The Wakefield Spelling Book, Parts III and IV; Or The Principles of Spelling, Adapted for Advanced Classes1868 - 198 頁 |
第 1 到 5 筆結果,共 24 筆
第 32 頁
... püss daunt less fond ness vile ness stress end less glad ness white ness tress faith less good ness wet ness § 3. The plurals of nouns ending in whispered consonants are formed by the addition of the sounds ( hiss 32.
... püss daunt less fond ness vile ness stress end less glad ness white ness tress faith less good ness wet ness § 3. The plurals of nouns ending in whispered consonants are formed by the addition of the sounds ( hiss 32.
第 34 頁
... plural of a noun , as buds , or a verb , as bids ) , we are obliged to use z ; but the number of such words is very ... plurals of nouns ending in a vowel or a vocal con- sonant are formed by the addition of the vocal s 34.
... plural of a noun , as buds , or a verb , as bids ) , we are obliged to use z ; but the number of such words is very ... plurals of nouns ending in a vowel or a vocal con- sonant are formed by the addition of the vocal s 34.
第 36 頁
... plurals of nouns ending in a digraph vowel or diph- thong take simply the letters , as boy , boys ; but the plurals of nouns ending in y only take the letters -ies , as pity , pities . The same rule applies to verbs with like endings ...
... plurals of nouns ending in a digraph vowel or diph- thong take simply the letters , as boy , boys ; but the plurals of nouns ending in y only take the letters -ies , as pity , pities . The same rule applies to verbs with like endings ...
第 37 頁
... Plurals of nouns cannot be formed by the addition of s after this sound , but must take the syllable -es , as wish - es , inch - es , arch - es . EXAMPLES . shaft flash blanch fishes gra cious shame dish bunch büshes ca pā ' cious shärk ...
... Plurals of nouns cannot be formed by the addition of s after this sound , but must take the syllable -es , as wish - es , inch - es , arch - es . EXAMPLES . shaft flash blanch fishes gra cious shame dish bunch büshes ca pā ' cious shärk ...
第 50 頁
... plurals of them , as foxes , taxes , sexes , boxes . If a verb in the infinitive mood end in these sounds we must ... plural number we must write cks , ks or cs , as frocks , books , critics ; also the third person singular of the ...
... plurals of them , as foxes , taxes , sexes , boxes . If a verb in the infinitive mood end in these sounds we must ... plural number we must write cks , ks or cs , as frocks , books , critics ; also the third person singular of the ...
A. J. ELLIS all² ance aspirate be² breath burn but² Byron Cæsar cloth COMPOUND CONSONANT consonant letters consonant sound digraph diphthong doth end in vowels end of words EXAMPLES explosive consonant French German guttural hath heart heart2 heaven him² in² Italian Italian language Julius Cæsar king know² language less lips long sound long vowel Lord lungs man's name Mede ment mouth nasal vowel ness never doubled new² no² not² number of words o'er³ orthography palate phonic phonic principle plural pray prefix pronounced pronunciation pupil REPRESENTATION RULE sea² short accented vowel short vowel silent silent e silent letter sion sleep so³ sonant soul2 Spanish spelling syllable syllable words Tennyson thee there2 thou tongue tree unaccented unto verbs vocal ligaments vocal power vowel letters vowel sound Wakefield words ending write written you³ وو