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the mouths of millions, turn out to be the wisdom of the hour. I am sure if this man had ruled in a period of less facility of printing, he would have become mythological in a very few years, like Esop or Pilpay, or one of the Seven Wise Masters, by his fables and proverbs. But the weight and penetration of many passages in his letters, messages and speeches, hidden now by the very closeness of their 10 application to the moment, are destined hereafter to wide fame. What pregnant definitions; what unerring common sense; what foresight; and, on great occasion, what lofty, and more than national, what 15 humane tone! His brief speech at Gettysburg will not easily be surpassed by words on any recorded occasion. This, and one other American speech, that of John Brown to the court that tried him, 20 and a part of Kossuth's speech at Birmingham, can only be compared with each other, and with no fourth.

His occupying the chair of State was a triumph of the good-sense of mankind, 25 and of the public conscience. This middle-class country had got a middle-class President, at last. Yes, in manners and sympathies, but not in powers, for his powers were superior. This man grew 30 according to the need. His mind mastered the problem of the day; and, as the problem grew, so did his comprehension of it. Rarely was man so fitted to the event. In the midst of fears and jeal- 35 ousies, in the Babel of counsels and parties, this man wrought incessantly with all his might and all his honesty, laboring to find what the people wanted, and how to obtain that. It cannot be said 40 there is an exaggeration of his worth. If ever a man was fairly tested, he was. There was no lack of resistance, nor of slander, nor of ridicule. The times have allowed no state secrets; the nation has 45 been in such ferment, such multitudes had to be trusted, that no secret could be kept. Every door was ajar, and we know all that befell.

Then, what an occasion was the whirl- 50 wind of the war. Here was place for no holiday magistrate, no fair-weather sailor; the new pilot was hurried to the helm in a tornado. In four years, four years of battle-days, his endurance, his fertility 55 of resources, his magnanimity, were sorely tried and never found wanting. There, by his courage, his justice, his even tem

per, his fertile counsel, his humanity, he stood a heroic figure in the center of a heroic epoch. He is the true history of the American people in his time. Step by step he walked before them; slow with their slowness, quickening his march by theirs, the true representative of this continent; an entirely public man; father of his country, the pulse of twenty millions throbbing in his heart, the thought of their minds articulated by his tongue.

Adam Smith remarks that the ax, which in Houbraken's portraits of British kings and worthies is engraved under those who have suffered at the block, adds a certain lofty charm to the picture. And who does not see, even in this tragedy so recent, how fast the terror and ruin of the massacre are already burning into glory around the victim? Far happier this fate than to have lived to be wished away; to have watched the decay of his own faculties; to have seen,- perhaps even he, the proverbial ingratitude of statesmen; to have seen mean men preferred. Had he not lived long enough to keep the greatest promise that ever man made to his fellow-men, the practical abolition of slavery? He had seen Tennessee, Missouri and Maryland emancipate their slaves. He had seen Savannah, Charleston and Richmond surrendered; had seen the main army of the rebellion lay down its arms. He had conquered the public opinion of Canada, England and France. Only Washington can compare with him in fortune.

And what if it should turn out, in the unfolding of the web, that he had reached the term; that this heroic deliverer could no longer serve us; that the rebellion had touched its natural conclusion, and what remained to be done required new and uncommitted hands,- a new spirit born out of the ashes of the war; and that Heaven, wishing to show the world a completed benefactor, shall make him serve his country even more by his death than by his life? Nations, like kings, are not good by facility and complaisance. The kindness of kings consists in justice and strength.' Easy good-nature has been the dangerous foible of the Republic, and it was necessary that its enemies should outrage it, and drive us to unwonted firmness, to secure the salvation of this country in the next ages.

