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"The Dispute, then, appears to me be brought to this Point : Whether the redress of any Grievances the Colonists have reason to complain of shall precede, or be postponed to the Settlement of that just Proportion which America should bear towards the common Support and Defence of the whole British Empire.

"You have, in the Resolution of the House of Commons, which I have Authority to tell you is entirely approved of by His Majesty, a Solemn Declaration, that an Exemption from any Duty, Tax, or Assessment, present or future, except such duties as may be expedient for the Regulation of Commerce, shall be the immediate Consequence of Proposals on the Part of any of the Colony Legislatures, accepted by His Majesty and the two Houses of Parliament, to make Provision, according to their respective Circumstances, for contributing their Proportion to the common Defence, and the support of the civil Government of each Colony.

"I will not do you so much Injustice, Gentlemen, as to suppose you can desire a better Security for the inviolable performance of this Engagement, than the Resolve itself, and His Majesty's Approbation of it, gives you.

"As you are the first Assembly on the Continent to whom this Resolution has been communicated, much depends on the Moderation and Wisdom of your Councils, and you will be deservedly revered to the latest Posterity, if, by any possible Means, you can be Instrumental in restoring the public Tranquility, and rescuing both Countries from the dreadful Calamities of a Civil War. "JOHN PENN.

"May the 2d, 1775."

MEMORANDUM, 4th May, 1775.

A Committee of Assembly this day waited on the Governor, and presented him the following Message, in Answer to His Honor's Message of the second Instant, Viz":

A Message to the Governor from the Assembly.

"May it please your Honour :

"We have taken into our serious Consideration your Message of the second Instant, and the Resolution of the British House of Commons,' therein referred to.

"Having weighed and considered this Plan with the Temper, Calmness, and Deliberation that the Importance of the Subject and the present critical Situation of Affairs demand,' we are sincerely sorry that We cannot think the Terms pointed out' afford' a just and reasonable Ground for a final Accommodation' between Great Britain and the Colonies.

"Your Honor observes, 'that the Colonies amidst all those Complaints, which a jealousy of their Liberties has occasioned, have

never denied the Justice or Equity of their contributing towards the Burthens of the Mother Country;' but your Honour must know, that they have ever unanimously asserted it as their indisputable Right, that all Aids from them should be their own free and voluntary Gifts, not taken by Force, nor extorted by Fear.

"Under which of these Descriptions 'the Plan held forth and offered by the Parent to her Children,' at this Time, with its attendant Circumstances, deserves to be Classed, we chuse rather to submit to the determination of your Honor's good Sense than to attempt proving by the enumeration of notorious Facts, or the repetition of obvious Reasons.

"If no other Objection to the Plan proposed occurred to us, we should esteem it a dishonorable desertion of Sister Colonies, connected by an Union founded on just motives and mutual Faith, and conducted by general Councils, for a single Colony to adopt a Measure so extensive in Consequence without the advice and Consent of those Colonies engaged with us, by solemn Ties, in the same Common Cause.

"For we wish your Honor to be assured that we can form no Prospect appearing reasonable to us, of any lasting advantages for Pennsylvania, however agreeable they may be at the Beginning, but what must arise from a communication of Rights and Prosperity with the other Colonies, and that if such a Prospect should be opened to us, we have too sincere an Affection for our Brethren, and too strict a Regard for the inviolable performance of our Engagements' to receive any Pleasure from Benefits equally due to them, yet confined to ourselves, and which, by generously rejecting them at present, may at length be secured to all.

"Your Honor is pleased to observe, 'that as we are the first Assembly on the Continent to whom this Resolution has been communicated, much depends on the Moderation and Wisdom of our Council, and we shall be deservedly revered to the latest Posterity, if, by any possible Means,' we 'can be instrumental in restoring the public Tranquility and rescueing both Countries from the dreadful Calamities of a Civil War.'

"Your Honor, from a long residence and Conversation among us, must be persuaded that the People we represent are as peaceable and Obedient to Government, as true and faithful to their Sovereign, and as affectionate and dutiful to their Parent State, as any in the World, and though we are not inattentive to the Approbation of Posterity, as it might reflect Honor upon our Country, yet higher Motives have taught us upon all Occasions to demonstrate, by every Testimony, our Devotion to our King and Parent State.

"Still animated by the same Principles, and most earnestly desirous of enjoying our former undisturbed State of dependance and subordination, productive of so many Blessings to both Countries,' we cannot express the Satisfaction we should receive, if by any possible Means, We could be instrumental in restoring the public

tranquility.' Should such an Opportunity offer, we should endeavour with the utmost Diligence and Zeal to improve it, and to convince His Majesty and our Mother Country that we shall ever be ready and willing with our Lives and Fortunes to support the Interests of His Majesty and that Country, by every Effort that can be reasonably expected from the most loyal Subjects and the most dutiful Colonist.

