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The pearly Don, the Deas, the fertile Spay,
Wild Neverne, which doth see our longest day;
Nesse smoking sulphur, Leave with mountains

Strange Loumond for his floating isles renown'd;
The Irish Rian, Ken, the silver Aire,
The snaky Dun, the Ore with rushy hair,

The crystal-streaming Nid, loud-bellowing Clyde,
Tweed, which no more our kingdoms shall divide;
Rank-swelling Annan, Lid with curled streams,
The Eskes, the Solway, where they lose their names;
To every one proclaim our joys and feasts,
Our triumphs; bid all come and be our guests:
And as they meet in Neptune's azure hall,
Bid them bid sea-gods keep this festival;
This day shall by our currents be renown'd;
Our hills about shall still this day resound:
Nay, that our love more to this day appear,
Let us with it henceforth begin our year.

To virgins, flow'rs, to sun-burnt earth, the rain,
To mariners, fair winds amidst the main;
Cool shades to pilgrims, which hot glances burn,
Are not so pleasing as thy blest return.
That day, dear prince, which robb'd us of thy sight
(Day? No, but darkness and a dusky night)

Did fill our breasts with sighs, our eyes with tears,
Turn'd minutes to sad months, sad months to years:
Trees left to flourish, meadows to bear flow'rs,
Brooks hid their heads within their sedgy bow'rs;
Fair Ceres curs'd our trees with barren frost,
As if again she had her daughter lost :
The Muses left our groves, and for sweet songs
Sate sadly silent, or did weep their wrongs:

When lilies do them deck in azure gowns,
And new-born roses blush with golden crowns;
To prove how calm we under thee should live,
What halcyonean days thy reign should give;
And to two flow'ry diadems, thy right,
The Heavens thee made a partner of the light.
Scarce wast thou born, when join'd in friendly bands
Two mortal foes with other clasped hands;
With Virtue Fortunestrove, which most should grace
Thy place for thee, thee for so high a place:
One vow'd thy sacred breast not to forsake,
The other, on thee not to turn her back;
And that thou more her love's effects might'st feel,
For thee she left her globe, and broke her wheel.

When years thee vigour gave, O then, how clear
Did smother'd sparkles in bright flames appear!
Amongst the woods to force the flying hart,
To pierce the mountain-wolf with feather'd dart;
See fa'cons climb the clouds, the fox ensnare,
Out-run the wind-out-running Dædale hare;
To breathe thy fiery steed on every plain,
And in meand'ring gyres him bring again;
The press thee making place, and vulgar things,
In admiration's air, on gory's wings:

O! thou far from the common pitch didst rise,
With thy designs to dazzle Envy's eyes:
Thou sought'st to know this all's eternal source,
Of ever-turning Heavens the restless course;
Their fixed lamps, their lights, which wand ring run,
Whence Moon her silver hath, his gold the Sun;
If Fate there be or no, if planets can,
By fierce aspects, force the free will of man:
The light aspiring fire, the liquid air,

You know it, meads; you, murmuring woods, it The flaming dragons, comets with red hair,


Hills, dales, and caves, copartners of their woe;
And you it know, my streams, which from their eine
Oft on your glass receiv'd their pearly brine:
"O Naiads dear!" said they, "Napæas fair!
O nymphs of trees! nymphs which on hills repair;
Gone are those maiden glories, gone that state,
Which made all eyes admire our bliss of late."
As looks the Heaven when never star appears,
But slow and weary shroud them in their spheres,
While Tithon's wife embosom'd by him lies,
And world doth languish in a mournful guise:
As looks a garden of its beauty spoil'd,
As woods in winter by rough Boreas foil'd,
As portraits ras'd of colours us'd to be;
So look'd these abject bounds depriv'd of thee.

While as my rills enjoy'd thy royal gleams,
They did not envy Tiber's haughty streams,
Nor wealthy Tagus with his golden ore,
Nor clear Hydaspes which on pearls doth roar,
Nor golden Gange that sees the Sun new born,
Nor Achelous with his flow'ry horn,

Nor floods which near Elysian fields do fall :
For why? Thy sight did serve to them for all.
No place there is so desert, so alone,
Even from the frozen to the torrid zone,
From flaming Hecla to great Quincey's lake,
Which thy abode could not most happy make:
All those perfections which by bounteous Heaven
To divers worlds in divers times were given,
The starry senate pour'd at once on thee,
That thou exemplar might'st to others be.

