ePub 版

Far from the madding crowd's ignoble ftrife
Their fober wifhes never learn'd to ftray;
Along the cool fequefter'd vale of life-

They kept the noifeleff tenor of their way.

Yet ev'n these bones from infult to protec

Some frail memorial ftill erected nigh, AA

With uncouth rhimes and shapeiefffculpture deck'd, Implores the paffing tribute of a figh.

Their name, their years fpelt by th' unletter 'd mufe,

The place of fame and elegy fupply:

And many a holy text around she ftrews,

That teach the ruftic moralift to die. Gd

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Lungi dal folle vaneggiar del volgo
Dai defiri infiniti e gare infane >
Non traviar giammai le innocue genti
Dal fentier di Natura, e per la cheta
Della vita mortal folinga valle
Tennero un corfo tacito e tranquillo.

Ora a guardar le fredde ignobili offa
Dalle ingiurie del ciel qui presso eretto
Di fragil terra un monumento adorno
Di rozze rime e difadatte forme,
Dal molle cor del paffaggiero implora
Picciol tributo di fofpir pietoso.

1 lor nomi, i lor anni, informe fcritto
D'inerudita Mufa, all'ombre ofcure
Servon di Fama e d' Eleghi dolenti,
E fparfe miri le pareti intorno

Di fagrate fentenze a fcolpir atte

Nei rozzi petti il gran dover di morte.


For who, to dumb Forgetfulnefs a prey, This pleasing anxious being e'er refigned, Left the warm precincts of the chearful day, Nor caft one longing ling ring look behind?

On fome fond breaft the parting foul relies, Some pious drops the clofing eye requires ; Ev'n from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, Ev'n in our afhes live their wonted Fires.

For thee, who mindful of th' unhonour'd Dead

Doft in these lines their artlefs tale relate ;

If chance by lonely contemplation led

Some kindred Spirit shall inquire thy fate,


Perchè chi tutta mai ceffe tranquillo
In preda a muta obblivion vorace
Quefta efiftenza travagliofa e cara?
Chi del vivido giorno i rai fereni
Abbandonò, fenza lafciarfi addietro
Un fuo languente e fofpirofo fguardo?

Ama pofar fu qualche petto amato
L'alma fpirante, e i moribondi lumi.
Chieggono altrui qualche pietofa ftilla:
Fuor della tomba ancor grida la voce
Della natura, e fin nel cener freddo
Degli ufati defir vivon le fiamme.

Ma tu che ferbi ricordanza e cura

D' obbliati mortali, e in quefti verfi
La lor femplice iftoria altrui difveli,
Che fia di te? fe in quefte piagge errando,
Pien d'un' alto penfier che lo defvia,
Qualche Spirto romito al tuo conforme
Chiede mai del tuo Fato,


Haply fome hoary-headed Swain may fay,
Oft have vve feen him at the peep of dawn
Brushing with hafty fteps the dews, avvay
To meet the fun upon the upland lavvn

There at the foot of yonder nodding beech
That vvreathes its old fantastic roots so high,
His liftlefs length at noontide would he fretch,
And pore upon the brook that babbles by.

Hard by yon wood now fmiling as in fcorn, Mutt'ring his wayvvard fancies he would rove, Now drooping, vvoeful wan, like one forlorn, Or craz'd vvith care, or crofs'd in hopeless love.

One morn I mifs'd him on the cuftom'd hill, Along the heath and near his fav'rite tree;

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