The Poems of Andrew Marvell

Pearson Longman, 2003 - 468 頁

The latest edition to the Longman Annotated English Poets series is a complete works of the seventeenth century poet, Andrew Marvell. Marvell's poetry is renowned for its irony, subtlety and allusiveness and Nigel Smith shows how such literary qualities were developed and the various ways in which the complexity of meanings may be interpreted. The aim of this book is to present through commentary and annotation, a full historical and literary context to Marvell's poetry and it does so in its comprehensive and accurately balanced scholarship.



Ad Regem Carolum Parodia
To his Noble Friend Mr Richard Lovelace upon his Poems
A Dialogue Between the Resolved Soul and Created Pleasure

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關於作者 (2003)

Andrew Marvell was born on March 31, 1621 at Winestead-in-Holderness, Yorkshire. He graduated from Cambridge University in 1638. He acted as the tutor of the daughter of the Lord General of parliamentary forces and of Oliver Cromwell's ward. Marvell was also John Milton's assistant. Marvell's best known poem is "To His Coy Mistress." Under false names, he wrote numerous political and religious satires. Andrew Marvell died on August 16, 1678, the circumstances of his death questionable. Some claim that he died of an accidental medical overdose while others feel that he was poisoned by his enemies.