Heaven's tilting lances, artillery, and bow,
Loud-sounding trumpets, darts of hail and snow,
The roaring element, with people dumb,
The earth with what conceiv'd is in her womb,
What on her moves, were set unto thy sight,
Till thou didst find their causes, essence, might:
But unto nought thou so thy mind didst strain,
As to be read in man, and learn to reign;
To know the weight and Atlas of a crown,
To spare the humble, proud ones tumble down.
When from those piercing cares which thrones invest,
As thorns the rose, thou, wearied, would'st thee rest,
With lute in hand, full of celestial fire,
To the Pierian groves thou didst retire:
There, garlanded with all Urania's flow'rs,
In sweeter lays than builded Thebes' tow'rs;
Or them which charm'd the dolphins in the main,
Or which did call Eurydice again;

Thou sung'st away the hours, till from their sphere
Stars seem'd to shoot, thy melody to hear.
The god with golden hair, the sister maids,
Did leave their Helicon and Tempe's shades,
To see thine isle; here lost their native tongue,
And in thy world-divided language sung.

Who of thine after-age can count the deeds,
With all that Fame in Time's huge annals reads ;
How by example, more than any law,

This people ficrce thou didst to'goodness draw;
How while the neighbour worlds, toss'd by the Fates,
So many Phaetons had in the'r states, [thrones,
Which turn'd to heedless flames their burnish'd
Thou, as enspher'd, kept'st temperate thy zones;
In Afric shores, the sands that ebb and flow,
The shady leaves on Arden's trees that grow,

Thy life was kept till the three sisters spun Their threads of gold, and then it was begun. With chequer'd clouds when skies do look most fair, He sure may count, with all the waves that moet

And no disorder'd blasts disturb the air;

To wash the Mauritanian Atlas' feet.

Though crown'd thou wert not, nor a king by birth, | That Piety unmasked shows her face,
Thy worth deserves the richest crown on Earth.
Search this half-sphere, and the antarctic ground,
Where are such wit and bounty to be found ?
As into silent night, when near the Bear
The virgin huntress shines at full most clear,
And strives to match her brother's golden light,
The host of stars doth vanish in her sight;
Arcturus dies; cool'd is the Lion's ire,
Po burns no more with Phaetontal fire;
Orion faints to see his arms grow black,
And that his flaming sword he now doth lack:
So Europe's lights, all bright in their degree,
Lose all their lustre, parallel'd with thee.
By just descent thou from more kings dost shine,
Than many can name men in all their line:

That Innocency keeps with Power her place;
That long-exil'd Astrea leaves the Heaven,
And turneth right her sword, her weights holds even
That the Saturnian world is come again,
Are wish'd effects of thy most happy reign.
That daily, Peace, Love, Truth, delights increase,
And Discord, Hate, Fraud, with encumbers, cease ;
That men use strength, not to shed others' blood,
But use their strength, now to do others good;
That fury is enchain'd, disarmed wrath,



What most they toil to find, and finding hold,
Thou scornest, orient gems, and flatt'ring gold;
Esteeming treasure surer in men's breasts,
Than when immur'd with marble, clos'd in chests:
No stormy passions do disturb thy mind,
No mists of greatness ever could thee blind:
Who yet hath been so meek? Thou life didst give
To them who did repine to see thee live:
What prince by goodness hath such kingdoms gain'd?
Who hath so long his people's peace maintain'd?
Theirswords are turn'd to scythes, to coulters spears,
Some giant post their antique armour bears:
Now, where the wounded knight his life did bleed,
The wanton swain sits piping on a reed;

And where the cannon did Jove's thunder scorn,
The gaudy huntsman winds his shrill-tun'd horn:
Her green locks Ceres doth to yellow dye;
The pilgrim safely in the shade doth lie;
Both Pan and Pales careless keep their flocks;
Seas have no dangers, save the winds and rocks:
Thou art this isle's palladium; neither can
(Whiles thou dost live!) it be o'erthrown by man.

