Townsend's monthly selection of Parisian costumes1885 |
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12 buttons alpaca back and front back drapery back pleats band basques beads bengaline body braid broché brown BURNLEY WOOD cape cashmere chemisette Chemists Chest measure child cloth Coat colour Corsage à gilet cuffs deep band DEVERE'S Dora draped overskirt Draped polonaise draped tablier draperies and bouffant Dressmakers edge Elegant style embroidered fashionable finished flounce Full-sized patterns girl of 12 Goldie handsome Harry Gray Hunde Elegant inches wide Jack Jacket JEWSBURY Kelso Place Latimer London LOUIS DEVERE Lullington Mantle MARKET STREET MANCHESTER Mary materials neck NOVELTY Patented numbered ORIENTAL TOOTH PASTE ornamented ottoman overskirt and bouffant Paletot passementerie Pelisse Peter Garwood plain plastron pleated back pleats at back plissé plush Pointed corsage pretty price 6d Princess Redingote revers ribbon round Sainton satin seam serge silk skirt sleeves stamps striped Toilette Toilette for girl trimmed underskirt velvet Visite waist Walking Dress Wardour wear worn young lady
第11页 - It is good to be merry and wise, It is good to be honest and true, It is good to be off with the old love Before you are on with the new.
第12页 - For FEMALES these Pills are truly excellent, removing all obstructions, the distressing Headache so very prevalent with the sex, Depression of Spirits, Dulness of Sight, Nervous Affections, Blotches, Pimples, and Sallowness of the Skin, and give a Healthy Bloom to the Complexion. Sold by all Medicine Vendors at is.
第21页 - BLAIR'S GOUT PILLS. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. The excruciating pain is quickly relieved and cured in a few days by this celebrated Medicine. These Fills require no restraint of Diet during their use, and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part. Sold by all Chemists at Is.
第12页 - Healing qualities render the skin soft, pliable, and free from dryness, &c., clear it from every humour, pimple, or eruption ; and by continuing its use only a short time, the skin will become and continue soft and smooth, and the complexion perfectly clear and beautiful.