The ancients believed in a serene and

beautiful Genius which ruled in the affairs of nations; which, with a slow but stern justice, carried forward the fortunes of certain chosen houses, weeding out single offenders or offending families, and securing at last the firm prosperity of the favorites of Heaven. It was too narrow a view of the Eternal Nemesis. There is a serene Providence which rules the fate of nations, which makes little account of time, little of one generation or race, makes no account of disasters, conquers alike by what is called defeat or by what is called victory, thrusts aside enemy and obstruction, crushes everything immoral as inhuman, and obtains the ultimate triumph of the best race by the sacrifice of everything which resists the moral laws of the world. It makes its own instruments, creates the man for the time, trains him in poverty, inspires his genius, and arms him for his task. It has given every race its own talent, and ordains that only that race which combines perfectly with the virtues of all shall endure.

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With Nathaniel Hawthorne the Puritanism of New England, which on its esthetic side had for two centuries lain cold and sterile, burst suddenly into blossom, a pale night blossom as if from old decay and ruin. He had been born in old Salem, Massachusetts, center of the grimmest traditions of Puritanism. One ancestor had been a judge in the witchcraft trials; others had been sea captains in the days when Salem was a leading New England port. In the boyhood of Hawthorne the commerce of the port was dead, the docks were moldering away, and everywhere one felt the sense of a glory departed, of an old regime forever gone. The boy's early training was in accord with his surroundings and his inheritance. His father, a sea captain, had died in South America of fever, and his mother had taken her little four-years'-old son into a seclusion from the world that had its effect upon all his later life. He was fitted for college by a tutor, he spent many months almost alone on a half wild estate of the family in Maine, and, because of this estate, was attracted to the little Maine college of Bowdoin which he entered at length in the same class as Longfellow. Here again his life was shy and solitary. He was much alone pondering over a romance which took shape in his senior year and later was published under the title Fanshawe. After his graduation in 1825 he settled again in old Salem without aim or profession, writing, dreaming, wandering about the city at night.- strange career for a healthy young man just out of college. Much that he wrote he burned: some of it he sent to weekly papers to be published in the story columns with never a thought of payment. In 1837 he gathered up some of his old material from newspapers and magazines and annuals and issued it under the title Twice-Told Tales,- twice-told since they had already appeared once in maga zines or annuals.

But such a life of seclusion without income could not last forever. In 1839 he secured a minor position in the Boston Custom House, remaining until 1841, when, attracted by the new Brook Farm propaganda which everywhere was arousing the thinking men of New England, he went with George Ripley and some fifteen others to the farm which Ripley had bought at West Roxbury and began that community life which forms such a picturesque part of his biography. The following year he left the farm and was married to Miss Sophia Peabody of Salem. The next four years he spent in the Old Manse at Concord leaving it in 1846 to become surveyor of cus toms at Salem, a post that he secured through his college mate, President Pierce. The spoils system displacing him in 1849, he lived for a time at Lenox, then at West Newton, Massachusetts, and finally in 1852 at Concord where he purchased the Wayside which was to be his permanent home. A year, and again he was on the move. He had been appointed Consul at Liverpool, and in England and on the Continent he lived for the next six years.

His pen had been busy. Before his marriage in 1842 he had published books for children, at least four volumes headed by Grandfather's Chair. Now he began to write with more ambitious outlook. In 1842 appeared the second series of Twice-Told Tales, in 1846, Mosses from an Old Manse, in 1850 The Scarlet Letter, and in 1851 The House of the Seven Gables, The Wonder Book, the Snow Image, and True Stories, and in 1852 The Blithedale Romance.

The fruit of Hawthorne's long residence abroad, aside from his note-books published after his death, was The Marble Faun, a tale of Italy, 1860, and Our Old Home, a series of English studies, 1863. On his return to America he entered upon what he believed was to be the great period of his literary career. He planned romance after romance, some of which like Septimius Felton, The Dolliver Romance, and Dr. Grimshawe's Secret he brought more or less near to completion, but the old skill had left him. Something, a subtle disease perhaps, a mysterious decay which no physician might diagnose, had laid hold upon him. In 1864, hoping that a tour of the White Mountains, which always had been his delight, might restore him, he set out with his old friend, President Pierce, for the valley of the Great Stone Face. But he was destined never to arrive there. He died May 18 at Plymouth, New Hampshire, just at the gateway of the mountains.

