The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 第 7 卷Vernor, Hood, & Sharpe, 1806 |
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Africa Agathias ambassadors Anastasius ancient Anecdot Antonina Arian arms army avarice Barbarians Belisarius Bibliot Boethius Byzantine camp Campania capital captives Carthage Cassiodorius cavalry CHAP Chosroes Chron church Colchos command conqueror conquest Constantinople danger Danube death disgrace East emperor empire empress enemy Ennodius eunuch Euxine faithful favour fleet gates Gelimer gold Gothic king Gothic war Goths Greek guards hero Heruli Hist honour horses hundred Huns Italy John Malala Jornandes justice Justinian kingdom labour Lilybæum merit miles military Mingrelia monarch Muratori Naples Narses nation nephew nian Nushirvan palace Pavia peace perhaps Persian præfect prince Procopius Procopius Goth provinces Ravenna reign restored Roman Rome royal ruin Sclavonians senate Sicily siege slaves soldiers soon sovereign spirit subjects success Theodora Theodoric Theophanes thousand throne tion Totila treasures treaty troops Turks valour Vandals victory virtue Vitiges walls XLII XLIII XXXIX
第 48 頁 - The celestial guide, whom he had so long invoked at Rome and Athens, now condescended to illumine his dungeon, to revive his courage, and to pour into his wounds her salutary balm. She taught him to compare his long prosperity and his recent distress, and to conceive new hopes from the inconstancy of fortune. Reason had informed him of the precarious condition of her gifts; experience had satisfied him of their real value; he had enjoyed them without guilt; he might resign them without a sigh, and...
第 78 頁 - Anastasius, this popular frenzy was inflamed by religious zeal; and the greens, who had treacherously concealed stones and daggers under baskets of fruit, massacred at a solemn festival three thousand of their blue adversaries.
第 92 頁 - ... of Pliny the use of pure or even of mixed silks was confined to the female sex, till the opulent citizens of Rome and the provinces were insensibly familiarized with the example of Elagabalus, the first who, by this effeminate habit, had sullied the dignity of an emperor and a man. Aurelian complained that a pound of silk was sold at Rome for twelve ounces of gold; but the supply increased with the demand, and the price diminished with the supply.
第 416 頁 - ... countries most exposed to these formidable concussions, since they are caused by subterraneous fires, and such fires are kindled by the union and fermentation of iron and sulphur. But their times and effects appear to lie beyond the reach of human curiosity; and the philosopher will discreetly abstain from the prediction of earthquakes, till he has...
第 407 頁 - ... the fairest offers of ambition and revenge should stoop to the murder of his prince, whom he could not long expect to survive. His followers were impatient to fly; but flight must have been supported by rebellion, and he had lived enough for nature and for glory. Belisarius appeared before the council with less fear than indignation: after forty years' service the emperor had prejudged his guilt ; and injustice was sanctified by the presence and authority of the patriarch.
第 76 頁 - The four factions soon acquired a legal establishment, and a mysterious origin, and their fanciful colours were derived from the various appearances of nature in the four seasons of the year ; the red dog-star of summer, the snows of winter, the deep shades of autumn, and the cheerful verdure of the spring.
第 45 頁 - ... a water-clock, or a sphere which represented the motions of the planets. From these abstruse speculations, Boethius stooped, or, to speak more truly, he rose to the social duties of public and private life : the indigent were relieved by his liberality ; and his eloquence, which flattery might compare to the voice of Demosthenes or Cicero, was uniformly exerted in the cause of innocence and humanity. Such conspicuous merit was felt and rewarded by a discerning prince : the dignity of Boethius...
第 117 頁 - ... the monarch. Anthemius formed the design, and his genius directed the hands of ten thousand workmen, whose payment in pieces of fine silver was never delayed beyond the evening. The emperor himself, clad in a linen tunic, surveyed each day their rapid progress, and encouraged their diligence by his familiarity, his zeal, and his rewards. The new cathedral of St. Sophia was consecrated by the patriarch, five years, eleven months, and ten days from the first foundation; and in the midst of the...
第 120 頁 - The solid piles which sustained the cupola were composed of huge blocks of freestone, hewn into squares and triangles, fortified by circles of iron, and firmly cemented by the infusion of lead and quicklime ; but the weight of the cupola was diminished by the levity of its substance, which consists either of pumice-stone, that floats in the water, or of bricks from the isle of Rhodes, five times less ponderous than the ordinary sort. The whole frame of the edifice was constructed of brick ; but those...
第 181 頁 - ... of the people. The fortifications of Carthage had alone been exempted from the general proscription; but in the reign of ninety-five years they were suffered to decay by the thoughtless and indolent Vandals. A wiser conqueror restored, with incredible despatch, the walls and ditches of the city. His liberality encouraged the workmen ; the soldiers, the mariners, and the citizens vied with each other in the salutary labour; and Gelimer, who had feared to trust his person in an open town, beheld...