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" E'en from the tomb the voice of nature cries, E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires. For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonour'd dead, Dost in these lines their artless tale relate; If chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred spirit shall... "
Elegia inglese ... sopra un cimitero di campagna, trasportata in verso ital ... - 第 18 頁
Thomas Gray 著 - 1772
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The Union: Or Select Scots and English Poems..

Thomas Warton - 1753 - 164 頁
...drops the clofmg eye requires ; Ev'n from the tomb the voice of nature cries, Awake and faithful to her wonted fires. For thee, who mindful of th' unhonour'd...chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred fpirit fhall inquire thy fate, Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may fay, ' Oft have we feen him at the...
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The Union: Or Select Scots and English Poems..

Thomas Warton - 1753 - 168 頁
...drops the dofing eye requires ; Ev'n from the tomb the voice of nature cries, Awake and faithful to her wonted fires. For thee, who mindful of th' unhonour'd...chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred fpirit fhall inquire thy fate, Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may fay, ' Oft have we feen him at the...
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The Union: Or Select Scots and English Poems ...

1753 - 164 頁
...Awake and faithful to her wonted fires. For thec, who mindful of th' unhonour'd dead Doft in thefc lines their artlefs tale relate ; If chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred fpirit fhall inquire thy fate, Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may fay, ' Oft have we feen him at the...
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A collection of poems, by several hands [ed. by R. Dodsley].

Collection - 1758 - 394 頁
...warm precinfts of the chearful day, Nor cafl one longing ling'ring look behind ? On (bme fond breafl the parting foul relies, Some pious drops the clofing...chance, by lonely Contemplation led, Some kindred Spirit mall inquire thy fate, Haply feme hoary-headed Swain may fay, ' Oft have we feen him at the peep of...
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A Collection of Poems ...

Robert Dodsley - 1758 - 384 頁
...longing ling'ring look behind ? On fome fond breaft the parting foul relies, Some pious drops the dofing eye requires ; Ev'n from the tomb the voice of Nature...chance, by lonely Contemplation led, Some kindred Spirit mall inquire thy fate, . Haply fome hoary-headed Swain may fay, ' Oft have we feen him at the peep...
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The Union: Or, Select Scots and English Poems

1759 - 168 頁
...pious drops the dofing eye requires; E'en from the tomb the voice of nature cries, Sdli in their aflies live their wonted fires. For thee, who mindful of...chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred fpirit mall enquire thy fate, Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may fay, ' Oft have we feen him at the...
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The art of poetry on a new plan, illustrated with a great variety of ...

Art - 1762 - 290 頁
...drops the clofmg eye requires ; Ev'n from the tomb the voice of nature cries, Awake and faithful to her wonted fires. For thee, who mindful of th' unhonour'd...dead Doft in thefe lines their artlefs tale relate ; Jf chance, by lonely contemplation lsd, Some kindred fpirit fha'l inquire thy fate. Haply, fome hoary-headed...
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Robert Lloyd - 1762 - 308 頁
...cries, Ev'n in our afhes live their wonted fires. For thee, who, mindful of th' unhonour'd dead. Deft in thefe lines their artlefs tale relate ; If chance, by lonely contemplation led, Some kindred fpirit (hall inquire thy fate, Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may fay, " Oft have we fee him at the...
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A Collection of Poems: In Six Volumes, 第 4 卷

1765 - 414 頁
...who to dumb Forgetfulnefs a prey, This pleafing anxious being e'er refign'd, Left the warm precincts of the chearful day, Nor caft one longing ling'ring...chance, by lonely Contemplation led, Some kindred Spirit fhall inquire thy fate, Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may fay, ' Oft have we feen him at the peep of...
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A Collection of Poems in Six Volumes, 第 4 卷

Robert Dodsley - 1765 - 412 頁
...pious drops the clofing eye requires ; Ev'n from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, Ev'n in our Allies live their wonted Fires. . For thee, who mindful of...chance, by lonely Contemplation led, Some kindred Spirit {hall inquire thy fate, Haply fome hoary-headed fwain may fay, * Oft have we feen him at the peep of...
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