At his funeral at Concord his unfinished manuscripts were laid upon his coffin and the poet Longfellow read most feelingly the poem that all now know so well, with its pathetic closing


Ah! who shall lift that wand of magic power,

And the lost clue regain?

The unfinished window in Aladdin's tower
Unfinished must remain!


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So! I have climbed high, and my reward is small. Here I stand, with wearied knees, earth, indeed, at a dizzy depth below, but heaven far, far beyond me still. O, that I could soar up into the very zenith, where man never breathed, nor eagle ever flew, and where the ethereal azure melts away from the eye, and ap- 10 pears only a deepened shade of nothingness! And yet I shiver at that cold and solitary thought. What clouds are gathering in the golden west, with direful intent against the brightness and warmth 15 of this summer afternoon! They are ponderous air ships, black as death, and freighted with the tempest; and at intervals their thunder, the signal guns of that unearthly squadron, rolls distant along 20 the deep of heaven. These nearer heaps of fleecy vapor - methinks I could roll and toss upon them the whole day long! seem scattered here and there for the repose of tired pilgrims through the sky. 25 Perhaps for who can tell?-beautiful spirits are disporting themselves there, and will bless my mortal eye with the brief appearance of their curly locks of golden light, and laughing faces, fair and faint 30 as the people of a rosy dream. Or, where the floating mass so imperfectly obstructs the color of the firmament, a slender foot and fairy limb, resting too heavily upon the frail support, may be thrust through, 35 and suddenly withdrawn, while longing fancy follows them in vain. Yonder again is an airy archipelago, where the sunbeams love to linger in their journeyings through space. Every one of those little 40 clouds has been dipped and steeped in radiance, which the slightest pressure might disengage in silvery profusion, like water wrung from a seamaid's hair. Bright they are as a young man's visions, 45 and, like them, would be realized in chilliness, obscurity, and tears. I will look on them no more.

In three parts of the visible circle, whose center is this spire, I discern cultivated 50 fields, villages, white country-seats, the waving lines of rivulets, little placid lakes, and here and there a rising ground, that would fain be termed a hill. On the fourth side is the sea, stretching away towards a viewless boundary, blue and calm, except where the passing anger of a shadow flits across its surface, and is

gone. Hitherward, a broad inlet penetrates far into the land; on the verge of the harbor, formed by its extremity, is a town; and over it am I, a watchman, allheeding and unheeded. O, that the multitude of chimneys could speak, like those of Madrid, and betray, in smoky whispers, the secrets of all who, since their first foundation, have assembled at the hearths within! O, that the Limping Devil of Le Sage would perch beside me here, extend his wand over this contiguity of roofs, uncover every chamber, and make me familiar with their inhabitants! The most desirable mode of existence might be that of a spiritual Paul Pry, hovering invisible round man and woman, witnessing their deeds, searching into their hearts, borrowing brightness from their felicity and shade from their sorrow, and retaining no emotion peculiar to himself. But none of these things are possible; and if I would know the interior of brick walls, or the mystery of human bosoms, I can but guess.

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Yonder is a fair street, extending north and south. The stately mansions placed each on its carpet of verdant grass, and a long flight of steps extends from every door to the pavement. Ornamental trees. the broad-leafed horse-chestnut, the elm so lofty and bending, the graceful but infrequent willow, and others whereof I know not the namesgrow thrivingly among brick and stone. The oblique rays of the sun are intercepted by these green citizens, and by the houses, so that one side of the street is a shaded and pleasant walk. On its whole extent there is now but a single passenger, advancing from the upper end; and he, unless distance and the medium of a pocket spyglass do him more than justice, is a fine young man of twenty. He saunters slowly forward, slapping his left hand with his folded gloves, bending his eyes upon the pavement, and sometimes raising them to throw a glance before him. Certainly, he has a pensive air. Is he in doubt, or in debt? Is he, if the question be allowable, in love? Does he strive to be melancholy and gentleman-like? Or, is he merely overcome by the heat? But I bid him farewell for the present. The door of one of the houses an aristocratic edifice, with curtains of purple and gold waving from the windows, is now opened, and down the stens come two ladies, swinging their parasols, and lightly arrayed for a

summer ramble. Both are young, both are pretty, but methinks the left-hand lass is the fairer of the twain; and, though she be so serious at this moment, I could swear that there is a treasure of gentle fun within her. They stand talking a little while upon the steps, and finally proceed up the street. Meantime, as their faces are now turned from me, I may look elsewhere.


