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Society formed to promote education of orphans and other poor children

Ask to be allowed

to hold property


WILMINGTON Novr. 7th. 1817

To the Honbl: the Senate and house of Representatives of the State of N. Carolina

Whereas a Society has been established in this place, by the name of the "Female Benevolent Society of Wilmington N. Carolina" whose object is "to secure to poor children and destitute orphans, a moral and religious, as well as a common education; and besides furnishing with. such education, to adopt, support, and provide with situations that are useful, and not unfavorable to virtue, such children, as, in the opinion of the Society, stand most in need of their patronage."

And whereas they can neither adopt children, nor hold and adopt children. funds or property, in a corporate capacity, untill they are recognized as such, by law: they beg leave to solicit Your Honorable Body for an act of incorporation. And your Petitioners, as bound, will ever pray


ELIZA LORD 1st Directress

-From Unpublished Legislative Documents, 1817:


Whereas it is represented to this General Assembly that certain liberal and well disposed persons have subscribed sums of money for the purpose of erecting a school house or academy at the Town of Smithville, and that the subscriptions would be increased if it appeared probable that an adequate fund for erecting a proper building and supporting the same could be raised: Therefore, to encourage an undertaking so laudable, which may be highly beneficial to the inhabitants of the county of Brunswick, and produce advantages more extensive hereafter,

by lottery,

I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State Ask to raise 88,000 of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the Trustees of the said Academy, established by the General Assembly and under the authority of the same, shall have power, and they are hereby permitted to raise the sum of eight thousand dol lars by a lottery or lotteries as they or a majority of them residing in the counties of Brunswick, New Hanover, and Bladen, shall decm most proper, and that the said Trustees or a majority from the counties aforesaid, being present shall appoint seven commissioners for the purpose of opening and completing a scheme or schemes of lottery or lotteries, calculated to raise the sums aforesaid, in which there shall not be more than two Blanks to a prize, and the said Commissioners shall be managers of said Lottery and accountable for the prizes and profits thereof, any three of said commissioners being competent to transact business.


II. And be it further enacted, That when three- When drawing to fourths of the said tickets are sold the drawing of said lottery shall commence under the management of said commissioners, any three of them being present, they giv ing thirty days notice in the Wilmington paper and one of the papers in the City of Raleigh.

Payment of prizes.

Bond of lottery commissioners.

III. Be it further enacted, That all prizes shall be paid in sixty days after the drawing is finished, upon demand of the possessor of a fortunate ticket; which prize shall be subject to a deduction of fifteen per cent. and if such prize is not demanded within six months after the drawing is finished, of which public notice shall be given in the Wilmington paper or one of the papers in the City of Raleigh, the same shall be considered as relinquished for the benefit of said Academy; and the nett profits of said lottery or lotteries shall be vested in the Trustees of said Academy, for the use of said Academy, that the said Commissioners shall fix the days of drawing said lottery or lotteries except the first day of drawing, which shall commence as herein stipulated.

IV. Be it further enacted, That before the commissioners appointed as aforesaid shall begin to act in pursuance of this law, they shall enter into bond with security to be judged sufficient by the County Court of Brunswick County, for the sum of eight thousand pounds, payable to the chairman of the said Court and his successors, which bond shall be void on condition that they, the Commissioners appointed as aforesaid, shall well and truly perform the Trust reposed in them, that is to say, that they will without fraud, delay or other deductions than the fifteen per cent. therein prescribed, pay to every fortunate adventurer in said lottery or lotteries, the prizes he or she shall draw therein, in the time before mentioned and further, that the said Commissioners shall fully and faithfully account for all the profits which shall arise from the Lottery or Lotteries aforesaid, deducting therefrom, the necessary expenses in six months after the drawing of the same to the said Court on the continuing the same, and that the said commissioners shall deposit the nett amount arising from said lottery or lotteries in the Wilmington Branch of the State Bank of North Carolina subject only to be drawn for the use of said academy, and by an order.

passed by the trustees of said Academy, a certified copy of said order shall be sufficient to authorize the Treasurer of said Academy to check on said Bank for the amount therein stated; that a certificate from the cashier of said Bank stating the amount deposited by the Commissioners for the use of the Academy shall be satisfactory evidence to the Court for the amount deposited by them.

stituted to compel

do their duty.

V. Be it further enacted, That if the commissioners Suit may be inappointed as aforesaid, fail to perform any part of the commissioners to condition of said Bond, any person aggrieved by such failure may without assignment bring suit on said bond in the name of the chairman of said Court, in any Court of record within this State having cognizance thereof, and all such sums recovered thereon shall be to the use of the person or persons who shall so bring suit, and the said Bond shall be lodged with the Clerk of the County Court of Brunswick County, who shall keep the same as part of the records of the Court aforesaid.

In House of Commons Dec. 18, 1817: Read the first time and passed.

In Senate Dec. 18, 1817: Read and rejected.

-Unpublished Documents, 1817.






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