"Until Divine Providence shall cause, in the Course of His Dispensations, such a happy Period to arrive, we can only deprecate, and if it be possible endeavour by prudence to avoid the Calamities of a Civil War ;' a dreadful Misfortune indeed! and not to be exceeded but by an utter subversion of the Liberties of America.

Signed by order of the House.

"May the 4th, 1775."

"JOHN MORTON, Speaker.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Saturday 6th May, 1775.

[blocks in formation]

The Governor laid before the Board two Bills which had been kept under advisement since the last Meeting of the Assembly, and are entituled as follow, viz' :

"An Act for confirming the Estate of Daniel Andrews, in and to certain Lands in Amity Township, in the County of Chester."

"An Act to suppress the holding of Fairs within the City of Philadelphia."

Which being read and considered, were returned to the House by the Secretary, with The Governor's Assent to the first mentioned Bill, and the following Amendments made to the latter, Viz":

[The amendments are not here inserted.]


Tuesday 9th May, 1775.

A Committee of Assembly again waited on the Governor with the Bill for suppressing the holding of Fairs, and acquainted His Honor that the House could not admit his proposed Amendments, and therefore adhered to the Bill.

Friday May 12th, 1775.

A Committee of Assembly waited on the Governor, and acquainted him that the House proposed to adjourn to the 19th of June next, to which His Honor made no Objection.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Tuesday 16th May, 1775.


The Honourable JOHN PENN, Esquire, Governor.

James Tilghman, Esquires.
Andrew Allen,

The Governor acquainted the Board that eight Cayuga Indians came to Town on Saturday last from Canasadego, on the Cayuga Branch of Susquehanna, on some Business with this Government, and that he now proposed to hear what they had to say. Whereupon the Board agreed that they should be immediately sent for, and they were accordingly introduced. Their names are as follow, Viz:

[The names are not here inserted.]

The Governor then acquainting them that he was ready to hear them, addressing himself to the Governor, first went through some short usual Ceremonies of clearing the Throat and Heart, and opening the Ears, &c" and then producing a Belt of Wampum, spoke as follows, Viz: That three of their Company, who were present as the nearest. (surviving Relations of the old Seneca Sohaes, who lived for many Years with his Family and Connections on a Tract of Land within the Manor of Conestogo, in Lancaster County; that the old Man with his Family and Relations were several Years ago Murdered there by some wicked Men belonging to this Government; and that the said Tract of Land, containing about 500 Acres, now became the Property of his three Relations present, one of whom is Sohae's Brother; that they had come down at this time to see their Brother Onas, and to make Sale of the said Land to him; That the Land is very rich, and worth a great deal of Money, but as their Brother Onas was himself well acquainted with its value, they desired he would purchase it from them for such a price as he thought reasonable, and they would be entirely satisfied. He then delivered the Belt of Wampum to the Governor, and told him that he had finished what he had to say.

The Governor thereupon acquainted the Indians that he and his Council would take their Speech into Consideration, and give them an answer on Thursday morning.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Thursday, 18th May, 1775.

[blocks in formation]

The eight Cayuga Indians being sent for, attended at the Board in order to receive the Governor's Answer to their Speech on tuesday last, which the Governor in part delivered to them; but as it appeared to the Board that the Indians did not clearly and fully comprehend his meaning, the Person who undertook to them not being sufficiently acquainted with their Language, and the Indians expressing great Dissatisfaction on being informed that this Land had already been purchased and paid for, it was agreed that Isaac Still, a Delaware Indian Interpreter, should be immediately sent for, to interpret the Governor's answer to the Indians in Council, on Saturday morning next.

The Records of the Conviction of Andrew Stewart and John McAllister, for Counterfeiting the Bills of Credit of this Province, and of Samuel Short, for Felony and Burglary, at the last Court of Oyer and Terminer and general Gaol delivery, held at Philadelphia, on the tenth day of April last, before Benjamin Chew, Thomas Willing and John Morton Esquires, were laid before the Board and considered, and there being no circumstances the least favourable in the Case of either of the said Criminals reported to the Governor by the Judges of the said Court, it was the opinion of the Board that the Sentence of the Court against them should be executed on Saturday the third day of June next, and Warrants for that Purpose were ordered to be issued accordingly.

At a Council held at Philadelphia, on Saturday 20th May, 1775.


The Honourable JOHN PENN, Esquire, Governor.

William Logan,
James Tilghman,

Andrew Allen,

Edward Shippen, Jun' Esquires. The eight Cayuga Indians, by desire of the Governor, again attended the Board, with the Indian Interpreter Isaac Still, and having taken their seats, the Speaker repeated over the speech he had delivered to the Governor on Tuesday last, which was the same in substance as entered on the minutes of that Day, and the Governor returned them his Answer, which was fully explained to them by Isaac Still, and is as follows, Viz":

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