Let others boast of blood and spoils of foes,

Fierce rapines, murders, iliads of woes;
Of hated pomp, and trophies reared fair,
Gore-spangled ensigns streaming in the air;
Count how they make the Scythian them adore,
The Gaditan, and soldier of Aurore:

Unhappy boasting! to enlarge their bounds,
That charge themselves with cares, their friends
with wounds;

Who have no law to their ambitious will,

That, save by Nature's hand, there is no death;
That late grim foes, like brothers, other love,
That vultures prey not on the harmless dove;
That wolves with lambs do friendship entertain,
Are wish'd effects of thy most happy reign.
That towns increase, that ruin'd temples rise,
That their wind moving vanes do kiss the skies;
That ignorance and sloth hence run away,
That bury'd arts now rouse them to the day;
That Hyperion far beyond his bed

Doth see our lions ramp, our roses spread;
That Iber courts us, Tiber not us charms, [warms;
That Rhein with hence-brought beams his bosom
That ill doth fear, and good doth us maintain,
Are wish'd effects of thy most happy reign.

O Virtue's pattern! glory of our times!
Sent of past days to expiate the crimes;
Great king, but better far than thou art great,
Whom state not honours, but who honours state;
By wonder born, by wonder first install'd,
By wonder after to new kingdoms call'd;
Young, kept by wonder from home-bred alarms,
Old, sav'd by wonder from pale traitors' harms;
To be for this thy reign, which wonders brings,
A king of wonder, wonder unto kings.

If Pict, Dane, Norman, thy smooth yoke had seen,
Pict, Dane, and Norman, had thy subjects been:
If Brutus knew the bliss thy rule doth give,
Ev'n Brutus joy would under thee to live:
For thou thy people dost so dearly love,
That they a father, more than prince, thee prove.
O days to be desir'd! age happy thrice!
If you your heaven-sent good could duly prize;
But we, half-palsy-sick, think never right
Of what we hold, till it be from our sight;
Prize only summer's sweet and musked breath,
When armed winters threaten us with death;

But, man-plagues! born are human blood to spill: In pallid sickness do esteem of health,

Thou a true victor art, sent from above

What others strain by force to gain by love;
World-wand'ring Fame this praise to thee imparts,
To be the only monarch of all hearts.

They many fear, who are of many fear'd,

And kingdoms got by wrongs, by wrongs are tear'd; Such thrones as blood doth raise, blood throweth down;

No guard so sure as love unto a crown.

Eye of our western world! Mars-daunting king!
With whose renown the Earth's seven climates ring,
Thy deeds not only claim these diadems,
To which Thame, Litty, Tay, subject their streams:
But to thy virtues rare, and gifts, is due
All that the planet of the year doth view;
Sure, if the world above did want a prince,
The world above to it would take thee hence.

That Murder, Rapine, Lust, are fled to Hell,
And in their rooms with us the Graces dwell;
That honour more than riches men respect,
That worthiness than gold doth more effect;

And by sad poverty discern of wealth:

I see an age, when after some few years,
And revolutions of the slow-pac'd spheres,
These days shall be 'bove other far esteem'd,
And like Augustus' palmy reign be deem'd.
The names of Arthur, fabulous Paladines,
Grav'n in Time's surly brow in wrinkled lines;
Of Henries, Edwards, famous for their fights,
Their neighbour conquests, orders new of knights,
Shall, by this prince's name, be past as far
As meteors are by the Idalian star.

If grey-hair'd Proteus' songs the truth not miss,
And gray-hair'd Proteus oft a prophet is,
There is a land, hence distant many miles,
Out-reaching fiction and Atlantic isles;
Which (homelings) from this little world we name,
That shall emblazon with strange rites his fame;
Shall rear him statues all of purest gold,
Such as men gave unto the gods of old;
Name by him temples, palaces, and towns,
With some great river, which their fields renowns.
This is that king, who should make right each wrong, ❘ And chides, perhaps, thy coming to the North,
Of whom the bards and mystic Sybils sung;
The man long promis'd, by whose glorious reign
This isle should yet her ancient name regain,
And more of fortunate deserve the style,
Than those where heavens with double summers
Run on, great prince! thy course in glory's way,
The end the life, the evening crowns the day;
Heap worth on worth, and strongly soar above
Those heights, which made the world thee first to May character thy name in starry flow'rs;


Surmount thyself, and make thine actions past
Be but as gleams or lightnings of the last;
Let them exceed those of thy younger time,
As far as autumn doth the flow'ry prime.
Through this thy empire range, like world's bright
That once each year surveys all earth and sky;
Now glances on the slow and resty Bears,
Then turns to dry the weeping Auster's tears;
Hurries to both the poles, and moveth even

Loath not to think on thy much-loving Forth:
O! love these bounds, where, of thy royal stem,
More than an hundred wore a diadem.
So ever gold and bays thy brows adorn,
So never time may see thy race out-worn;
So of thine own still may'st thou be desir'd,
Of strangers fear'd, redoubted, and admir'd;
So memory thee praise, so precious hours

So may thy high exploits at last make eren
With Earth thy empire, glory with the Heaven!