self on the inner side of the pavement, nearest the Venus to whom I — enacting, on a steeple-top, the part of Paris on the top of Ida-adjudged the golden apple.

In two streets, converging at right angles towards my watch-tower, I distinguish three different processions. One is a proud array of voluntary soldiers, in bright uniform, resembling, from the 10 height whence I look down, the painted veterans that garrison the windows of a toy-shop. And yet, it stirs my heart; their regular advance, their nodding plumes, the sun-flash on their bayonets and musket barrels, the roll of their drums ascending past me, and the fife ever and anon piercing through these things have wakened a warlike fire, peaceful though I be. Close to their rear marches a battalion of schoolboys, ranged in crooked and irregular platoons, shouldering sticks, thumping a harsh and unripe clatter from an instrument of tin, and ridiculously aping the intricate manoeuvers of the foremost band. Nevertheless, as slight differences are scarcely perceptible from a church spire, one might be tempted to ask, 'Which are the boys? or rather, Which the men?' But, leaving these, let us turn to the third


Upon that wharf, and down the corresponding street, is a busy contrast to the quiet scene which I have just noticed. Business evidently has its center there, and many a man is wasting the summer 15 afternoon in labor and anxiety, in losing riches or in gaining them, when he would be wiser to flee away to some pleasant country village, or shaded lake in the forest, or wild and cool sea-beach. I see ves- 20 sels unloading at the wharf, and precious merchandise strewn upon the ground, abundantly as at the bottom of the sea, the market whence no goods return, and where there is no captain nor supercargo to render an account of sales. Here the clerks are diligent with their paper and pencils, and sailors ply the block and tackle that hang over the hold, accompan"ing their toil with cries, long drawn and 30 procession, which, though sadder in outroughly melodious, till the bales and puncheons ascend to upper air. At a little distance a group of gentlemen are assembled round the door of a warehouse. Grave seniors be they, and I would wager 35 - if it were safe in these times to be responsible for any one that the least eminent among them might vie with the old Vicentio, that incomparable trafficker of Pisa. I can even select the wealthiest 40 of the company. It is the elderly personage, in somewhat rusty black, with powdered hair, the superfluous whiteness of which is visible upon the cape of his coat. His twenty ships are wafted on some of 45 their many courses by every breeze that blows, and his name - I will venture to say, though I know it not - is a familiar sound among the far separated merchants of Europe and the Indies.

ward show, may excite identical reflections in the thoughtful mind. It is a funeral. A hearse, drawn by a black and bony steed, and covered by a dusty pall; two or three coaches rumbling over the stones, their drivers half asleep; a dozen couple of careless mourners in their every-day attire; such was not the fashion of our fathers, when they carried a friend to his grave. There is now no doleful clang of the bell to proclaim sorrow to the town. Was the King of Terrors more awful in those days than in our own, that wisdom and philosophy have been able to produce this change? Not so. Here is a proof that he retains his proper majesty. The military men and the military boys are wheeling round the corner, and meet the funeral full in the face. 50 mediately the drum is silent, all but the tap that regulates each simultaneous footfall. The soldiers yield the path to the dusty hearse and unpretending train, and the children quit their ranks, and cluster on the sidewalks, with timorous and instinctive curiosity. The mourners ter the churchyard at the base of the steeple, and pause by an open grave among

But I bestow too much of my attention in this quarter. On looking again to the long and shady walk, I perceive that the two fair girls have encountered the young man. After a sort of shyness in the 55 recognition, he turns back with them. Moreover, he has sanctioned my taste in regard to his companions by placing him



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