1812 1. GOV. HAWKINS' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. 2. THE NEW BERN CHARITABLE SOCIETY. 3. TREASURY RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Education an object of great importance. 1. GOV. WM. HAWKINS' MESSAGE ON EDUCATION. The encouragement of Agriculture and manufactures, the improvement of our roads and inland navigation, and the promotion of learning, are objects of such great importance, that a doubt can not be entertained as to the propriety of their occupying a considerable share of your deliberations. -House Journal, 1812. 2. THE NEW BERN CHARITABLE SOCIETY. An Act to incorporate the Newbern Female Charitable Society. education of poor also relief of the That the individuals who are at present associated in Society for the the town of Newbern, for the relief of the poor and the female children; education of poor female children, under the name of the poor. Newbern Female Charitable Society, and those who here- Name. after may become members of the said Association agreeably to the rules which may be therein established, be, and the same are hereby incorporated into a body corporate Corporate powers politic, by the name of the Newbern Female Charitable. Society, and as such shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, be capable of acquiring and holding real or personal estate; have ability to make and ordain laws and regulations for their own government, and elect their own officers, and generally to do, receive and perform all such matters and things as rightfully belong to, or are usually incident to bodies corporate or politie within this State. Any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. -Laws 1812, chap. LXX, p. 26. |