In the infigur'd circle of the Heaven.
O! long, long haunt these bounds, which by thỷ
Have now regain'd their former heat and light.



Here grow green woods, here silver brooks do glide,


Here meadows stretch them out with painted pride; Delivered from the Pageants the 15th of June, 1653.

Embroid'ring all the banks, here hills aspire

To crown their heads with the ethereal fire;

Hills, bulwarks of our freedom, giant walls,

Which never friends did slight, nor sword made


Each circling flood to Thetis tribute pays,
Men bere, in health, outlive old Nestor's days:
Grim Saturn yet amongst our rocks remains,
Bound in our caves, with many metal'd chains:
Bulls haunt our shades, like Leda's lover, white,
Which yet might breed Pasiphae delight;
Our flocks fair fleeces bear, with which, for sport,
Endymion of old the Moon did court;
High-palmed harts amidst our forests run,
And, not impal'd, the deep-mouth'd hounds do shun;
The rough-foot hare safe in our bushes shrouds,
And long wing'd hawks do perch amidst our clouds.
The wanton wood-nymphs of the verdant spring,
Blue, golden, purple flow'rs shall to thee bring;
Pomona's fruits the Panisks, Thetis' gyrles
Thy Thule's amber, with the ocean pearls;

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Ir Nature could suffer rocks to move, and abandon their natural places, this town, founded on the strength of rocks (now, by the all-cheering rays of your majesty's presence, taking not only motion, but life) had, with her castle, temples, and houses, moved toward you, and besought you to acknowledge her yours, and her inhabitants your most humble and affectionate subjects; and to believe, how many souls are within her circuits, so many lives are devoted to your sacred person and crown. And here, sir, she offers, by me, to the altar of your glory, whole hecatombs of most happy desires, praying all things may prove prosperous unto you; that every virtue and heroic grace, which make a prince

The Tritons, herdsmen of the glassy field,

Shall give thee what far-distant shores can yield, eminent, may, with a long and blessed govern

The Serean fleeces, Erythrean gems,

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ment, attend you; your kingdoms flourishing abroad with bays, at home with olives; presenting you, sir, (who are the strong key of this little world of Great Britain) with these keys, which cast up the gates of her affection, and design you power to open all the springs of the hearts of these her most loyal citizens. Yet this is almost not necessary; for as the rose at the far appearing of the morning Sun displayeth and spreadeth her purples, so at the very report of your happy return to this your native country, their hearts (as might be apparent, if they could have shined through their breasts) were with joy and fair hopes made spacious; nor did they ever, in all parts, feel a more comfortable heat, than the glory of your presence at this time darteth upon them.

Nor she, nor all the world, can match with me.
Now when, by honour drawn, thou shalt away
To her, already jealous of thy stay;

When in her amorous arms she doth thee fold,
And dries thy dewy hairs with hers of gold,
Much asking of thy fare, much of thy sport,
Much of thine absence, long, howe'er so short,

The old forget their age, and look fresh and young at the sight of so gracious a prince: the young bear a part in your welcome, desiring many years of life, that they may serve you long; all have more joys than tongues; for, as the words of other nations far go beyond and surpass the affec

on of their hearts, so in this nation, the affection | Doth guard this isle, or all those forts and tow'rs

ftheir hearts is far above all they can express by ords. Deign then, sir, from the highest of majesy to look down on their lowness, and embrace it; ccept the homage of their humble minds, accept heir grateful zeal; and, for deeds, accept that great good-will which they have ever carried to the aigh deserts of your ancestors, and shall ever, to your own, and your royal race, whilst these rocks shall be overshadowed with buildings, these buildngs inhabited by men, and while men shall be endued either with counsel or courage, or enjoy any piece of reason, sense, or life.



