

BUT Robinson Crusoe did not always live alone on his island. One day, as he was walking on the sea-shore, he saw some foot-prints on the sand, and on searching further he found that some cannibals had landed. Cannibals are men that eat human flesh; and they were just going to have a feast and eat three or four prisoners when he saw them through the trees. He was horribly frightened, for he knew if they found him they would eat him also. But he kept very quiet, and they did not see him. One of the prisoners ran away, and Robinson Crusoe shot the man dead who followed him. So this poor savage was very grateful to Robinson Crusoe for having saved his life, and became his faithful servant and companion; and Crusoe was not so lonely when he had got his man Friday. He called him Friday because it was on a Friday he found him.

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You crow very loud,

Standing there,
I declare,

Just as though
All below,
Cock-a-doodle-do-o !

Belonged to you.

Cock-a-doodle-do! Sir,
You look very proud;

But for why,
Though I try,

I can't guess,
Nor can Bess,

Cock-a-doodle-do-o !

No more can you.

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