REV. CHARLES ROGERS, LL.D. HISTORIOGRAPHER TO THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY; FELLOW OF THE NEW ENGLAND VOL. IV. LONDON PRINTED FOR THE ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1876 PREFACE. A CHIEF design entertained by the founders of the Royal Historical Society to procure materials for history from unexplored or recondite sources, is in a great measure realised in the Papers which constitute the present volume. It is the constant aim of the Council to secure such contributions as may promote discussion at the Monthly Meetings and at the same time prove useful in the permanent record of the Society's Transactions. Since the publication of vol. iii. the number of Fellows has increased from 383 to 466. A Library, supplied by the contributions of Members, has been opened at the Society's Rooms. PREFACE, LIST OF F HISTORICA EDMU No. " III " IV " V " VI CHARLES ROGERS, Historiographer. SOCIETY'S ROOMS, II CHANDOS STREET, CAVENDISH SQUARE, W., December 1875. IMMANUEL TAVUS THE HISTO Esq., F 1. T II. T III. T IV. T v. T VI. T VII. T VIII. T CONTENTS. PREFACE, LIST OF FELLOWS, HISTORICAL NOTICES AND CHARTERS OF THE PRIORY OF BEAULY. BY No. 1. Bulla Gregorii Papæ Priori de Bello Loco Ordinis Vallis- PAGE ii V 13 II. Carta Willielmi Byseth de Ecclesia de Aberterth Facta III. Carta Andreæ Moraviensis Episcopi de Decimis Garbarum ,, IV. Carta Laurentii Militis, Filij Patricij Janitoris de Innernes v. Carta Magistri Henrici de Tottyngham Priori de Bello Loco. VI. Carta David de Innerlunan de Terra de Auchterwaddalle IMMANUEL KANT IN HIS RELATION TO MODERN HISTORY. By Gus- THE HISTORY OF LANDHOLDING IN ENGLAND. By JOSEPH FISHER, 1. The Aborigines, II. The Romans, III. The Scandinavians, IV. The Normans, 97 103 105 108 117 132 144 VII. The Stuarts, 163 VIII. The House of Hanover, 169 1 I v. The Plantagenets, VI. The Tudors, |