THE Heavens have heard our vows, our just desires
Obtained are; no higher now aspires
Our wishing thought, since to his native clime,
The flower of princes, honour of his time,
Enchcering all our dales, hills, forests, streams,
(As Phœbus doth the summer with his beams)
Is come, and radiant to us, in his train,
The golden age and virtues brings again!
Prince so much longed for! how thou becalm'st
Minds easeless anguish, every care embalm'st
With the sweet odours of thy presence! Now,
In swelling tides, joys every where do flow
By thine approach; and that the world may see
That unthought wonders do attend on thee,
This kingdom's angel I, who since that day
That ruthless fate thy parent reft away,
And made a star, appear'd not any where
To gratulate thy coming, come am here.

Hail! princes' phenix, monarch of all hearts,
Sovereign of love and justice, who imparts
More than thou canst receive! To thee this crown
Is due by birth: but more, it is thine own
By just desert; and ere another brow
Than thine should reach the same, my floods should
With hot vermilion gore, and every plain
Level the hills with carcases of slain,

This isle become a Red Sea. Now how sweet
Is it to me, when love and laws thus meet
To girt thy temples with this diadem,

My nurselings' sacred fear, and dearest gem,

Nor Roman, Saxon, Pict, by sad alarms
Could thus acquire and keep; the Heavens in arms
From us repel alt perils; nor by wars
Aught here was won, save gaping wounds and scars:
Our lion's climacteric now is past,

And crown'd with bays he rampeth free at last.

Here are no Serean fleeces, Peru gold,
Aurora's gems, nor wares by Tyrians sold;
Towns swell not here with Babylonian walls,
Nor Nero's sky-resembling gold-ceil'd halls;
Nor Memphis' spires, nor Quinzaye's arched frames,
Captiving seas, and giving lands their names :
Faith, milk-white Faith! of old belov'd so well,

P Yet in this corner of the world doth-dwell
With her pure sisters, Truth, Simplicity;
Here banish'd Honour bears them company:
A Mars-adoring brood is here, their wealth,
Sound minds, and bodies of as sound a health;
Walls here are men, who fence their cities more
Than Neptune, when he doth in mountains roar,

Amphion's harp rais'd about Thebes' bow'rs.
Heaven's arch is oft their roof, the pleasant shed
Of oak and plain oft serves them for a bed.
To suffer want, soft pleasure to despise,
Run over panting mountains crown'd with ice,
Rivers o'ercome, the wastest lakes appal,
(Being to themselves, oars, steerers, ship and all)
Is their renown: a brave all-daring race,
Courageous, prudent, doth this climate grace;
Yet the firm base on which their glory stands,
In peace, true hearts; in wars, is valiant hands,
Which here, great king! they offer up to thee,
Thy worth respecting as thy pedigree:
Though it be much to come of princely stem,
More is it to deserve a diadem.

Vouchsafe, blest people, ravish'd here with me,
To think my thoughts, and see what I do see.
A prince all-gracious, affable, divine,
Meek, wise, just, valiant, whose radiant shine
Of virtues, like the stars about the Pole
Gilding the night, enlight'neth every soul,
Your sceptre sways; a prince, born in this age
To guard the innocent from tyrants' rage;
To make peace prosper, justice to reflow'r,
In desert hamlet, as in lordly bow'r;

A prince that, though of none he stands in awe,
Yet first subjects himself to his own law;
Who joys in good, and still, as right directs,
His greatness measures by his good effects;
His people's pedestal, who rising high,
To grace this throne, makes Scotland's name to fly
On halcyon's wings (her glory which restores)
Beyond the ocean to Columbus' shores:
God's sacred picture in this man adore,
Honour his valour, zeal, his piety more;
High value what you hold, him deep engrave
In your heart's heart, from whom all good ye have;
For as Moon's splendour from her brother springs,
The people's welfare streameth from their kings.
Since your love's object doth immortal prove,
O! love this prince with an eternal love.

Pray that those crowns his ancestors did wear,
His temples long, more orient, may bear;
That good he reach by sweetness of his sway,
That ev'n his shadow may the bad affray;
That Heaven on him what he desires bestow,
That still the glory of his greatness grow;
That your begun felicities may last,

That no Orion do with storms them blast;
That victory his brave exploits attend,

East, west, or south, where he his force shall bend,
Till his great deeds all former deeds surmount,
And quell the Nimrod of the Hellespont;

That when his well-spent care all care becalms, He may in peace sleep in a shade of palms; And rearing up fair trophies, that Heaven may Extend his life to world's extremest day.



