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te that, by their most defperate Folly, they ave exchanged an infinitely great, and ever afting Good, even God and his Favour, which mplies perfect Felicity; for an infinitely great, and eternal Evil, even God's eternal Anger and Vengeance, which fuppofes the higheft and noft complete Mifery. O! The monftrous, more than monftrous Folly of impenitent Simners! To barter an infinitely great and eternal Good, for an infinitely great and eternal Zvil; yea, to prefer all Evil, to all Good; to exchange, as it were, Heaven for Hell, Salvation for Damnation; to prefer the most wretched Company of the most execrable Crew of all the damned Monsters in Hell, to the blissful Society of all the fupremely bleffed Hoft of triumphant Kings in Heaven; to prefer eternal Grief to everlafting Joy; the Blafphemies of the accurfed Children of the Devil, to the Halleujahs of the Children of God; all natural and moral Evil, to all natural and moral Good; ali poffible Deformity, Imperfection and Shame, to all poffible Beauty, Perfection, and Glory Dreadful Commutation! moft miferably wrong Eftimation of all Thing! arifing, and flowing from the Source, fhall I fay? Nay, rather from the very Sink of an infinitely deep moral Corruption of the Mind, of the Understanding, of the Judgment. No Wonder that the very wifeft of all Men, Solomon, to very frequently calls Sin Felly, while he terms Piety Wifdem: For

it is the very gerateft poffible Folly to prefer the gerateft poffible Evil, to the greateft pofAble Good; even as it argues the greatest polfible Wisdom to prefer an infinite Good, to an infinite Evil. But to return from this Digreffion. I only add what will be above al Things horrible to all the damned in Hell, namely, that they must all look upon the great & eternal God himself as their inexorable Enemy. Yea that the curfed muft, one and all of them, have in perpetual View, and behold with ever open Eyes, the great Jehovah, whofe boundless Effence is, to the damned, a confuming Fire For, according to the exprefs Declaration of St. Paul; Our God is a confuming Fire. Con eive, my moft dearly beloved Hearers, how exceffively afraid it must make all the wretched in Hell, to be conftrained to look eternally on the very Effence of the Godhead, as being, to them, an infinite, eternal, confuming Fire, and as it were, the very Thunder of ir fre Fury and Vengeance, Such a Sight, fay I, fuch a View of God, a God all Fire, Juming Fire, muft totally and moft dreadfully overwhelm all the damned in Hell with un known, most extreme, and everlafting Horror, Anxiety, Anguish, Calamity. Distress. Certain ly it is a fearful Thing to fall into the Hands of the Living God, whole immenfe Perfections, difhonoured by Sins not repented of, will be en gaged to render the damned completely ne



table. Then they will howl, weep, and gnath their Teeth: Yea, they will most violently fcream, and moft horribly blafpheme the God of Heaven, the very God that made and created them, by reafon of the great Extremity of their racking, moft excruciating, and eternal Tor


But thefe Thoughts are exceeding gloomy; they exhibit a Picture, and Profpect of an infinitely difmal and eternal Scene. And why fhould I endeavour to paint to you the dreadful End of impenitent, faithlefs Rebels, fince. I would hope better Things concerning you all, my dear Hearers. I hope we all greatly praife the Lord, because he is Great. Yet if fome of us fhould be fo unhappy, as not greatly to praise the infinitely great, the infinitely good, and moft beneficient Jehovah, let all fuch fincerely, and with their whole Heart, repent of their great Folly, and black, and fhameful Ingratitude. Let all impenitent Sinners, fly to Chrift with an unfeigned Faith, and deep Repentance; not only to be delivered from the Punishment, but alfo, and principally to be faved from the predominant Power, and very being of Sin, to the End that they may greatly praise the great Jehovah for ever and ever. The Confideration of the greatnefs, and multiplicity of your Sins ought not to difcourage you, ought not to deter you, nor plunge you into Defpair. By no Means! God is Goodness, he

is Love itfelf: For God is Love! Jehovah is allfufficient. And the Grace of God is more than fufficient for the very chiefeft of all Sinners. And Jehovah himself has even fworn by the far more exceeding and eternal Weight of his own Glory, that he has no Pleafure in the Deathof a Sinner, but that he fhould repent and live. O let this immense greatness of divine Goodness. lead you to fincere Repentance. Let the infinitely fuperabundant allsufficiency, and most stupenduous, eternal, divine Philanthropy of the moft adorable Jehovah be the Foundation of all your Hope, and the firm Basis of your most holy Faith. Confide in the infinite Merits, and every way perfect Attonement of Jefus Chrift, as the matter of your Juftification in the Sight of God. Contribute all your labours, all your very útmoft endeavours to glorify God by Jefus Chrift: For in this does faving Faith confift. And this you ought to do now ! For, behold, w now is the accepted Time; Now is the Day of Salvation. Therefore you ought to repent now even in the present Infant: Since the next Hour, the next Minute, ye the very next Moment may put a Period to our mortal Life, and utterly preclude even the poffibility of Repentance and Salvation. Procraftination is infinitely dangerous, infinitely foolish, and infinitely criminal here. The prefent Time, then, is the only certain Time, and Opportunity,

hout all peradventure, the moft fupreme


Wifdom directs and commands you moft ea gerly to embrace it as the very best to fecure an intereft in the divine Favour, which is better than Life itself, even as his Frown is worse than Death. To delay the infinitely momentous Bufinefs, or Work, even for the Space of one Moment, may, for ought any creature knows to the reverse, plunge you into the Abyss of utter Deftruction and eternal Despair. For God's Sake, then, and for the fake of the everlafting Salvation of your own Soul, lay hold this prefent Moment, I befeech you, (there is no other in your Power, no other certain,) lay hold on the Hope fet before you in the eter nal Gofpel. Will ye delay one Moment, one Inftant to fly from an infinitely dismal, and eternal Hell? Can you doubt one Moment, whether you will feek an everlasting, and an infinitely delightful Heaven, or not? Is not the Honour and Glory of God a fufficient Motive ? Cannot the infinitely dolorous Paffion, and boundlefs Philanthropy of the great Redeemer of Markind, allure your Hearts? Surely you have all that is in the Creator, and all that is in the Creation; you have all that is awful and delightful in Time and Eternity to conftrain you to believe in Jefus. Let not the greatnefs of your Guilt deter you. Let not your utter inability to fave yourself, difcourage your Heart, nor deter you from the great Duty, and Work of believing in Jefus. You have to do with #



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