearce, Treasurer of Sanitary Commission of Cincinnati, to pro
vide for the "Soldiers' Home," in Cincinnati...


20 00

87 58

291 66

69 70

2,500 00

943 03

253 40

35 15

108 25

110 00

20 30

20 00

30 00 16 67

500 00

39 00 9 60

244 75

1,000 00 111 33


ON B. Marple, druggist bill of medical stores for "Magnolia".
27. Soards & Son, coffins and boxes for dead sol tiers, "Glendale".
27 James Bugher, "Glendale" steamer, services, trip and expense of board 3,050 00
27 Silas Merchant, 20 days' services as Governor's agent, Cleveland, sick
and wounded

2474 Lieut. Gov. Welker, Superintendent of "Emma Duncan," to meet ex-
pe: ses, $500; returned of it, $230; actually expended ...
21 75 Steamer" Magnolia," sick and wounded soldiers transported-service.
Dean & Hale, com. merchants, 2 bills of sanitary stores for boats, &c..
277 Dean, owner of "Tycoon," charter and trip for sick and wounded.
277 Dean & Hale, stores to fit out "Emma Duncan,”.


30 00

270 00

2,449 00 1,177 15 2,596 00


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May 30 8 A. D. Kibbee, Pay-agent, services and expenses to receive and transmit

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30 81 Clark Warren, services and expenses at Cleveland, agent to attend sick
soldiers, &c.
312 Geo. B. Wright, Q. M. General, requisition to meet transportation acct,
accrued and accruing, for month of June


31 83 Geo. B. Wright, Q M. General, requisition for transportation and other
expenses (acct.)


2 84J. L Morrison, State Assistant Surgeon, services May 3 to 31, at $100
per month
285 Dean & Hale, account and draft, for stores for boat for sick...$673 58
Dr Weber handed $200 of this to Col Bliss, who returned of it 43 74

286 Dr S. Hudson, State Assistant Surgeon, to apply on service in advance
387 Dr. S. M. Smith, to meet contingent expenses, transporting sick and
wounded. (See No 192 for acct.)

4 8 A. T. Markle, State Assistant Surgeon, April 8 to May 8, services
4 89 John Cooper, Pay agent, expenses and services..

4 90G. C. E. Weber, to apply on salary as Surgeon-General....

4 91F Y. Bachelor, steamer " Emma Duncan," engaged May 24, and con-
trolled by governmect in transporting sick, &c., charter and board..

5 92 Western Union Tel. Co telegraph account for May...

5 9 Geo B. Senter, Superintendent of "Lady Franklin," for balance of ex
penses paia; acct. $158 02; paid, by S. Bliss, $100; balance....

5 94 John W. Russell, Medical Examiner, services and expenses

5 95 has. C. Cook

5 9 John A. Murphy

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6 97 G W. Williams, Pay-agent, account of services and expenses.
6 9 Dean & Hale, stores for "Emma Duncan"

699 as Bugher, "Glendale" and "Laay Franklin," transp'ting sick, &c
7100 Wm. J. Holmes, sevices as Clerk of the Post, and assistant at Camp

Chase Prison, March 3 to June 3, 1862


91013. F. Hoffman, for payment of divers small claims, military advertis

$164 29

202 98

5,000 00

2,769 43 93 25

629 84

50 00

300 00

100 00

59 64

400 00

2,832 50 662 32

58 02

107 25

122 00

110 50

162 70

268 62

3,491 00

180 00

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10105 W. W Locke, and several nurses, on steamer "Tycoon," expenses.
10. P. Alcorn, State Assistant Surgeon, 2 months' services...


17109 Dean & Hale, for money advanced on draft...

And bill of stores for boat.....

Less unexpended, of draft money, returned.....

171 W. A. Brown, State Surgeon, 1 month's services....
18111F. Y. Bachelor, Master of "Emma Duncan," for use of boat, and
boarding and transporting sick, &c. ...

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18112 R. W. Tayler, for expenses to Washington, to present and settle mili-
tary account: $100 requisition; expenses actually paid .....
Geo. B Wright, Q. M. General, requisition to pay transportation acct..
1148. F. Hoffman, to repay boat expenses, nurses, &c, paid by him ....
23 15 O Cooke, medical examiner, service and expenses..
211 John A. Murphy,
2317J. W. Russell,

10104 Isaac Dalton, Agent at Columbus Depot, for sick and destitute soldiers
Governor's order, services and expenses

10103 H. S Stevens, Agent to visit sick soldiers, hospitals, &c., by order of
Governor, expenses

ing, organizing regiments, surgeons, nurses, &c (acct.) ....
10102 r. Dean, owner of Tycoon," 11 days' services, transporting sick,
wounded, &c.......

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