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son from the kingdom of grace and glory?

Answ. Let the presiding elder, in the absence of a bishop, call as many travelling ministers as he shall think iit, at least three: and if possible bring the accused and accuser face to face. If the person be clearly convicted, he shall be suspended from all official services in the church, til the ensuing yearly conference; at which his case shall be fully consid ered and determined. But if the aeeused be a presiding elder, the preachers must call in the presiding elder of the neighbouring district, who is required to attend, and preside at the trial.

If the accused and accuser cannot. be brought face to face, but the sup posed delinquent flees from trial, it shall be received as a presumptive proof of guilt; and out of the mouth of two or three witnesses he shall be condemned. Nevertheless, even in that ease the yearly conference shall re-consider and determine the whole matter.

Quest. 2. What shall be done in

cases of improper tempers, words, or actions?

Answ. The person sc offending shall be reprehended by his senior in office. Should a second transgression take place, one, two, or three ministers or preachers are to be taken as witnesses. If he be not then cured, he shall be tried at the next yearly conference, and, if found guilty and impenitent, shall be expelled from the connexion, and his name so returned in the minutes of the conference.

Quest. 3. What shall be done with those ministers or preachers, who hold and preach doctrines which are contrary to our articles of religion?

Answ. Let the same process be observed as in cases of gross immorality; but if the minister or preachcr so offending do solemnly engage, neither to preach nor defend such erroneous doctrines in public or in private, he shall be borne with, till his case be laid before the next yearly conference, which shall determine the matter.

Provided nevertheless, that in all

the above-mentioned cases of trial and conviction, an appeal to the ensuing general conference shall be allowed.


How to provide for the Circuits in time of Conference, and to preserve and increase the Work of God.

Quest. What can be done to supply the circuits during the sitting of the conference?

Answ. 1. Let all the appointments stand according to the plan of the circuit.

2. Engage as many local preachers and exhorters as will supply them; and let them be paid for their time in proportion to the allowance of the travelling preachers.

3. If preachers and exhorters cannot attend, let some person of ability be appointed in every society, to sing, pray, and read one of Mr. Wesley's Sermons.

4. But if that cannot be done, let there be prayer-meetings.


Of the Local Preachers.

Quest. 1. What directions shall be given concerning oar brethren, the focal preachers, respecting their being received as preachers, and admitted into the order of deacons and elders?

Answ. 1. No local preacher shall receive a license to preach, till he has been examined and approved at the quarterly meeting of his circuit; which license shall be drawn up in the following words, signed by the president of the meeting, viz. “N. M. has applied to us for liberty to preach as a local preacher in our cireuit; and after due enquiry concerning his gifts, grace, and usefulness, we judge he is a proper person to be licensed for this purpose; and we accordingly authorise him to preach."

2. Before any person shall be licensed as a local preacher, by a quarterly meeting, he shall bring a recommendation from the society of which he is a member.

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3. A local preacher shall be eligible to the office of a deacon, after he has preached for four years from the time he received a regular license, and has obtained a testimonial from the quarterly meeting of the circuit to which he belongs, after proper examination, signed by the president, and countersigned by the secretary, and his character has passed in examination before, and he has obtained the approbation of the yearly conference.

4. A local deacon shall be eligible to the office of an elder, after he has preached four years from the time he was ordained a deacon, and has obtained a recommendation from two thirds of the quarterly meeting conference of which he is a member, certifying his qualifications in doctrine, discipline, talents and usefulness, and the necessity of his official services as an elder in the circuit where he resides; signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary. He shall, if he cannot attend, send to the annual conference such recommendation, and a noto

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