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Many people in the Northwest know that Seattle has a skyscraper. Many do not know that she has an engraving house of the first class. The Benson-Morris Co.

of Seattle, design, illustrate and en-
grave high-class advertisments, make
catalogue and business cuts of a uni-
form excellence. Do not send your
money east to get results when the
same money at home will assure

The Best Possible Work.
Absolutely Honest Dealing.
Prompt Delivery.

Get on our mailing list for the good things we publish occasionally.

Benson-Morris Co.


Don't forget to mention The Pacific Monthly when dealing with advertisers. It will be appreciated.


HE MAN without an opinion never gets rich. Decision in all matters is half the battle. Advice from many friends is like taking everybody's medicine-sure to kill, and causes the loss of many golden opportunities. Invest with the Smuggler Gold & Copper Mining Company, a sure dividend payer within the next two years, to say nothing of the advanced value of its stock. A gilt edge investment is now offered with the Smuggler Gold & Copper Mining Co., of Portland, Ore.

These mines are located in the Index and Silver Creek Mining District, Snohomish County, Washington, in which are a number of the best mines in the Northwest. Surrounded on the Northeast side by the famous Rockefeller mine, also the Cord and 76 mines and Rainey mines. On the Northwest side by the Bonanza Mining & Smelting Co., Bonanza Queen, Silver Lake, Silver Queen, Elite, and 45 mines. On the Southwest side by National, Golden Eagle, Ethel, Bunker Hill & Sullivan. On the Southeast side by the German Syndicate, Sunset, Wilbur, and Apex. The property lies two and onehalf miles from Monte Cristo Railroad, fifteen and one-half miles from the Great Northern Railroad at Index and fifty miles from the Everett smelter. Index District was awarded the first prize at Spokane in competition with the entire Northwest, including British Columbia. The analysis of the Smuggler average consisting of 30 feet cross-cutting the ore body is as follows:

[blocks in formation]

The mines consist of seven full claims of twenty acres each, or 140 acres. There are seven distinct veins averaging from four to thirty feet. Many assays have been made from time to time, the lowest of which is $11.67. The last assay made, at a depth of thirty feet, shows: gold $3.01, silver $6.12, copper $32.10 and in all $41.23. The ore is becoming richer as depth is attained. An excellent wagon road has recently been built by the miners of the district, with the County's assistance, which is completed to within one and one-half miles of these mines.

Now is the time to invest. We believe there is no other proposition before the public in the Pacific Northwest that presents the inducement to purchasers that will compare with the Smuggler group of mines. We are selling a few shares for the purpose of operating the mines, the purchase of machinery and other modern devices to make the mine a dividend payer at the earliest possible date.

Address all Mail
Matter to

W. J. DOXEY, Vice. Pres.
W. J. M'LEOD, Director

G. FREIWALD, Director


W. J. WALTERS, Gen'l Supt.
D. S. WILLIAMS, Treas.

Smuggler Gold Copper Co.

2022 Stark St., Portland, Ore.

Don't forget to mention The Pacific Monthly when dealing with advertisers. It will be appreciated.

[blocks in formation]

Don't forget to mention The Pacific Monthly when dealing with advertisers. It will be appreciated.

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