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All Nature is but Art unknown to thee;

All Chance, Direction which thou canst not see;
All Discord, Harmony not understood ;
All partial Evil, universal Good.


To Parents. Think not that all your duty as parents is done, when you have sent your children to school on the week day, and to Church on the Sunday: the most difficult part still remains to be done, that of training them up at home, by your own care, and patience, and example, to habits of obedience, truth, prudence, and decency, and to the religious duties of prayer, reading_the Scriptures, and observance of the Sabbath.-(Friendly Advice on the Management and Education of Children.)

O Lord give me skill and conduct, that with a pious, prudent and charitable hand I may govern my children, and all those who are committed to my care; that I may be watchful in ruling them, earnest in instructing them, fervent in loving them, and patient in bearing with them. Bp. Wilson.

The name of God is used in vain, when it flows from the lips idly or without meaning, or is applied on occasions inconsistent with any considerations of religion and devotion, to express our anger or our mirth; or indeed when it is used at all, except in acts of religion, or in serious and seasonable discourse upon religious subjects.

Paley's Moral Philosphy. Mockery and ridicule, when exercised upon the Scriptures, or upon the places, persons, and forms set apart for the service of religion, are profanations of God's name;-they are moreover inconsistent with a religious frame of mind; for no one ever either feels himself disposed to pleasantry, or capable of being diverted with the pleasantry of others, upon matters in which he is deeply interested; so a mind intent upon heaven, rejects with indignation every attempt to entertain it with jests

calculated to degrade or deride subjects which it never recollects but with seriousness and anxiety. The Same.


Chimney Sweepers.-There is a disease called the Chimneysweepers' cancer, which produces pain and suffering of the most grievous description. The following extracts from a letter of Dr. Thomas Forster, to the Committee, will better describe this, than any thing we can say on the subject:

Being called on to prescribe in several cases of chimney sweepers' cancer in this country, I took the opportunity of ascertaining, as nearly as possible, what proportion of climbing boys became obnoxious to the disease in question, and what number died of it. The patients who have applied to me have usually been such as follow partly an itinerant trade, living in the larger towns of Kent and Sussex, and crossing the country in different directions, sweeping their way through the smaller villages. Among such people, this complaint is very common, much more so than it appears to be in London; but whether its greater prevalence bereabouts should be attributed to the uncleanly habits of vagrant sweepers, or to some local causes hitherto unexplained, I cannot at present determine. To me it seems that cancer in general, as well as many other violent diseases, prevails more here than in the neighbourhood of London, or any other part of the country to which my observations have extended.

"Be this as it may, I am convinced that, out of five climbing boys, two, on a moderate average, may be reckoned cancerous patients among all the societies of chimney sweepers I' have seen in this country. In one house, four boys became diseased in a few years, all of whom are now dead. I was told this fact by a man who consulted me for the disease about ten years ago, and who said he knew them all during his apprenticeship. The same man says he could now reckon up nearly ten chimney sweepers of his acquaintance who have the cancer, and that he has also known climbing girls, from the same causes, get an untractable, and ultimately fatal, disease of a similar character.

"The description of cancer in question appears incurable when once it has spread, but, in an early state, constant washing affords great relief. The habit of perpetually washing with hot soap and water may, I think, prevent its occurrence; for it seems to be a disease of a local nature, and to exist more completely independent of any particular state of

constitution, than any other local disease with which I am acquainted."-St. James's Chronicle.

The Society for the Encouragement of Arts have awarded a premium of ten guineas for a bonnet manufactured of English grass, in imitation of Leghorn. The grasses were gathered and bleached by some children of a charity school.-The Same.

India.-Every new advice from India confirms the pleasing intelligence, that education is making a very rapid progress among the natives. The government very wisely encourages the efforts of those who are endeavouring to promote this excellent work. Accounts from Calcutta and Serampore are truly satisfactory.

Saving Banks.-The interest on money deposited in these banks is now much higher than what can be procured in any other funds; and this is an advantage which every benevolent person would wish to see afforded to the labouring classes, for whom these banks were principally intended. But, for the sake of obtaining this higher interest, many persons have put in money who ought not to have been allowed to become depositors. To prevent monied persons from speculating in these banks, one of the regulations was that no more than 1007. should be put in by the same person, the first year, and no more than 501. in any year afterwards. But this has been evaded, by persons depositing money in several different saving banks. The Chancellor of the Exchequer proposes to reduce the above sums to 50%. the first year, and 30%. afterwards, and to require a declaration to be signed that the depositor has no money in any other saving bank.