Ar length we see those eyes,
Which cheer both Earth and skies;
Now, ancient Caledon,

Thy beauties heighten, richer robes put on,
And let young joys to all thy parts arise.

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Combin'd are from above;

Prince never sceptre sway'd,

Lov'd subjects more, of subjects more obey'd,


To fair hopes to give reins now it is time
And soar as high as just desires may climb;
O halcyonian, clear, and happy day!
From sorry wights let sorrow fly away.
And vex antarctic climes; great Britain's woes
Vanish, for joy now in her zenith glows.
The old Lucadian scythe-bearing sire,

Which may endure whilst Heaven's great orbs do Though cold, for thee feels flames of sweet de


Joys, did you always last,

Life's spark you soon would waste;

Grief follows sweet delight,

As day is shadowed by sable night,

Yet shall remembrance keep you still, when past.





Rous'd from the Latmian cave, where many years
That empress of the lowest of the spheres,
Who cheers the night, did keep me hid, apart
From mortal wights, to ease her love-sick heart,
As young as when she did me first enclose,
As fresh in beauty as the morning rose,
Endymion, that whilom kept my flocks
Upon Ionia's flow'ry hills and rocks,
And sweet lays warbling to my Cynthia's beams,
Out-sang the cygnets of Meander's streams:


And many lustres at a perfect height
Shall keep thy sceptre's majesty as bright,
And strong in power and glory, every way,
As when thy peerless parent did it sway;
Ne'er turning wrinkled in time's endless length,
But one in ber first beauty, youthful strength,
Like thy rare mind, which stedfast as the Pole
Still fixed stands, however spheres do roll.
More to enchance with favours this thy reign,
His age of gold he shall restore again;
Love, justice, honour, innocence renew,
Men's sprights with white simplicity indue;
Make all to leave in plenty's ceaseless store
With equal shares, none wishing to have more.
No more shall cold the ploughmen's hopes be-


Skies shall on Earth with lovely glances smile; Which shall, untill'd, each flower and herb bring


And lands to gardens turn, of equal worth;
Life (long) shall not be thrall'd to mortal dates:
Thus Heavens decree, so have ordain'd the Fates.


To whom, for guerdon, she Heaven's secret bars
Made open, taught the paths and pow'rs of stars :
By this dear lady's strict commandement
To celebrate this day I here am sent.

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Whom nought, save law of force, could keep in


But whether is this Heaven, which stars do crown,

Or are Heaven's flaming splendours here come | Thou shalt relieve, and crown with glistering stars;

To beautify this nether world with me?

Such state and glory did e'er shepherd see?
My wits my sense mistrust, and stay amaz'd;
No eye on fairer objects ever gaz'd.

Sure this is Heaven; for ev'ry wand'ring star,
Forsaking those great orbs where whiri'd they are,
All dismal, sad aspects abandoning,

Are here met to salute some gracious king.

Nor is it strange if they Heaven's height neglect;
It of undoubted worth is the effect:

Then this it is, thy presence, royal youth,
Hath brought them here within an azimuth,
To tell by me, their herald, coming things,
And what each fate to her stern distaff sings:
Heaven's volume to unclasp, vast pages spread,
Mysterious golden cyphers clear to read.
Hear then the augur of thy future days,
And what the starry senate of thee says;
For, what is firm decreed in Heaven above,
In vain on Earth strive mortals to improve.

Thou shalt turn clients to the force of law;
Thou arms shalt brandish for thine own defence,
Wrongs to repel, and guard weak innocence,
Which to thy last effort thou shalt uphold,
As oak the ivy which it doth enfold.
All overcome, at last thyself o'ercome,
Thou shalt make passion yield to reason's doom:
For smiles of Fortune shall not raise thy mind,
Nor shall disasters make it e'er declin'd:
True Honour shall reside within thy court,
Sobriety and Truth there still resort;
Keep promis'd faith, thou shalt all treacheries
Detest, and fawning parasites despise ;
Thou, others to make rich, shalt not make poor
Thyself, but give, that thou may'st still give more;
Thou shalt no paranymph raise to high place,
For frizzled locks, quaint pace, or painted face:
On gorgeous raiments, womanizing toys,
The works of worms, and what a moth destroys,

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