Confession of Campbell, who was executed at Stirling.-I, John Campbell, under sentence of death, and impressed with the awfulness of my situation, take this opportunity, as my last and dying declaration, most solemnly to warn all mankind, particularly the young people in and about St. Ninians, with some of whom I have been in the habit of associating.— First, take solemn warning by my deplorable condition, against disobedience to parents-"Children obey your parents in the Lord for this is right." Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee!" The breach of this commandment I have often committed, and most deeply and bitterly do I deplore it. Secondly, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy." [Read the fourth commandment.] Sabbath profanation was the leading means of my ruin, by neglect of religious ordinances, spending the day in idleness, sinful conversation, and sometimes sinful practices. Avoid these if you wish to prosper in this world, and regard your eternal happiness hereafter. Thirdly, beware of cock-fighting, for the following reasons,-great cruelty, bad and idle company,

drunkenness, with many other bad habits, which follow in their train; against which I now, as a dying man, lift up my voice and warn all to avoid. Let all be careful of keeping the eighth commandment, particularly my former young associates. And I implore you all to take warning by my untimely and awful situation, and sincerely lament that I have been the means of leading you astray. I advise you, for your soul's sake, to give up all and every thing that you know to be wrong, and turn unto God, from whom you have deeply and awfully revolted.

Excellent Substitute for Table Beer.-In warm weather, table beer is often wasted by turning sour. The following mixture will be found a cheap and agreeable substitute for it. To ten quarts of water, put a bottle of porter, and a pound of brown sugar, or treacle: add a spoonful of powdered ginger, if the flavour of it be approved. When the whole is well mixed together, put it into bottles, cork them closely, place them in a cool cellar, and in two or three days it will be fit to drink. Footman's Directory.

An Inquest was lately held on the body of Robert Peperaйl, an infant boy 18 months old, whose death was occasioned by swallowing opium pills.

Mrs. Peperall deposed, that she had been ill for some time with a cancer. On Wednesday last she went to a Public Dispensary for medicine, and the surgeon gave her a lotion:and pills to make her sleep. On her arriving at home she was exceedingly ill, and laid the box of pills on the table. On the following morning the child was found lying insensible at the bottom of his bed; and his sister, (a child six years old) informed witness that the deceased had ate four of the pills, and she (the girl) had swallowed one. The deceased appeared to be in a fit, and witness sent for a surgeon, who visited the child, and said he was in convulsions; he administered such antidotes as he thought proper. The child died soon afterwards.

A surgeon and apothecary stated, that he gave the mother of the deceased a lotion, and a box containing seven pills, each consisting of one grain of opium. The pills were to assuage the woman's pains, she being affected with a cancer. He was of opinion that four of these pills would cause the death of an infant 18 months old.

This evidence was corroborated by other witnesses, and the Jury returned a verdict-That the deceased died from swallowing opium pills.-London Paper.

Infantine School Society.-A meeting has been held at the Freemasons' Tavern for the purpose of establishing an Infantine School Society. Formerly, children were not sent to school till they were of a fit age to be taught to read; and they had sometimes acquired such habits of idleness before

they went, that the task of teaching them became doubly difficult. Some little children, it is true, were sent to a small school to be out of the way, without much expectation of their learning any thing. The object of this Society is to provide a School for the reception of the children of the poor at a very early age, that they may be brought into habits of good order and discipline, and taught to cultivate a spirit of kindness, and good temper, and good conduct, besides those things which belong to what is called learning.

If parents are really what they ought to be, and have the desire and the time to teach their children what is Christianlike and good, there is "no place like home." But how many poor parents have not the time! How many have not the desire or the power! How many are there whose habits and conversation and example are such that every thing that is bad is learnt at home. Half the young thieves in London are the sons of thieves. Every thing that they see and hear at home tends to instruct them in the manners of their fathers. It is a great charity to endeavour to rescue such children from ruin :-as well as to endeavour to instruct those whose parents may not be able, however willing, to do it themselves.

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.-There has been a meeting at the Old Slaughter Coffee-House, for the pur. pose of forming a Society more effectually to check the practice of treating the brute creation with cruelty. From the speeches at this meeting, it appeared that a very increased interest had been excited on this subject. The Society will aim at the accomplishment of its object by circulating such information and instruction on the subject as may be thought likely to be of use; and when necessary, by resorting to such punishment as the law will inflict. The attention of the meeting was called to one very important point, respecting those animals which are killed for the supply of our wants; namely, the putting them to death with the least possible degree of pain; and it was recommended to the Society to endeavour to discover whether some more easy method of slaughtering animals might not be adopted than the present.


We have received E. W. B.; Mary; H.; T-a.; Harriet Loveday; C. W. B.; J. C.; P. P. G.; and F.

We are not much in want of the sort of verse which C. W. B. proposes.

Many thanks for Mr. Cottle's book. It seems to have been strongly called for.

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